31.3.2k Swedish And Danish Amiga Magazines
It is not only bad things going on in the market for Amiga magazines. About three months ago the Amiga
community in Sweden again got access to a magazine about Amiga in their own language. This magazine is
produced by the danish magazine Amiga Advis in cooperation with Rolf Eric.
Read more (english, swedish, danish)
Amiga Advis
31.3.2k Mr. Hardware on Amiga2K
Mr. Hardware Computers will be showing their Wireless keyboard and mouse combination model #MRHWKM-1 at the Amiga2K show.
Mr. Hardware Computers will also have their PC to Amiga keyboard adapters with additional functions mapped in.
Mr. Hardware Computers will have the long awaited for S-Base4 version 3.6 available with many fixes.
Mr. Hardware Computers will have a limited supply of New S-Base4 documentation books available.
Russ Norrby, Mr. Hardware
Bob Scharp, Amiga2k show
31.3.2k 700Mhz and 1GHz G4s to come.. and G5
31.3.2k Software News
AmigaAMP 2.8 BETA-6 - MPEG audio player for Amiga.
The PPC engines can handle MPEG 2.5 now, there are some more popup menus, the framerate of the analyzer can be
configured (normal or fast) and playlist loading/adding has been improved.
AmigaAMP website
30.3.2k AmigaZone Fleecy Moss Chat Logs Restricted to Members Only
AmigaZone have a monthly chat with Fleecy Moss of Amiga. Previously logs were made available
to the public, but now they are only available to subscribers of the service. Before any of you freak out and start flaming, read
this explanation (by Harv Laser, founder
and sysop of The AmigaZone) placed on ANN of why it was done.
AmigaCentral Magazine website
AmigaZone website
30.3.2k Little Bug in DA II
29.3.2k 68k Asm Coder Wanted
Satanicdreams are looking for a capable 68k assembler coder to work along side the Scalos team.
The jobs will include commenting the current 10,000 source code to the main Scalos system as well as fixing the numerious small bugs and in
the future adding some additional functionality. It would also be a major advantage if the programmer had knowledge of a second language,
such as 'C'. Send your application to scalos@satanicdreams.com.
M!ke Carter, Satanic Dreams Software
29.3.2k New Paper Amiga Magazine
Grzegorz Juraszek: "I would like to inform you and all Amiga users that we have started publishing
a new paper Amiga magazine in Polish. It is called "eXec" (48 pages, with CD) and will be released
on April 8th, 2000 at Amiga Meeting 2000 fair in Lodz."
Grzegorz Juraszek, eXec
29.3.2k TWFKAA (The Website Formerly Known As Aquafresh)
Gary Storm: "Has now relocated and is now to be known as 'Symbol', which is a reflection on this world's
tendency towards.. oh, damn, someone's already nabbed that. Oh well, in that case Aquafresh will be
reborn as AmigaFresh, distributing whiter-than-white os cleaning power, and any information on the
upcoming next generation Amiga/Tao os environment. We will now have control of the following phrases:
"revolutionary", "paradigm shift","digital content universe", and "and". Any breach of their usage
will be severely punished by offenders receiving pictures of my moon. :) (that's my bare arse for
any foreigners... not a pretty sight), of which they can kiss :)
Oh, and anyone who is easily offended (hello NASA bloke) can just bugger off."
Gary Storm, AmigaFresh
29.3.2k Dynamic Fonts For IBrowse2.2
Since IBrowse changed to version 2.2, a new feature appeared, it allows to work with dynamic fonts (<FONT face=>).
Until now Amiga did not have a popular bundle of fonts as in Windows/MacOS/Unix. Now you can download the Times,
Courier, Arial, Tahoma and Verdana fonts, complete with instructions of how to install them with IBrowse2.2.
Well, it's not real CSS support but better than nothing.
Efim Shuvikov, Amiga Information Center
Amiga CSS homepage
29.3.2k AAA Awards
The voting is now closed, come back later for information about the winners of 1999 AAA Awards. The USA AAA Awards will be
presented at the Amiga 2k show in St. Louis (April 1-2). Don't miss out!
AAA Awards website
29.3.2k PowerPC World News
29.3.2k Interview with DCE
29.3.2k Don´t expect too much...
Some thoughts on the upcoming Amiga 2K. Not as negative as it might sound, but some
facts to consider by by Martin Baute.
It's probably true but it is not written as good as it should be... (ExiE)
Amiga-News.de website
29.3.2k MetaView v2.9
MetaView v2.9 - display and convert the following Graphics File Formats:
XFIG, ILBM or AMF. It's shareware.
Henk Jonas homepage
29.3.2k Software News
BPPCFix V1.4 (27.03.00) - installs itself in the list of resident modules with
a higher priority than the ppc.library. During reset, it scans the resident modules list and removes all modules which match the name
"ppc.library" (and 68040.library and 68060.library too, when the "040" option is given).
akMPEG4 v4.40 (29.3.2000) - MPEG player for CGX/AGA
(68k+PPC). It includes improved audio support.
A/NES CGFX v1.18 - NES emulator for Amiga with CGX.
Frank Wille's homepage
PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX website
ANES website
28.3.2k Amiga 2K Banquet Ticket Announcement
Bob Scharp: "The Amiga 2K show is fast approaching. With more exhibitors and advance ticket sales than
ever before. It is shapping up to be a great show. Be certain to check the web for information about the
Banquet. We have been able to secure the ability to sell tickets to the Banquet right up to Saturday,
providing we don't sell out. Tickets are limited, so if you want to be absolutely positive you get one,
send your check via overnight mail to: Amigan-St. Louis PO Box 672
Bridgeton, MO 63044 Banquet tickets are $35 each. Check or money order only please.
Bob Scharp, Amigan-St. Louis
Amiga 2k - Gateway Computer Show website
28.3.2k Amiga University wants you
Amiga University is looking for visitors and faculty for the university.
Read more
You can visit Amiga University at Amiga2K show. They will be sharing a booth with Northwest Amiga Group (NAG).
Kevin Orme, Amiga University
28.3.2k AFD-COPYRIGHT News
Dietmar Knol: "Here are some news about the project "AFD-COPYRIGHT"(TM) or "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright
Note"(TM). This Copyright Note is an offer for all Amiga developers who want to release FD-Software, be it as
Freeware, Giftware, Shareware or whatever. AFD-COPYRIGHT is now available in fifteen (15!!!) languages - all
in two formats, as plain text and as HTML-file. Read more (english, german)
Dietmar Knol via AFD ML
28.3.2k New software for Wheel support for MROOCHECK
New software for Wheel support for MROOCHECK PC Mouse Interface is now available. Also included
in this release is FreeWheel - the commodity which converts wheelmouse events into scrollbar
movement or cursor key movements. It can also map several useful functions to the wheel button,
and a fourth mouse buttons.
Darek Dulian, ELBOX
Javosoft website
28.3.2k AmigaMozilla Latest Update
28.3.2k Free banner Advertisement space on AmigaGlobe
AmigaGlobe which is dedicated to promoting the Amiga has decide to give free banner ads to
companies / organisations who are working for the betterment of the Amiga. Only people who
are promoting the Amiga should apply the banners will run for one year. FREE.
more info
Adrian Sweeney, AmigaGlobe
27.3.2k Indiana Jones 4 part 2
Robert Konrad, PR-manager of "Indy Project": As you can see on indyproject.de,
there will be an Amiga version of Indy Project. I will see after it. Perhaps I will need some more people, perhaps
I am good enough myself until then to handle it myself. See, it will take some time until the game is close to
completion, and before starting the port makes sense. I don't expect major problems with the port, but there
won't be a disk version :-("
Amiga-News.de website
Indy Project website
27.3.2k Amiga In The Press
27.3.2k AmigaExtreme Down For A While
Stefan "Syke" Falk: "AmigaExtreme will be down for a while, until I get my motivation back,
I'm not leaving, just going for a small break ..."
Peter Pan
AmigaExtreme website
27.3.2k New Virtual Ball Fighters Demo
New Demo of Virtual Ball Fighters RTG is available, the archive is 100 kb.
This demo need 68040+, 8Mb RAM, a GFX board with 2Mb of RAM (640*480*16bits), RtgMaster 42.x or higher, AHI and the old Virtual Ball
Fighters demo already installed.
Stefano Tamascelli, Xteam Software Solution
27.3.2k Digital Almanac III News
The pages of DA III have now their own space and have been removed
from the DA II pages completly. These pages will provide a full online documentation as well as a news page for the development status of
DA III. (now german only) DA III changes: DA III will run with OS 3.0 (not only OS 3.1 as previously annouced). The window refresh has
been changed in DA III. This is a very good news for all people, who had difficulties with the MUI-Windowrefresh flag. From now on, DA III
will not require this flag set to Smart.
Achim's Amiga homepage
27.6.2k Interviews With Author Of Fellow
26.3.2k Amiga 2K Press Release - Events page
The "Events and Schedule" page is now up. You can find out
all the exciting things planned for the Amiga 2K show in St. Louis, MO. USA by visiting their
web site. Lots of classes and seminars are listed for
Saturday April 1 and Sunday April 2. Plus other items of interest for developers and exhibitors on listed
for Friday March 31st. Read more
Bob Scharp, Amigan-St. Louis
Amiga 2k - Gateway Computer Show website
26.3.2k Amiga Forever News
While some of the most enthusiastic (and lucky) emulation users are reporting faster-than-060 Amiga speeds
on their new GHz-class PCs, Cloanto just made available a new set of Amiga Forever 3.0 files at
amigaforever.com. The Amiga Forever home page also includes new
links to legal downloads of classic Amiga games and other software.
Read more
Cloanto homepage
26.3.2k Amiga game music album
'Immortal' is a music CD featuring some of the best soundtracks ever composed for Amiga games. Includes the full soundtrack
from "Shadow of the Beast", as well as the best music from "Superfrog", "Turrican", "Space Station 3000", "Utopia",
"Harlequin" and other all-time great Amiga games. The CD also includes a 3D rendered video clip, allusive to the theme of
the album. For more information, please visit www.monteiro-music.com.
Ruben Monteiro, Ruben Monteiro WWW
26.3.2k Inside Commodore
Dave Haynie, a former Engineer at Commodore, has allowed to create a few .mpg videos, captured from his Camcorder that was taken
into Commodore the day they went bankrupt. These mpeg videos will give
you an inside look at Commodore West Chester PA.
Tom's Commodore Emulation website
26.3.2k Commander-ImageFX (Customizable GUI)
One of the drawbacks of many programs is the lack of a customizable user interface. Functions,
such as ARexx scripting and plug-ins, often have to be started via file requesters or
multi-level menus. This approach can slow down your workflow - and often hinder your creative
energy. Commander is the solution to that problem. Currently available for ImageFX.
Read more
dhomas trenn, young monkey studios
26.3.2k Aladdins Lamp
The last issue of Aladdin's Lamp was the 1st quarter of 1996. Published and edited by Aladdin 4D's creator; Greg Gorby,
it was a wealth of tutorials and inside information on one of the Amiga's great 3D packages. Now it's four years later
and the 'Lamp' is back!" Read more
Aladdins Lamp
ANN website
Nova Design website
26.3.2k Amiga Realm Online Shopping
AmigaRealm, one of the largest link collections for Amiga links,
has created a special page with all companies offering online shopping on their website. This way,
users have the opportunity to get an overview over Amiga articles available online. Link to the shopping
directory: www.shopping.amigarealm.com.
Amiga-News.de website
Paul Andrews, Amiga Realm
25.3.2k BoXeR Motherboard on Display at the Amiga 2K
AntiGravity.com is pleased to announce that Anti Gravity Products
will have the latest BoXeR prototype motherboard on display at the Amiga 2K Gateway show in St. Louis,
April 1-2, 2000. Manufacturing plans are under way. The BoXeR has reached final stage of development.
The final programming of the all-in-one AGA compatible chip is under way.
AmigaCentral Magazine website
24.3.2k Amiga Developers Wanted
Publishers Crystal Interactive Software are currently looking for 3rd party developers to sign up. The company will
commission Amiga conversions of popular PC and Console titles to these teams, which will be released in their
PC/Amiga dual CD range. All projects will be supervised by Crystal Interactive Software's very own Andrew Reed, who
takes care of the company's Amiga side of the business. Of course the company also still signs original 3rd party
products and submissions and enquiries are also welcome at
AmigaFlame website
Crystal Interactive Software website
24.3.2k Launch of www.amigan.com
Tom Kisner: On April 3rd www.amigan.com will launch.ust This is web site
is owned by the newly formed Grapevine Computers Inc., and will eventually include many features, at this
point I'm not sure which ones will be operational at launch date. It is being run on a fully Pearl/CGI enabled
Linux web server with a secure site certifcate for secure online purchases. The idea behind this
corporation is that it will be 100% owned by Amiga users, and at launch date users may purchase shares of
stock no matter where in the world they live." Read more
Tom Kisner, Grapevine Computers
24.3.2k Alive News
Within 6 hours of Alive's new web site being launched, they have exceeded their monthly traffic allowance!
Now Alive are in contact with several larger internet providers to find someone to cope with the traffic.
As soon as they find one they'll move the site and hopefully see no more problems.
Alive Mediasoft annouced two new games: Super Taekwondo Master - 2D beat'em up for 1 or 2 players
(AGA, CD-Rom) and Cedric and the Search for the Magic Sceptre - jump and run adventure (AGA, CD-Rom).
Read more
Alive Mediasoft website
24.3.2k BLAZEMONGER Reveals The Details
After many years of absence, Dan Barrett formerly known as BLAZEMONGER INC. is back with new witty commentary on current
situation. Enjoy
Gary Peake
24.3.2k Mitchy is back!
Amiga.org is proud to present search.amiga.org. The newly renovated and expanded search engine
is the realm of our mascot, Mitchy the Resource Retriever. Mitchy has added on a new feature which lets Amiga webmasters give
their visitors the ability to vote for their favorite site from the comfort of their own homepage.
Click for details.
Amiga.org website
24.3.2k April Graphical Artists Competition
C&C · Logo and Design, an innovative Benelux based designing company, is looking for a Graphical Artist by ways of competition.
Up to the 30th of April 2000 they welcome any graphical artist, who is interested in doing some parttime work for their company,
to join the contest. All the details can be found at their website.
Charlot Cobben, C&C · Logo and Design
24.3.2k Games News
FreeCiv v1.9 (19.03.00) -
native Amiga Compile of Freeciv 1.10.0 (Civilization clone).
Xteam Software Solution Status Update:
Virtual Ball Fighters PPC is complete, currently being betatested.
Italian version of Alchimy Laboratory Junior is complete, currently being betatested and translated to english.
A new movie is ready for downlod (need a mpg player)
First internal version of Chess Mania is completely and perfectly working. The Windows version is currently being betatested,
the Amiga version is now under development. Demo comming soon.
Cobalt Hawk is a new game currently under development. Is a shoot-em up and it demands a PPC and a GFXBoard (24bits).
Sebastian Bauer's homepage
Tamascelli Stefano, Xteam Software Solution
23.3.2k Fusion V3.2 is released
All Fusion users (and those anxiously awaiting the pending PPC release) will be pleased to here that a new upgrade
to the 68K version is now available. This release confirms the continued commitment to the 68K Macintosh
emulation, but also provides a number of improvements and enhancements. Fusion 68K V3.2 is the final upgrade
before the release of the PowerPC upgrade, which is nearing completion.
Changes to V3.2,
Blittersoft website
23.3.2k IBrowse v2.2 Update
the long awaited update (v2.2) for iBrowse2.1 is available from Hisoft's FTP server.
Some of the missing features in the demo version are: no support for ftp, gopher or mailto; only 1 browser/window open at any time and
max 2 network connections at the same time. BTW seems a lot more stable! (ExiE)
23.3.2k ALIVE site open
Alive new web site is finally open with a host of new features,
new games, hardware and serious software. As a special welcome back present, for a limited period Alive's game
Blade will be available for free download. (Please read the legal terms before downloading).
Steven Flowers: "But be warned - the site is experiencing very heavy traffic, and although we've increased
our band width to the largest account available, you may still get a request for a time-out. If this happens,
please come back later."
Alive Mediasoft website
23.3.2k New Pulse Soon
Steven Flowers: "The Pulse Issue 12 is just around the corner. We are giving you an advance opportunity
to request your copy now, as all 2500 copies of issue 11 were requested in advance and went on the day
they arrived from the printers. As we've had a good response from issue 11, we may consider
increasing this run to 3000 if demand is high enough, but we must know within the next week.
Some highlights of issue 12
Alive Mediasoft website
23.3.2k Amiga lowering A1200 prices
The newsticker at the German Amiga shop AS WebShop
reports that Amiga International is lowering prices for A1200's and quote DM 199 and DM 249 as their
respective retail prices for A1200's without HD and with 170 MB HD.
ANN website
AS WebShop page
AmigaInc. website
23.3.2k Simon The Sorcerer II Soon
Czech Amiga News - "to be or not to be"
Dear Amigans,
you are surely awaiting our statement regarding further continuation or closure of Czech Amiga News service, promissed to be released on March 21, 2000.
Due to happenings of last few days, we are happy we can tell you, the negotiations about future of our site are proceeding well, and Czech Amiga News
will remain part of future Amiga happenings. We will disclose more detail as everything will be set in the stone.
Just right now, we are looking for a) more readers :-) b) somebody who plans to attend St. Louis Amiga Show, willing to take some snapshots and write
show report, exclusively for Czech Amiga News.
So if our further negotiations will be fineshed succesfully, we will introduce several enhancements, which we believe will make our site your default
Amiga newssite forever :-) Thanks for visiting our newssite.
Czech Amiga News Team
22.3.2k Submit Questions For Amiga2k
22.3.2k Innovative AMIGA Newsletter II 3/2000
VHI Studio 5.0 and new digital camera software
Innovative announces new software for digital cameras and a new version of VLRec NG. This combination will
allow owners of digital cameras to use their device for a webcam, videoclips, timelapse-animations and
much more. Innovative still needs betatesters and asks for suggestions on which cams to write drivers for.
Read more
Dirk Baeyens has joined the fxPAINT-gallery with his
pictures. There is also a new picture by Jochen Abitz.
Innovative website
22.3.2k Alive News
ALIVE's NEW web page will be uploaded this week. Alive released 2 NEW games this week
and 7 NEW games confirmed only last night. Details should be available on the NEW
ALIVE's website.
Steven Flowers, Alive Mediasoft
22.3.2k Digital Almanach III
Digital Almanac version III with PPC support was just announced. Some of the features mentioned are:
requirement of at least OS 3.1, 12 MB RAM, more detailed documentation in HTML, QuickStart option,
to start program directly from CD, will be compiled for PPC and 68k, no Turboprint support (improved
OS 3.5 printer.device used), there will be no shareware version, only promotional one, CD only. You
can visit DA website here.
Achim's Amiga homepage
22.3.2k AmigActive Issue 7 Preview
What can you expect from your Amiga when you play Heretic II? Check the review of the full Heretic II game
only in issue 7 of Amiga Active! On sale date: Thursday, March 30th 2000.
Read more
AmigActive website
22.3.2k Software News
LAME Beta v3.66 - MP3 Encoder (020, 040, 060, PPC).
-x (byteswapping) option fix is included, and an alleged click in last frame should be gone.
Lauri Ahonen, SecondSpin author: "There must be some features missing from SecondSpin which aren't stated in the to-do
list." This is the right time to tell the author, what you are dreaming about.
Amiga Alternative Audio page
SecondSpin homepage
21.3.2k Classes at Amgia 2K to be up soon
Amiga 2K class and event schedule is nearing completion. Here's the list of interesting seminars and classes you can attend:
AniMouth Free Seminar, Millenium, ImageFX, ARexx GUI, Image Transfers, Avoiding and handling spam & scams, UPS
(Uninterruptable Power Supply) by Best Power, Providing HELP screens in programs, UPS programming, and Art & Animation
with Erick Schwartz. This isn't a complete list, so check the "Schedule" page at
Amiga 2K's web site.
Read more
Bob Scharp
21.3.2k Image Engineer competition
Would you like to WIN a free keyfile for Image Engineer?
Winner will also receive full version of Visual Puzzle as a bonus for a job well done. Somewhere at website of
Visual Engineering, there's 3 BIG hided letters. Find them all and
tell me what they are. There can be only 3 winners, so better hurry..
Marko Seppänen
21.3.2k Motorola now testing 700MHz G4e
Motorola sources are now reporting that the first fully functional G4e prototypes to be demonstrated outside
the company have recently rolled off the production line. Running at 600-700MHz, these processors sport more
than double the performance of current G4s... Read more
Christophe Decanini
MacOS Rumors website
21.3.2k Amiga In The Mainstream Press
21.3.2k AO Announces ugn.amiga.org v3.0
After a long wait, the UGN site is now back online. At this point in time there are several
links which have yet to be completed but this will be corrected in the next few days. You can visit their new events section to
get the low down on their Amiga2k coverage including the live audio.
Amiga.org website
UGN website
21.3.2k Amiga2k Live Audio Broadcast
The UGN in conjunction with Amiga Inc., Fortwaynemusic.com, and Amiga St. Louis is proud to announce
the first official live audio broadcast from an Amiga show.
Read more
UGN website
21.3.2k Pixel64 Users Wanted!
CGX team is looking for 3-4 people that use a Pixel64 gfx card from
Atéo. If you have a Pixel64 and are interested in running the CGX V4 driver for your
board please email pixel64@vgr.com with your name, email and system config.
VGR.COM website
21.3.2k Software News
Turboprint 7.11beta contains improved drivers for
Epson Stylus Color 660,740,760,860,900,1160 & Photo 750/1200 with much better print quality,
preliminary drivers for HP DeskJet 930, 950, 970 (limited to 600x600dpi printing), 48bit instead of
24bit colour precision for newer drivers; this should improve print quality also for Canon BJC 6000,
6100, 7100. This version can be installed on top of Turboprint 7.10 only. Bug reports are welcome!
IrseeSoft website
20.3.2k Amiga back from the dead again
Wired News is bringing us an article about the Amiga. The article mentions old good & bad days in Amiga history, as
well as upcoming launch of developer's platform at St. Louis show,
which is going to be held on April 1, 2000. New Tao based Amiga computer "won't be a machine people just laugh at" and
it should be "an alternative to the WinTel duopoly, a serious potential threat to the status quo." You can
read the whole article here.
Wired News website
Gary Peake on TA ML
20.3.2k Amiga Update Newsletter
20.3.2k News from Individual Computers
20.3.2k LTP IV demoparty website is open
Yes / Orange Juice: "LTP IV website is online. This demoparty will be held in France (August
2000) and support Amiga 500 and 1200 compos. Last year it was won by Scoopex so visit the site and take your ticket :)"
Yes / Orange Juice
20.3.2k Amiga Interactive Guide
20.3.2k Vaporware News
wiz's .plan (Simone Tellini): CManager 1.8 archive also contains a new SpeedBar/SpeedButton MCC version
which fixes a long-standing bug which affected people using scaled buttons on a graphic card screen.
Separate archive will be released as soon as Aminet is back. An old regutil tool slipped into CM 1.8
archive, whoops. The fixed archive is now
zapek's .plan (David Gerber): Fixed the latest annoying VFlash bug in the PPC version. It was
preventing it to work on animations triggered by mousemoves/clicks only.
beej's .plan (Ben Preece): Ever wanted more functionality in Voyager? Had a great idea for a plugin?
There's a plugin development mailing list supporting coders and their projects - check it out at
www.vapor.com/lists/ The new V3Portal is 95% complete.
VaporWare website
20.3.2k Software News
LAME Beta v3.65 - MP3 Encoder (020, 040, 060, PPC).
2nd release: -x (byteswapping) option was broken.
Snes9X v1.29 for 68K, PPC (PowerUp, WarpUp) released.
This is a major update: new rendering-routines, updated input-routines with no latency, aga-support, windowed rendering.
No sound yet. A few problems discovered few hours after the release. The largest one is that the fullscreen
AGA-mode in the PowerUP and the MC680x0 release is broken. The second is that windowed mode on AGA (this applies to the
WarpOS-version aswell) MUST have newwpa8 installed to work. Fix should be out very soon
Amiga Alternative Audio page
Snes9X Amiga homepage
19.3.2k New Editor for AIO magazine!
Amiga Information Online, a magazine which is run through a unique GUI that first started in Amiga Guide
in May of 1997 is about to see a change of Editor. The current Editor, Chris Seward of 33 issues
will leave as of Issue 33 and will be replaced by Mark Tierno the current Articles Editor of the
magazine. Issue 34 will be released 25th, March 2000 being the first issue compiled solely by the new
Editor, Mark Tierno. Read more (english)
Amiga-News.de website
Amiga Information Online webpage
19.3.2k Amiga RC5 team new host
The new host is now operational, if you have trouble reaching these pages either your DNS is not up to date or your browser (or both).
In that case, you can reach these pages directly at http://amiga.org/distributed, or in case both your DNS and browser are not up to date.
Amiga RC5 Team Effort website
19.3.2k New German printed Amiga-magazine
19.3.2k Tornado3D Updates
19.3.2k WarpSpeed 0.9b is a FAKE
Domagoj Ozanic: "I would like to denie any connection with the "WarpSpeed 0.9b" software which recently appeared on supposed
Peppermind Prd. download page. This page offered that software as
a WarpOS Perfomance enchancer and in addition offered my email address as a support or author of that fake software. The
address of that site is hosted on Tripod Web service just like mine which
is surely not coincidence, so please disregard any connection of me or Warp PPC Station with that fake software."
Domagoj Ozanic via PowerUp ML
PPC Station website
19.3.2k Vapor News
Vyoager SSl v8.6 - replaces the voyager_ssl.vlib which ships with V³ 3.0 full
or earlier. It providers faster negotiation and better compatibility, esspecially with many online banking facilities.
Contact Manager v1.8 available.
This update fixes the reported database synchronization problems and some other minor issues.
VaporWare website
18.3.2k New BoXeR motherboard picture
Blittersoft are please to announce the first picture
of the new prototype BoXeR motherboard. Final development/testing stages are now underway in conjunction with developing additional logic to
support all the features and making sure everything works as intended.
Paul Lesurf, Blittersoft
18.3.2k RADWAR Party 2000
Radwar Party 2000 - The Ultimate Bug Event takes place at Festhalle Oberbruch, Carl-Diem-Str. 52525, Heinsberg - Germany
on 27th May 2000. Nearly any demo on any machine (C64, Amiga, PC, Gameboy, N64,PSX, PalmPilot,...) will be accepted and
CAN WIN. The Demo Theme.
The tickets for the RADWAR Party 2000 are on sale at CTS.
Read more (german)
Amiga-News.de website
RADWAR website
18.3.2k New Domain Name
rAMBOY: "We have registered a new domain name for the wARPgATe. Just bookmark www.warpgate.org.
There you can get latest news about warpOS & warp3D."
rAMBOY of Warp9
18.3.2k Aweb II V3.3 - the OS3.5 update!
A-Web II V3.3 comes along with improved java-script-support and HTML-Heaven, the WebPage-Editor
for the Amiga. The latest version of the Amiga browser is now available with a special-upgrade-price for OS3.5 users.
Eternity website
18.3.2k Nova Design's 10th Anniversary
At the upcoming Amiga 2k show in St. Louis
Nova Design, Inc. will be celebrating an amazing
10 YEARS with the Amiga. Come celebrate with Nova Design and visit them at their booth.
There will be special (BIG!) sales on all Nova Design products, some free giveaways and
some special surprises!
Amiga.org website
Nova Design website
18.3.2k Software News
LAME Beta v3.65 - MP3 Encoder (020, 040, 060, PPC).
LAME now supports ID3v1.1 (track numbers), and features brand new polyphase filters which should improve quality when introducing cutoffs or resampling.
There has also been a couple of bugfixes. Now included in the archive is also a small utility named LAMESpin which will convert and rename any LAME binary
into the SecondSpin format so that it can be used as an encoder in that package.
New version (V.44.41 beta 3) of HSMathLibs for MC68040 and MC68060.
Some functions were optimized and much bugs were fixed. This version is for registered user only.
Amiga Alternative Audio page
CyberdyneSystems website
17.3.2k Open Audio Library
OpenAL, the Open Audio Library, seeks to become the audio counterpart to OpenGL for audio. With OpenAL it is possible
to create three-dimensional sound across many platforms, such as Linux, Apple Macintosh, Windows and more, with
quality suitable for professional projects like games and multimedia applications. OpenAL is also open source,
provided under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License
(LGPL). This means that any developer can participate in the overall development of OpenAL, and the code is free of
licensing costs. Is(Are) there any Amiga programmer(s) interested in porting it to AmigaOS or even the new Amiga?
ANN website
OpenAL homepage
17.3.2k MasterBank v3.0
MasterBank has been developed for the Amiga and will be released soon as a commercial product to be sold online,
though a demo version may be uploaded to Aminet as well. To insure a bug-free release, author is looking for
a few beta testers to examine and inspect MasterBank...
MasterBank page
17.3.2k Elaborates Bytes Still Around
Elaborate Bytes didn't abandon Amiga! On EB page there is actually
nothing about Amiga due a legal threat from "Les Editions Albert Rene" because of the name IDE-fix (you know
the little dog of Obelix with a similar name?). To prevent further damage, all Amiga pages were deleted in a
hurry (and almost no-one noticed :-). BTW, IDE-fix is from now on called IDE-max.
Oliver Kastl, Elaborate Bytes
16.3.2k Amiga Globe Rating
16.3.2k The UGN-Times
The UGN is proud to announce the release of a special PRE-Amiga2000 issue.
This special edition is both a sample issue and a very important how to for dealing with the new audio broadcast from St.Louis. Special Content:
A guide for setting up StreamMP3 reception from the Amiga. (window grabs, ect). This issue should be posted on most Amiga news web-sites, and is also
available through dealers. Finally, we are also hoping to attract some more potential writers for the AmigaGuide magazine. If you ever thought about
writing before, heres your chance to try it! And, if anyone is interested in creating a dealer and user-group directory for their location, please don't
hesitate to contact the editor.
David, editor
16.3.2k Aminet down again
According to Urban Mueller the main Aminet site in Paderborn will remain not working for several days due defective SCSI
disk. Other sites are online but there will be no new Uploads, since these are controlled by Paderborn main Aminet site.
Amiga-News.de website
16.3.2k Image Engineer CD + Personal Paint
In early May 2000, CD-compilation of Image Engineer
will be released, including latest full versions of all the
Visual Engineering plugins. As a bonus item, full version of
Personal Paint v7.1b is included for free.
Read more
Marko Seppänen, Wision
15.3.2k Amiga Format set to close
Ben Vost: "It's been a very sad month for me. Since I found out that AF was to close,
I've had nothing but sleepless nights and now you've all found out in the worst way
possible, when I thought I should be the one breaking the terrible news. Future's
policy was to keep silent until the issue had finally gone to press, but now there
seems little point, and in a way, I'm glad - there was nothing worse than me having
to prevaricate about subscriptions or future plans for Amiga Format.
Read more
Ben Vost, Amiga Format
Future Publishing website
15.3.2k A1200 - New Amiga Magazine
CS&E: "With the unfortunate decline of what could be considered the strongest commercial magazine,
I have brought forward plans to produce a quality independent magazine called A1200!
Recently I made an agreement with Nascr, a group of independent stores to provide 200+ retailers in
the UK with a source of Amiga distribution, this magazine will be available there and by mail order.
As I say it is a shame especially when things are actually looking quite promising for CS&E
with strong distribution and a number of games forthcoming. We will help as much as possible to hold
the market together until the launch of what must be the real new Amiga!"
Read more
Crystal Software and Electronics webpage
15.3.2k World Foundry News
15.3.2k FUSION PCC back on track (which one ?:-)
Microcode Solutions: "H&P Comes Through! We now have the latest (bug fixed) version of Storm.
We appreciate all of the emails sent by our customers to H&P! We are now back on track!
I am really happy the war is over... we need you both! (ExiE)
Thomas Lorenz
Microcode Solutions website
14.3.2k New Amiga web portal goes Live
As some people know Adrian Sweeney was developing AmigaGlobe. AmigaGlobe
has finally opened its doors to the public. With lots of unique features. From having a location where Amiga
companies can publish Press Releases, or Job Vacancies. The Amiga public also gets some unique features like the
ability to add, edit and remove web sites form the search engine. Along with Usergroups and the ability to send
messages to other members inside AmigaGlobe. This is Phase One of the AmigaGlobe Project, which is getting
the site up and getting the community built up. Phase two would be to offer each member their own mail account
like hotmail.com. Phase three would be to offer everyone thier own web space.
Adrian Sweeney, AmigaGlobe
14.3.2k BlackIRC 1.1 Freeware Edition released
Innovative: "Our company's activities move more and more into the graphics-area and in development
of online-applications for servers and enterprises. As a result our capacities for the further
development of BlackIRC don't last and we now release it as Freeware. The integrated BlackNEWS will be
continued by amiga-news.de. At the same time, we are not able to give you any more support for BlackIRC
as it is now Freeware and support costs money. If a private person or company is interested in the
further development of BlackIRC, we hand out sourcecode-licences starting at 5000 DEM.
BlackIRC is an IRC-Client for the
AMIGA, whose abilities are unique worlwide. E.g., extras like XDCC, Bots, CTCP-Flood-Protection, etc. are
included by standard in the client. Even more, BlackIRC is the only IRC-Client on the AMIGA, that allows
you to do videoconferences."BTW
"The ANet 1200-boards are sold out and we therefore can't offer it anymore."
Innovative website
14.3.2k InfraBox
InfraBox is a hardware module that can send and receive infrared remote control signals. It connects to your
computer, providing you with a powerful way to control your home entertainment equipment by software.
Today price drop to USD 49!
InfraBox homepage
14.3.2k VMC NG Internet Maus 4D+
Are you looking for new mouse ? VMC are offering NG4D+ Internet mouse with the luxury configuration of four
keys and two wheels. Read more (german)
VMC website
14.3.2k VaporWare: New online reg system
Silicon Circus Ltd. now offers secure online registration of most Vapor products in their
Online shop. Payment
is possible with all major credit cards and is securly processed by WorldPay.
VaporWare website
13.3.2k Latest Executive Update
April 1, 2000 is the date, and St. Louis is the place. This is the first opportunity for "your" Amiga company to present,
demonstrate, speak, and see the first product to come out of Amiga - The new Developer System. In fact one lucky show attendee will
win one of these systems. New version of the WarpOS will allow the new Amiga to run on PPC accelerator cards. This means that an
Amiga that has a PPC card running WarpOS will be able to run the new Amiga on that card!
New Faces for the US and German teams, The Amiga Developer Support Network Crew
There should be also FINALLY new better looking website
Executive Update 10.3.2000
Andrej bunta
Bill McEwen, AmigaInc.
13.3.2k FUSION PCC waiting for STORM
Microcode Solutions: WE STILL DO NOT HAVE THE LATEST VERSION OF STORM. We reported problems to the authors, and
although these problems are suppose to be fixed, we can not get this version. We can not proceed with FUSION-PPC until
we obtain the new version. We urge everyone to bug H&P so that we can
complete this project! GRRRRRR! (ExiE)
Thomas Lorenz
Microcode Solutions website
13.3.2k MROOCHECK - New PC Mouse Interface with Wheels support
ELBOX COMPUTER proudly announces Mroocheck PC Mouse Interface. It's a microprocessor based
adapter for attaching any PC mouses, trackballs, glidepoints and radio-controlled mouses
to all models of Amiga computers. Read more
Darek Smietana, ELBOX
13.3.2k ArtEffect 4.0
Version 4 of the popular graphics program for image processing and natural painting again offers
many new features and improvements. This time most improvements deal with the layers and make
them one of the most powerful and flexible features of ArtEffect. ArtEffect 4 will be delievered
on a CD-ROM full of fonts, clipart and workshops.
Read more
Haage & partner website
13.3.2k New ProStationAudio line and AudioLabs' promo video
AudioLabs introduces the new ProStationAudio line, featuring three hi-quality software products for digital audio processing/editing:
Millennium, Classic, Remix. The addressed audience now extends from studio professionals to DJ's, from CD/MP3 collectors to video
editors and broadcasting radio operators. Options start from the entry-level Remix version (2track/4channel) to the hi-end
Millennium version (16track/32channel). With the price range now extending from USD195 to USD395 everyone can set up its own
ProStationAudio. Read more
Audiolabs website
13.3.2k Software News
AmigaAMP 2.8 BETA-5 - mp3 player.
The background scanning routine now can read the ID3 tags as well. Set ListScanMethod=2 in AmigaAMP.prefs
to enable that feature. WARNING! This background scanner might still be buggy. AmigaAMP now autodetects and
supports popupmenu.library (v9 and up). Now only implemented a popup menu for the playlist sort function in skin
mode but more popup menus will follow.
Digital Almanac II Update v1.8.9 contains a bugfix and an improvement.
Rendering the NGC catalog or another Deep-Sky catalog could sometimes cause a crash. Even some positions were not correct. The GSC catalog
rendering has been improved as area checking and disk access is now faster than before.
Source code of system monitor Scout (v2.11) released
under GNU General Public License. Older source code packages were not compileable.
Scout-fixpack.lha (1209 byte)
If you are getting strange crashes from vfprintf when using GCC PPC 2.95.1, you should install these
replacement includes. Put these in lib/gcc-lib/ppc-amigaos/2.95.1/
AmigaAMP homepage
Achim's Amiga homepage
SHRED's homepage
Jarmo Laakkonen's page
12.3.2k URGENT: Developers Conference
Developers wishing to develop for the newest and most experienced of the "Multimedia" and "Digitally Enlightened"
Computers of the last two decades. Here's your chance to sink your teeth into development on a platform that is
fun, challenging and with a known name in multimedia and video. Amiga Inc. will conduct their first
"Developers Conference" at the Amiga 2K show in St. Louis, MO. USA. If you are a current, past or future
potential Developer for the Amiga Computer platform, you need to attend this conference.
Read more
Bob Scharp, Amigan-St. Louis
Amiga 2k - Gateway Computer Show website
12.3.2k Amiga Explorer 3.5
Amiga Explorer was first released in 1997 as part of the
Amiga Forever package. Version 3.5 is the result of
years of refinements and feedback, and is now being released as a stand-alone product. This new
version includes a revolutionary self-install feature to copy the Amiga side of the software
from the PC to the Amiga with no software other than a plain Workbench disk (any version from
1.2 to 3.5 - no internet, no PC filing system, no terminal software required)!
Read more There is also
exclusive screenshot of
of Directory Opus pre-release version for Windows.
Cloanto website
Amiga Explorer homepage
12.3.2k News: Visual Engineering
Rocking Offer of the Month (March) begins. This time you can register all of the plug-ins, that need registering, for more than reasonable price. Hell, if I were you, I'd
pay more for just Visual Border.
Press here for ordering information.
Marko Seppänen, Wision
12.3.2k Current infos on the CamX/Camouflage project
Martin Endres is still looking for developers who want to develop
audio/video/MIDI modules for CamX/Elate. Notation editor, sample editor, Uni-SysEx/editor and so on.
As CamX has a modular concept, several (e.g. notation editors) could be added to the CamX packet.
The user could decide then which editor he wants to use. Or he can use all at once.
Amiga-News.de website
CamX+Camouflage homepage
12.3.2k The Amiga-Clinic is open for business
The Comprehensive Amiga Healthcare provider has finished most of its remodeling and is ready for business.
If you have issues with your amiga, take a look and see if they have the solution to your problem.
Amiga-Clinic website
11.3.2k Heretic 2 Released
According to AmigaFlame Heretic 2 has been released by Hyperion Software with Amiga Gamers finally able to try out this
3D Quake style game, which is based on the Quake 2 engine. Amiga Format has exclusively reviewed Heretic 2, so they
recommend that you pick up a copy and see what all the fuss is about.
Read more
AmigaFlame website
Hyperion Software website
11.3.2k Alive Mediasoft's The Pulse
Alive Mediasoft has published their latest supplement, The Pulse, with it offering the usual mix of news, reviews and a few thousand titles to order.
Issue 11 of The Pulse is quite special with news about Elite 2 making its way to the Amiga and an interview with Roberta Williams, creator of
Phantasmagoria. There is also an exclusive review of Seaside, a strategy game like Theme Park, along with some other reviews. You can e-mail
Alive Mediasoft about getting your copy of The Pulse at thepulsealive-mediasoft.co.uk.
AmigaFlame website
Alive Mediasoft website
11.3.2k VHI News
The VHI-homepage has been updated.
New areas include a logo-area and a new page with pictures and information on most of the currently
supported videoboards. A VHI-driver for the GVP IV24-digitizer is available for
free download. Best experienced with
VLRec NG 4.0 :)
Innovative website
10.3.2k aNapster v0.3 Comming Soon
Joar Sivertsen: "I know it's been a while since the last release, but I've been too busy with others
things to work on aNapster. The good news is, v0.3 should be out sometime next week, and feature
things like firewall downloads, resume, browse and channel listing, as well as other small things. :)"
aNapster website
10.3.2k MooVId News
Laszlo Torok: "I just updated my homepage with new MooVId (v1.2) info.
This version have PPC support too, and i plan to release a speedtest page too. (compared to other PPC/nonPPC
AVI/MOV players... of course MooVId is the fastest :), about 4-6 times faster on PPC than SoftCinema..)"
Laszlo (pH03N1x) Torok, MooVId's homepage
10.3.2k AudioEvolution News
Audio Evolution site moved to www.audioevolution.demon.nl.
Further more, a new version of Audio Evolution will be ready in a few weeks. The most important changes will
be: multiple samples per track, application of PPC effects directly on samples (non-realtime) and reworked
time line window.
AudioEvolution website
9.3.2k Executive Update Comming Soon
Bill McEwen, President/CEO Amiga, Inc.: "I want to let you know that I am running a couple of days late on the new executive update. There is a great deal
of information going in it, and we are preparing for the Amiga 2000 show in St. Louis where many exciting
developments will be revealed. Again, I apologize for the lateness of the update, but I hope to have it up and finished by this Friday.
I look forward to seeing all of you in St. Louis.
Amiga Inc. website
9.3.2k Screenshot of Tao Elate
Tao have released a Press Pack (in PDF) which contains
a basic introduction to Tao and Tao's product portfolio incl. screenshot of intent / Elate in action.
Here you can see the screenshot in jpeg.
Jari Ristiranta
TAO website
9.3.2k Directory Opus 4 News
Jacek Rzeuski: "Due to huge response to my release of Directory Opus 4.12 based on GPL'ed sources I've decided to launch mailing
list to discuss about bugs, missing features, current betas, etc. To join please send empty email to
opus4-subscribe@egroups.com. I've made the list fully accessible for
everyone. All posts can be read through WWW on www.egroups.com/lists/opus4 so
you don't have to join the list or mail me privately to know what's going on. Currently I'm working on long filename support
(upto 107 chars). The work is almost done although the sources are hardly commented. Beta version is planned for this weekend.
I'm also forming WWW page."
Jacek Rzeuski
9.3.2k Win the CD-ROM-Edition of Digital Almanac II !!
9.3.2k Production Rights To Prelude
A.C.T. is offering production rights to the Prelude Zorro boards and expansions. This is the last chance that these
products will ever be available on the market again. Licences include production and distribution rights to:
Prelude Z2, Arpeggiator Digital IO, MPEGIt MPEG Audio Decoder and Rombler MIDI Interface.
English version of the licence agreement (pdf).
Albrecht Computer Technik website
9.3.2k Kickstart User Group Show
9.3.2k Pagan Want Your Input!
Development of the Members Area is about 80% complete (5.3.2000). The chat room is currently under development
with some cool features added to make it unique to all others! Self registration, fully compatible with all
Amiga and PC browses has been added. The registration page allows a user to create for themselves a personal
profile for the Members Area. The members area of the Pagan web site will have a users input section. Part of this
section has a developers forum to teach would-be coders how to create games or how to add cool routines to their
current projects. If you would like to contribute your code to this section, be it C, Blitz or AMOS code, then please
mail info@pagan-games.com with your source code and a tutorial on how to use
it. A discussion area will then be created to support your tutorial under your supervision.
Pagan Games website
9.3.2k Camouflage For Free
Camouflage-B v2.4 68k (MIDI only, german version) became FREEWARE. Get it here!
There are also german manuals available, but you must pay DM 30 to ISM/Endres, Schwarzenbergstrasse 75, 21073 Hamburg.
CamX/Camouflage website
8.3.2k Aminet Set 9
AMINET SET 9 offers you everything that was added to the archive
since AMINET SET 8 was made, plus full versions of GoldEd 4.8.0, Marblelous II, AmiAtlas V4 and a special edition of
Digital Almanac II. AMINET® SET 9, dated March 2000, consists of more than 3 gigabytes of software in nearly 4.000
archives. Since the release of Aminet 35 more than 420 MB of new software have been added.
Schatztruhe website
8.3.2k AROS News
There is now a mailing list for announcements only (basically the same you can read here :-) Follow
this link to subscribe.
Also, the sources for Scalos V2 have been handed over to AROS. Jörg is lacking the time to give
Scalos the attention it deserves and therefore allowed us to include his work into our contrib
area. No official representative for this work has been elected, yet, so this is your chance to
AROS website
8.3.2k Keep Your Miggy Protected :-)
8.3.2k Software News
Pedro Luis Mieza: "I will get finished MetalWEB 4 pre4 version really nearly."
DarcNES/Amiga v9a0305 (000308) - Multi Consol emulator
SOPE v000301 (000308) - Sony Playstation emulator
This is the firts release. It requires CGFX, but AGA support might be added in future releases. This first Amiga version doesn't
have any sound support, and the OpenGL version isn't finished yet. Finally, there isn't any dynamic compiler available for PPC making
this release quite slow. If anyone want to help author write a dynamic compiler for PPC,
write to him ASAP.
Vapor Team .plans
AmiDog's Emulation Corner website
7.3.2k DirectoryOpus 4.12JR
GPSoftware released DirectoryOpus 4.12 source code under GPL licence.
DOpus4.12JR -
readme great
filemanager. Source
modified by Jacek Rzeuski. Changes: - recompiled with GCC 2.95.2 and PhxAss 4.39
- optimized for 68020 CPU - directly uses memory pools in KickStart 3.0+.
- speeded-up file copying with progress indicator enabled (almost as fast as in DOpus Magellan!)
- added up-to-date asyncIO routines (from aminet:dev/c/asyncio.lha)
- doesn't hang-up during copying/moving files anymore (probably due to new asyncIO routines).
7.3.2k Open Amiga Foundation Progress Report
Steve Crietzman: "The Open Amiga Foundation is about to be legally born. Open Amiga continue to work hard alongside AROS to
develop a portable, free AmigaOS clone for a variety of hardware platforms and CPUs, and are currently in negotiations
(which are going pretty well) with Gateway for access to the Amiga-related software patents. Other subjects covered include
discussions with the Free Software Foundation's Richard Stallman, their continuing dialogue with Petro Tyschtschenko, and
a request for Amiga developers."Read more
ANN website
Open Amiga Foundation page
7.3.2k Interview with Petro Tyschtschenko
7.3.2k Cinemaware News
Sauro: "2 news dated 06/03/00 from Cinemaware HP: New game boxes and screenshots available:
"Box and screenshots for the highly acclaimed sequel to It Came From the Desert and two rare compilations released in Europe and
Australia are now available on the Games page".
Representatives from Cinemaware to attend Game Developers Conferece: Representatives from Cinemaware will be attending the Game
Developers Conference in San Jose, California on March 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. Please email
cinemaware@cinemaware.com should you wish to schedule a meeting"
ANN website
Cinemaware website
7.3.2k Software News
SnoopDos 3.2 -
system and application monitor.
VirusZ - VirusZ II 1.45 & VirusZ III 0.94.
You will need xvs.library and xfdmaster.library to run VirusZ.
Erroneously, the Millennium demo archive contained a version
of the AL_VMM virtual memory manager designed for ProStationAudio Classic.
Download here the proper AL_VMM and copy it over the wrong
version. This solves the system freeze problem when starting playback. The online Millennium archive has been updated
and doesn't require this patch anymore. You can check your AL_VMM version using the OS version command. You need AL_VMM
v3.00 or higher for Millennium.
AudioLabs website
6.3.2k MacOS 9 on Amiga (PPC) ?
Mac-On-Linux (MOL) lets you run MacOS under PowerPC Linux on PowerPC based machines. Since it runs natively
on the processor, it is very fast. However, MOL should be able to run on CHRP / PREP machines as well. Some
minor changes might be necessary to run MOL on other systems (the Amiga for instance). Hey, check it out,
want to run PPC Mac stuff on your Amiga then this might be the thing for you, at least until FusionPPC is
Robert "dreamstar" Hjertkvist
Mac on Linux website
6.3.2k AmiBench Dealer Directory
Mark Wilson: "AmiBench is going through a complete rewrite
(No really, Honest), and We`re looking at updating the Dealer Directory. If possible could
everyone who reads Czech Amiga News please visit AmiBench and see if their local dealer is
listed, and if not, please add them to the database.
Check the listings of
Dealers by country. AmiBench is as committed now as its ever been to create the best Dealer
Directory in the world, So, please help us, to help you and your fellow community members."
Mark 'tecno' Wilson, AmiBench
6.3.2k Boingworld.com Dealers Directory
Boingworld.com have started an Amiga Dealers Directory because
the other ones are not "up-to-date". So, if You are an Amiga dealer and wants to be seen, please don't
hesitate to contact the person responsible for the Dealers page at
This Email
Jens 'Radcliff' Larsson & Richard 'DawnBringer' Fhager, Boingworld.com
6.3.2k AmigaCD³² source
AmigaCD³² Source "The best CD32 page on the planet" includes a news section
and a list of released (some with cover scans) and unreleased games. Other sections seem to be under construction.
AmigaCD³² Source website
6.3.2k Asm-Pro is now openSource
Solo Genetic: "Asm-Pro is now Open Source.
Here is your chance to do something about those annoying bugs that don't seem to get fixed. Download the source
and track them down. I hope this helps out the users that have been waiting for new updates of Asm-Pro. I
myself have no more serious developertime left for this project next to my job. For those who didn't know:
Asm-Pro is a complete solution for writing mc680x0 assembler programs on our Amiga.
For more information check out my webpage at http://surf.to/asmpro/.
Solo Genetic, Genetic homepage
6.3.2k IBM PowerPC Open Platform Board Status
IBM: As of last week, we believe the debug of the POP board is complete and the firmware work is in progress.
SofTex Incorporated, the firmware provider for the POP board, already has the board performing all POST
(Power-On Self Tests) test and is well under way getting through the Linux boot procedure.
IBM PowerPC LinuxStatus
Amigart website
IBM POP Website
6.3.2k Image Engineer Review
5.3.2k Eriol USB status
As mentioned in the las progress report of the Eriol project February was set for testing.
Test specifications has been created, and some of the testing has been done. Following the
tests minor corrections to the control logic has been made as well. Testing will continue
into March together with logical corrections. After finishing the logical verification
timing simulation will commence, followed by design corrections to avoid timing problems
Read more
Thomas Graff Thøger, TigerTronics
5.3.2k Hyperion News
Hyperion Software opened www.hyperion-software.com and
officialy annouced signs SiN from
Activision for Amiga and Linux. "We are in the
process of finalising our Amiga port of Activision's Heretic 2", says Ben Hermans, Hyperion's managing
partner. SiN by Ritual, like Heretic 2, is based on ID's Quake 2
engine, so we are confident we can complete the Amiga and Linux versions by the end of Q2 2000. SiN is
synonymous with first rate, unadulterated action with relatively low system requirements so Amiga and
Linux users have something to look forward to." The Amiga version will require a PPC (supported through
WarpOS) and will support 3D accelerators through Warp3D and Hyperion's custom OpenGL implementation
Hyperion Software website
5.3.2k ProStationAudio Millennium Demo
ProStationAudio Millennium demo is online for downloading.
The application will be presented next week, along with the new ProStationAudio family now featuring three
products. The Millennium demo includes a full implementation of iRec, live audio streaming capabilities.
Thanks to iRec, the ProStationAudio mixing console input (RecBus) can be switched between a local audio board
or a remote audio server, accessible via Internet or a LAN. Once connected (Miami or compatible TCP stack
required), iRec lets you record live streams. During the streaming process, ProStationAudio allows you to
monitor the incoming signal and record direct-to-disk.
AudioLabs website
5.3.2k Amiga Page Back Online
Italian Amiga news page Amiga Page is back online after a month
of inactivity.
Lovera Marco, Amiga Page
5.3.2k SDS are looking for 2D graphics artists
SDS are looking for 2D graphics artists to work on a their up and coming commercial game, Minimum Safe Distance.
If you are interested, write to posts@satanicdreams.com with
samples of your work. The ability to work with limited colour palettes and small sprites is essential.
Mike Carter, Satanic Dreams website
5.3.2k WarpUp V5
Sam Jordan is giving us a information on WarpUp mailing list about upcoming WarpUp V5:
A new version of WarpUp is beeing worked on. The FusionPPC author has already got an
experimental library which fixes the problems he reported and which adds the new
features he requested. I will probably make a V5 out of the next release to indicate
that the version is a 'must-have' to run some of those major applications coming.
Additionally some useful development tools will be included to help WarpUp developers.
PowerPC Station website
4.3.2k Tales from Heaven CGX demo
4.3.2k Amiga Incorporated News
The waiting game has started, with many in the Amiga Community waiting anxiously for the President of
Amiga Incorporated, Bill McEwen to produce his next Executive
Update. However, in the last few days, news has been filtering out about developments at Amiga
Incorporated. Read more
Amiga Flame website
Amiga Inc. website
4.3.2k Revamp for Medici home page
The website of Medici has had a complete revamp recently.
Check it out and see the improvement! There is information about their new game "Ali Baba",
including screenshots and a demo download. Versions in German and French are being prepared and
will be on line soon.
Nabil Gonem, Medici
4.3.2k New Amiga internet games irc channel
Johan Rönnblom: "A new IRC channel has been started where
Amigans can find each others to play internet games such as HBMonopoly, Freeciv, Great Nations,
Netris, Hexen and Descent. Join #multiplayer on Amiganet, or check out
this page for more info.
ANN website
4.3.2k Interview with Frank Mariak
3.3.2k Warp9 Anniversary
ramboy: "Right now we have to celebrate two events at the same time: 1. These days Warp9
is becoming 3 years old and 2. The wARPgATe has finished its first year.
That the reason for us to start again a "Counter-Competition". We have installed a counter on our special birthday-page.
Find this page and be the 3000th vistor. Everyone who sends us a screenshot with the lucky number 3000 will take part at
the final competition. There you have the chance to win a brand-new 20 GB harddisk by Quantum. We will pick up the winner
from all e-mails with the screenshot of the 3000 number."
ramboy, Warp9
3.3.2k Agnes Cartoon
Who doesn't remember Agnes? The search engine girl from the deceased CUCUG's Amiga Web Directory.
She lost her job just after New Year 2000... What a bad luck! Ckeck this
Agnes cartoon. There are also some other
pics but be warned the following page
contains hand-drawn female nude!
Dan Cab
2.3.2k Amiga Inc to relocate to Quadrant's Snoqualmie Ridge Business Park
Growth continues at Snoqualmie Ridge Business Park with the arrival of the newest high-tech
tenant, Amiga, Inc. The Quadrant Corporation, developer of the business park, announced
that Amiga will move it's world headquarters to Snoqualmie Ridge on March 1.
Read more
Amiga.org website
Amiga Inc. website
2.3.2k News on AmiJoe
Benjamin Yoris forwarded a mail he received from
Metabox AG. When asked whether they "intend to take
user's requests in consideration (US, SCSI, etc...)", they answered: "Sure.. On the subject of
G4 and GFX, they wrote: The circuitry is already prepared for G4 and I guess we will announce
them very soon when we have parts for production. GFX has a very limited choice because of the
behavior of most chip manufacturers and mechanical requirements. But this is solved either."
ANN website
Metabox AG website
2.3.2k The Portal's 1st birthday
It's The Portal's 1st birthday! To celebrate this special occasion
clickBOOM have an unbelievable special offer for The Portal visitors. You can get some of older cB games for
special prices. There are also 5 fresh Nightlong screens and Nightlong beta action movie. This was shot with
a handycam off of a screen for internal purposes. Then CB figured since you have to wait a bit longer for
the Nightlong release, why not give it to you guys? (320x240, 21MB) Check The Portal for other news.
clickBOOM website
2.3.2k Gui4Cli
Taking a change from the next generation Amiga, it's time to look at the scripting language Gui4Cli.
Gui4Cli, new article on suite101.com.
suite101.com website
2.3.2k A500 Power Board available again
Those who own and use an Amiga 500 can come across the problem of not being able to replace a defective memory
expansion for their computer. Well, not anymore. The A500 Power Board
is available again. The expansion board offers the following features: 512 K memory expansion to be configured as
fast memory or chip memory (depending on Agnus version), 512 K ramdrive, PC emulation through hardware (16-bit NEC
CPU) and real-time clock The price for the A500 Power Board is EURO 34,99 including posting & packaging
within Europe mainland. Orders from outside Europe mainland add EURO 10,00. The A500 Power Board is available from
all local Amiga dealers and distributed through GTI.
Ron van Herk, Computer City
2.3.2k A look at Amiga mail-order dealer, Centsible Software
2.3.2k AROS News
Aaron Digulla: "There are still problems to build AROS Native/i386 with EGCS (GCC 2.95.2) which should be resolved, soon.
Some more screenshots have been added. It's DOOM, this time.
Unlike other Amiga ports of DOOM, DOOM can be run several times on AROS and you can even play multiplayer games on one
machine (not very useful, though: The keyboard is just too small for four players :-)."
AROS website
2.3.2k AmigaMozilla page updated
1.3.2k More games coming very soon from Alive
Steven Flowers: "On the 10th of March Alive will be in their new larger premises. This will mean
that we can now keep more software & hardware in stock for faster customer delivery.
In the beginning of March Alive will open it's new web site. There will also be additional sites
for Phantasmagoria, Elite 3 & all other Alive projects. There will also be better Pulse with glossy
paper, photo quality print, 32 pages and new improved layout."Alive have recompiled 2 of their
games for easier installation: Goal 2000 - they have added a new intro, wrote a new manual,
put the original Goal on the same CD and patched it to run straight from CD. Whales Voyage 2
- added a manual and made it easier to install, also added a new intro. For people who have already
bought a copy of the above titles, there will be additonal patches on the new Alive site very soon.
2 more games coming very soon from Alive: Ultimate XTR with over 100 new tracks,new sound, new
music, new opponents and new intro. The game should be available in the mid March for £14.99.
Req: AGA, 030, 4mb, HD, CD-Rom. Giana Sisters Trilogy - one of the most playable platform
games ever fixed for 040/060/PPC & with graphics card support. The game should be available
in the mid March for £9.99.
Steven Flowers, Alive Mediasoft
1.3.2k Amiga 2K Press Release
Bob Scharp: "The fifth group of exhibitors is now listed on our web site.
In addition, we have started listing the door prizes on the prize page. You could be the winner of a new Amiga
Developer System. That's right, an Amiga Developer System. Amiga Inc. is going to donate one of their brand new
"Developer Systems" to be given away as a door prize." Read more
Bob Scharp, Amigan-St. Louis
Amiga 2k - Gateway Computer Show website
1.3.99 The World Foundry News
1.3.2k Pagan Games Update
1.3.2k Software News
'pre5' CGX V4.2 _UPDATE_ archive is now available. pre5 only difference is: CGX prefs update,
fixes the ReAcTiOn version quirks. Update installer now installs cgxvideo.lib for CVPPC, BVPPC, CV64/3D and PicassoIV.
Digital Almanac II 1.8.8 bugfix version.
Only the executables (.020 and .040) have been changed, so you only need to copy one of these files, if you have already installed
the last versions. readme
Ncoder v1.55 - mpeg audio encoder (PowerUp, WarpOS, 68k)
Changes: Speed up under PowerUp. A 5.53 min song will be encoded in 3.31 min (with PPC 604 233Mhz)!! * Bug fix for BurnIt
Ncoder PlugIn * Large sound quality enhancement compared with Ncoder 1.50 *
VGR.COM website
Achim's Amiga Homepage
Titan Computer website