Hello fellow Amigans. I would like to take but a moment of your time to notify you of a new site that isn't quite done yet, but is definitely on the way and hopefully will be able to help all of you use your Amigas to the nth degree, as they were designed to be used. Due to the excitement being generated by this year's Amiga2K show, we wanted to announce our presence just before the show to jump on the bandwagon. As Bob Scharp likes to say, Amiga2K is going to be HUGE! The site is called Amiga University, and located at http://www.amigau.com. We are currently looking for the following: 1) Visitors to the site, primarily Amiga users from around the globe who want to use their Amiga in new, different ways as well as expand on their existing knowledge of current interests. Refer to the News page for the sections of the site already done vs. those still under construction (we're about halfway there at present); 2) Faculty for the university. If any of you have specific Amiga knowledge or experience and would like to share it, please visit our Faculty pages and climb on board, we'd love to have you. It doesn't matter if your expertise is in hardware hacks, Lightwave animation or MIDI wizardry, the more the merrier! http://www.amigau.com/Faculty.htm 3) We have other 'projects' we'd like to get underway as soon as feasible. Please visit our Projects page and decide if you're interested in helping on these/leading others. http://www.amigau.com/Projects.htm 4) Finally, we will be at Amiga2K, sharing a booth with Northwest Amiga Group (NAG). Please stop by! We'll have mousemats and hats for sale, as well as faculty sign up forms and anything else Amiga you want to talk about, we're all ears. See you at Amiga2K! Kevin Orme Founder, Amiga University www.amigau.com amigau@oz.net