Amiga 2K Press Release - 01.03.2000 From: Bob Scharp Subject: Amiga 2K More Vendors Amiga 2K Press Release February 29, 2000 Prizes and more Exhibitors, The fifth group of exhibitors is now listed on our web site at: In addition, we have started listing the door prizes on the prize page. You could be the winner of a new Amiga Developer System. That's right, an Amiga Developer System. Amiga Inc. is going to donate one of their brand new "Developer Systems" to be given away as a door prize. Now I know you're going to ask... "What's a Developer System"? Well... you're just going to have to come to the show to find out. Or, perhaps you might win one of two rides in a REAL airline simulator. What's that you ask? Nothing less than the same thing all the airline pilots are trained in. That's right, a real full blown airline simulator with an instructor to show you the ropes on just how to get one of those huge airline jets off the ground, and of course back on the ground. Lot's of knobs, swithches, buttons and they all work. Not like a computer simulator where you move some wimpy joy stick or click the keyboard. This is the real thing. You sit in the cockpit, you're trained to move ailerons, rudders and elevators. You'll move the yoke and control all the radios, navigation systems etc. You'll be shown how to do takeoffs and landings. Maybe we'll even show you stalls, buffets, and what the arch looks like at night from 3,000 feet as you fly your approach into St. Louis. Of course, all this is simulated, it just doesnt' feel like it. Because an airline simulator is known to make you feel like your in the real thing. On top of that, Amigan-St. Louis will give you a real logbook that you can write your flight times in. There are lot's more being donated too. If your company wants to donate prizes to Amiga 2K, simply email Bob Scharp at and tell him what you are sending. Then email a web banner and a discription of the prize to him. He will list you as soon as he confirms your prizes. Don't forget, it's not too late to exhibit at Amiga 2K, the largest Amiga show in the Americas. Just fill out the handy exhibitor form. Go to and click on the "Exhibitor" button. Then fill it out. You'll be glad you exhibited. WOW, Amiga 2K is going to be HUGE! Regards, Bob ------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Scharp, ____ Amigan-St. Louis /\ |___| || // P.O. Box 672 //\\ || ||// Bridgeton, MO 63044 //__\\ || | / U.S.A. /_____ \ // ||\\ // \\ // || \\ // \\ //__ || \\ // \\ |____| || \\ WOW! Amiga 2K is going to be HUGE! ---------------------------------------------------------------