Eriol USB status, 5th March 2000 --------------------------- As mentioned in the las progress report of the Eriol project February was set for testing. Test specifications has been created, and some of the testing has been done. Following the tests minor corrections to the control logic has been made as well. Testing will continue into March together with logical corrections. After finishing the logical verification timing simulation will commence, followed by design corrections to avoid timing problems (which must be expected to show up). Unfortunately I have not been able to spend as much time on the Eriol project as I wanted to. This is the main reason that functional testing has not been completed yet. With regard to the logic size problems, they have been solved. The university has agreed to install the needed software. The installation, however, still have to be performed. When this will be done is hard to tell, but it should be done during the next month. Designing of the first prototype board has now begun. Schematics of the board are under development, and should be finished during the next month. Depending on the ammount of work having to go into testing/correcting the control logic the schematics (and hopefully the PCB layout) should be ready by the end of March. Regards Thomas Graff Thøger, TigerTronics