Rod Volkmar: "The last issue of Aladdin's Lamp was the 1st quarter of 1996.
Published and edited by Aladdin 4D's creator; Greg Gorby, it was a wealth
of tutorials and inside information on one of the Amiga's great 3D packages.
Now it's four years later and the 'Lamp' is back!"

"The new version of Aladdin's Lamp and the premiere issue of ImageFX currents
are brought to you by two members of the same team of Aladdin 4D owners that
originally converted the older issues Aladdin's Lamp to the online format.

The current issue features articles by the likes of Bob Lanham and Dave
Matthews, who have been contributors in the past to the Lamp and to Amazing
Computing, respectively.

The original newsletter would have cost you upwards of $35 a year - and well
worth it. However, the new Aladdin's Lamp is free to anyone with a Web browser
and Net access! Such a deal!

Contributions for future issues are actively solicited from the users/readers.
Non-exclusive rights granted to Nova Design to publish; all rights to art,
meshes, and articles revert to the authors. Articles are published upon
acceptance; and are also gathered into quarterly issues for those who like
reading the articles all at once.

Check out the latest Aladdin's Lamp and ImageFX Currents on Nova Design, Inc.'s
website at in
the ImageFX and Aladdin 4D sections - if you visit regularly you'll also
appreciate the "What's New?" page that has also added so people can check
to see if new articles are available