Total Amiga Magazine's issue 11 will hit the streets on May 11. But please note, we are expecting this issue to sell out quicker than issue 10. To find out why, here is a taster of what's coming up in issue 11. Total Amiga Issue 11 News: * Latest on the AmigaOne G3-SE * Round-up on AmigaOS4.0 * The Total Amiga, ALT.WOA Show report * News on WOASE 2002 * All the latest developments in the Amiga world. Contributors: * Fleecy Moss - Amiga's CTO Writes exclusively for Total Amiga Magazine. * Alan Redhouse of Eyetech. The Man behind the company, behind the AmigaOneG3-SE, writes exclusively for us. * Special Report: Amiga - Who's the Moron? - Is the tie up with Microsoft good or bad? Reviews: * Amiga Emulation on X86. Amithlon, Amiga XL, Amiga Forever 5 are they any good? * PageStream 4.1 - The latest update gets the Total Amiga Treatment. * Amiga Writer 2.20 - Is it all it's cracked up to be? * Battle of the Start Menus - We round them up, review them and then pass judgement. Plus: * Charon * NewsCoaster * EZKey IL Support Features: * MIDI Tutorial * SCALA Tutorial * Directory Opus Tutorial (pt2) * Perfect Paint Tutorial New! * Letters Page - See what Amiga users are saying in print. * Usergroups Listings - Is your usergroup listed? Is there one near you? All this and more, including all your favourite Amiga vendor advertisements for £4.00(ukp) Order a subscription now to ensure you receive your copy of issue 11 as soon as it is published. Visit our website for full ordering details including world wide subscription rates: