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N E W D R I V E R S C O M I N G F O R V H I S T U D I O I N E T D I A L V . 3 . 8 5 R E L E A S E D Editor's Thoughts and Introduction: There's an old American saying that politics makes strange bedfellows. Looks like computers do also. Am I the only one who thinks it's ironic in the story below to have a quote from a Microsoft executive talking about Windows CE's multimedia functionality teaming with Amiga's software solution? Well, if it sells Amiga product it's not all bad. Just keep an eye on those folks from Redmond, please, Amiga. In another bizarre example of seemingly strange bedfellows, we have the trio of Bill Buck, Raquel Velasco (Thendic-France) and ... Petro Tyschtshenko (!) (Power Trading GmbH) teaming up with bplan GmbH to continue work on Morph OS and the Pegasos board, among other things. Even Dr. Allan Havemose, former Commodore AmigaOS guru, is said to be part of the team. This one makes my head ache as I try to figure it all out. Whatever the technical merits of their products, a couple of things are certain. First, there is only one Amiga and none of these folks is associated with it at the moment. Second, Amiga Inc. would have to be headed by a crazy person to let something that looks and acts like AmigaOS be sold by anyone else. News Flash: Amiga Inc. is not headed by a crazy person. It is headed by the most astute businessman to be in charge of Amiga for a very long time. This is not to demean the very real accomplishments of Petro. If it weren't for him, there would almost certainly be no Amiga at the present time and for that he will always be near the top of my list of great Amigans. But he's not the businessman Bill McEwen is. The Amiga community has created some marvelous visionaries, some of whom are listed two paragraphs back. It has created far fewer businessmen. The visions that survive, regardless of whether they are great visions or weak ones, are the ones managed capably as part of a real business. Just compare results - Microsoft's "vision" combined with its business skills, and Commodore-Amiga's vision combined with Commodore's business skills and it's very clear what works in the real world. If you're interested in spending your hard earned money on things Amigan, we suggest you spend it on the Real Thing. Brad Webb Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail to the E-ditor: 15 Apr 2002 > U P D A T E F R O M E Y E T E C H... > As OS4 versions (or applications software) are developed which make > use of the Altivec processor in the G4 we will make a G4 version > available, again with a soldered-on chip (probably the 7441 at 700 > MHz). It is possible that we could produce a socketed chip-carrier > version, but only if we can engineer the costs down so it adds no > more than 15% to the costs of a board with a soldered on CPU... I think Eyetech are making a mistake announcing two versions of the Amiga One motherboard, the more powerful to follow the first eventually. There'll be potential buyers waiting for the G4 version; the Amiga market can't afford that, they need sales yesterday! If using a chip-carrier would make the product too expensive, Eyetech would be better to go straight to the G4 version, even if AmigaOS 4.x doesn't support Altivec yet. (With Apple gobbling them up, they might have to get IBM G4s that lack Altivec, at first anyway, just to have a supply.) Allan ~~~~~~ Allan, Interesting note, and it'll also be interesting to see how closely reality matches your predictions. I do think you've put your finger on a potential problem. Thoughts from other readers? Allan isn't the only one allowed to use this space. :-) Brad =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A P R I L E X E C U T I V E U P D A T E Executive Update - Amiga Status Announcement April 12th, 2002 Greetings to the Amiga community, A week ago we shared with you our joy as we move towards the rebirth of the Amiga desktop platform. The AmigaOne and AmigaOS4 are projects that have occupied almost every day of our lives for the last two years. For the community, the wait and the false dawns have been unbearable. Contrary to the rumours spread in some circles, we have spent considerable time and resources in creating a strategy that will see the Amiga desktop platform move back into the mainstream and take its proper place in the market. The AmigaOne and AmigaOS4 are just the first and most visible signs of this strategy. It is very important to us that we provide a total and compelling Amiga experience to future customers. The first measure we are announcing is that we have pledged ourselves to the production and development of a platform where both users and developers are guaranteed not just a quality product but a total quality experience as well. This will be achieved through a combination of a strict set of Quality Assurance certifications and the AmigaOS only being available to licensed solution providers for the shipping of combined hardware and software solutions. From the top of the company to the bottom, we are committed to championing the cause of quality for the consumer and will ensure that substandard products do not make it into the Amiga market where they can do irreparable damage to the reputation of the platform. Licencees will have to develop and resource a full customer solution, with guarantees on product quality, delivery, and most important of all post sales support, with firm commitments to repair, replacement and turnaround, elements that have blighted the platform over the last five years. In addition, the close co-operation between Amiga Inc and solution licencees will ensure the tightest binding of the software to the hardware, providing the highest possible performance and providing the basis for rapid development as we move forwards together. As a result, AmigaOS4 and all future versions will ship only on those hardware products to which Amiga Inc has specifically granted a license after reviewing the capabilities of both the solution provider and their product. The only exclusion to this policy is a temporary measure to support the community members who have invested heavily in existing PPC accelerators and will cover products where an Amiga manufactured or licenced Kickstart ROM is present (for instance A1200/A3000/A4000). Currently this hardware comprises: o Eyetech's AmigaOne series of PPC motherboards o Cyberstorm-PPC accelerators by phase 5/DCE o Blizzard-PPC accelerators by phase5/DCE We have also been approached by and are currently in negotiation with the following companies for the licencing of the AmigaOS to allow for a combined hardware and software solution: o The Shark card by Elbox o PPC accelerator cards for the Prometheus by Matay o Merlancia Industries MMC Toro Series In the case of newly available hardware, including the Eyetech, Elbox and Matay products above, the licence requires that OS4-specific extensions are included in the hardware's boot ROM as an anti-piracy measure. For hardware which is not capable of being used in conjunction with Amiga WB 3.1 (such as the AmigaOne) we will require, as part of the licence conditions, that a copy of Amiga OS is purchased with all boards sold that are capable of running it. The measures identified above have been put into place after consultation with our partners, developers, dealers and users, and represents a recognition that if the Amiga platform is to become successful again, it needs to exude professionalism and responsibility where the needs of the customer are paramount. With these measures, AmigaOS4 and the new hardware solutions, the Amiga desktop platform is primed to move forwards. Bill McEwen CEO Amiga Inc Snoqualmie, WA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A A N Y W H E R E P A C K F O R P O C K E T P C + April 10, 2002 Snoqualmie, WA Amiga, Inc. announced the release schedule of the Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1 for Windows Powered Devices. The Entertainment Pack will run on devices using Windows CE 3.0, Windows CE .NET, Pocket PC, and Pocket PC 2002 including handhelds, smart phones, web pads, and set-top boxes. The Entertainment Pack #1 will contain four applications and the Amiga Anywhere Content Engine. These include the award winning Planet Zed and Convex games from ZeoNeo as well as Gobbler and Solitaire from Pulsar Interactive. The Amiga Anywhere Content Engine allows access to more Amiga Anywhere applications available now and in the future. "Since announcing a change from hardware to software Amiga has strived to create and distribute content that can run on numerous digital devices. Amiga is now focused on the vision that all digital content should be available on all digital devices," said Bill McEwen, President and CEO of Amiga Inc. "To that end Amiga has announced distribution of dozens of applications that can run on a wide range of different types of devices with hundreds more currently in development." The Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1 will provide an exciting experience for owners of Windows Powered handheld devices without using the amount of resources consumed by other applications. Amiga developers are creating rich content using few resources. The average size of an Amiga Anywhere application is under 300KB and yet delivers a more robust experience than titles that are over 2 MB in size. "As mobile devices become smarter and more powerful, users are asking for rich entertainment and gaming experiences," said Scott Horn, director, Embedded and Appliance Platforms Group, Microsoft Corp. "The combination of the Windows CE operating system's multimedia functionality and Amiga's software solution allows developers to deliver rich applications for a broad range of Windows Powered devices." Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1 will ship on April 15, 2002. More information can be found on the Amiga web site at http://www.amiga-anywhere.com/microsoft. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . A N D H O W T O G E T A C O P Y Snoqualmie, WA - April 22, 2002 - Amiga has announced the availability of the Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack # 1. The Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1 is available for download at a price of $ 29.95 and exclusive Game CardTM versions are available for $49.95 (Compact Flash), or $59.95 (Secure Digital) from the Amiga Anywhere PocketPC Website. Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1 is a set of 4 games for devices using Windows Powered Pocket PC's, PocketPC Phone Edition, Microsoft Windows CE 3.0, and CE.Net devices such as handheld PDAs from Compaq, Fujitsu, NEC, Legend, Hewlett Packard, Casio, Toshiba and Audiovox as well as the mmO2 XDA phone. The games can be installed on the device or played from Compact Flash or Secure Digital Game Cards. The Game Cards allow users to run the applications without installing any software on the device. Play "Planet Zed", a shoot-em-up game as you maneuver your ship through distant galaxies. "Convex" will tease your brain as you try and match marbles to make them disappear. Make sure you don't run into obstacles as the snake finds food in "Gobbler". Spend hours playing your favorite "Solitaire" game. Each game features high-resolution graphics and addictive game play that will keep you coming back for more. Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1 is the first in a series of offerings from Amiga for a range of mobile devices including PDA's and Smartphones. Future Amiga Anywhere products will include Puzzles, Board Games, Instant Messaging, Arcade Style Games, Image Tools, Travel and Leisure, and productivity applications with many more available in the coming months. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I T H L O N S T A T E M E N T - B Y D E V E L O P E R Melbourne, April 3rd, 2002 Quo vadis, Amithlon? There has been a considerable amount of discussion and speculation about the future of Amithlon on Amiga news sites as well as on the Amithlon mailing list recently. I suspect it has not gone unnoticed that I have been uncharacteristically quiet on the subject, avoiding to get drawn into discussions which I obviously have passionate opinions about. The reason, regrettably, is a legal one. All is not well where Amithlon is concerned. In fact, all is far from well. In the early hours of March 9th, Melbourne time, I received an email from Amiga Inc, In which Amiga Inc informed me that they considered the distribution of AmigaOS XL to be in violation of their intellectual property rights and thus illegal. The details of their third party intellectual property claim were such that they related, among other parts of AmigaOS XL, to the Amiga IP embedded in the file "isolinux/bigird.gz" on the AmigaOS XL CD. According to the distribution contract for Amithlon, I am fully and exclusively responsible for defending and/or settling any third party intellectual property disputes that arise from any part of the software I have provided under the contract. The file "isolinux/bigird.gz" was provided by me to Haage & Partner, and was included on the AmigaOS XL CD unchanged. I would like to state that, when the Amithlon distribution contract was agreed upon, I was led to believe that Haage & Partner had secured the required licenses to Amiga Inc's IP. In fact, being able to provide such licenses was the main, if not the only reason H&P was chosen as the distribution partner. Until I was informed by Amiga Inc of their different view of the situation, I had no doubt that Amithlon, as distributed as part of AmigaOS XL, was a fully licensed product. I need to stress that I have no way of verifying whether Amiga Inc's claims are justified. I also have no way of determining whether Haage & Partner have negotiated for, or hold through some other means, the licenses to Amiga Inc's IP which would be necessary for the distribution of AmigaOS XL. However, the claim was made. Legal action was mentioned. And I am contractually required not only to defend any claim at my own cost and in my own name, but also to assume full and unlimited liability should the claim be found to be justified. In order to minimize the resulting personal legal risk, I immediately sent an email to Haage & Partner, invoking a contract clause that allows me to prohibit any further use and/or distribution of Amithlon, taking effect immediately, in such a situation. In a response email dated 5:05pm on March 8th (German time), Mr. Haage confirmed that "no agreement [had] been reached" with Amiga Inc. As Mr. Haage's email did not acknowledge that the contract clause prohibiting further use and distribution had been invoked, I sent another email at 3:29am, March 9th (Melbourne time), clarifying that the claim did indeed touch upon parts of AmigaOS XL provided by me, and stressed again that I had invoked that clause. I also suggested that Mr. Haage, who assured me that I neither would nor could be held legally responsible for anything, sign an addendum to the Amithlon distribution contract, stating explicitly that any intellectual property claims by Amiga Inc are fully and exclusively the responsibility of H&P, and that in no case would I be required to defend, settle or be liable for any such claims. No reply was ever received, despite logfiles confirming that the mail was indeed delivered to Haage & Partner's mail server. Distribution of AmigaOS XL by Haage & Partner is continuing. In fact, a new preinstalled "Monster System" was introduced on March 15th. This exposes me personally to a substantial legal risk. I consider any copies of Amithlon shipped by Haage & Partner after March 8th, 5:05pm German time, to have been distributed in direct violation of the Amithlon distribution contract. I explicitly refuse any responsibility or liability resulting from such distribution. I also need to point out that as far as I am concerned, the purchase of any such copies does not provide the purchaser with licenses for the use of any parts I contributed to Amithlon, which includes the main emulator executable. As a freelance software designer, I depend for my livelyhood on proper handling of intellectual property issues. I would like to stress that under no circumstances would I knowingly approve of or condone the distribution of a product for which unresolved yet credible third party intellectual property claims have been made. I very much regret being the messenger of such unfortunate news. Amithlon is a product I have poured my heart and soul into, and one I am rather proud of. Having had to stop its distribution like this pained me greatly; Having to deal with the implications of the ongoing distribution is taking a toll on my psychological and physical well-being, and stops me from doing what I do best, which is to write useful software (if I may say so myself...). Over the last few weeks, I have been working with Amiga Inc, trying to resolve these issues and to find a common way; Unfortunately, it is my understanding that due to the ongoing nature of their dispute with Haage & Partner, they are unable at the current time to comment; At the same time, the stresses this whole affair put on me started to seriously interfere with my life, my health and my continuing support for the users of Amithlon. That could not continue. Bernd Meyer, BComp(Hon), main Amithlon developer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W I O S P I R I T R E P L A C E S I N N O V A T I V E 10 April, 2002 IOSPIRIT founded, take-over of Innovative-products At the end of the year 2000, fxSCAN 3.0, the first program for optical character recognition (OCR) for the AMIGA for a long time, has been officially presented. The program AMIGA-users longed for for such a long time was ordered that often within the first few weeks of availability that the infrastructure of Innovative couldn´t keep pace any more. Felix Schwarz, author of such powerful and popular graphics applications like fxSCAN, fxPAINT, Ultraconv and VHI Studio, made the decision to create an own company from Innovative, the AMIGA-division (led by Felix Schwarz) of the software-company of his father, renew the whole internal infrastructure and organisation, expand the business areas and to further extend and improve the customer service. On the 2nd of January 2002 IOSPIRIT was founded by Felix Schwarz in Herzogenaurach. The enterprise has two main fields of business activity: * Software development IOSPIRIT develops powerful graphics applications for the most different tasks and target audiences. In development special focus is put on the support of the latest technologies and easy usability while still offering maximum power, flexibility and expandibility. IOSPIRIT also develops new, innovative technologies whereof the user directly profits. * Software distribution Thanks to a unique infrastructure IOSPIRIT has the possibility to distribute software online and offline. Online distribution is done via a self-developed online-application for "Electronic Software Delivery" (ESD). In a first step the customer puts the desired articles into the basket and then orders them. After an incoming payment via creditcard or pre-payment the download of the product is unlocked for the customer - mostly at the same day the order was placed. As this type of order is automatically handled by the central IOSPIRIT server, cost savings can be passed on directly to the customer in the form of price reductions. Of course "hard stuff" (so called "package versions" like e.g. CD-ROMs) can also be ordered, which then, thanks to a well thought through and work step optimized infrastructure, can be delivered very quickly. The customer is kept up-to-date on the status of the order via EMail and can get an overview over his orders (including their status) anytime via IOSPIRIT´s website. IOSPIRIT takes over the whole product range of Innovative. Our customers in future will profit from the extended abilities and the excellent infrastructure of IOSPIRIT. fxSCAN, fxPAINT and VHI Studio will be intensively developed further and maintained in the future. More information on this will be made public shortly in seperate press releases. IOSPIRIT Felix Schwarz Am Gründla 3 D-91074 Herzogenaurach Germany EMail: info@iospirit.de WWW: http://www.iospirit.de/ Phone: +(0)049 (0)9132/732844 Fax: +(0)049 (0)9132/732843 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A 1 R O M A N D O S 4 {This post to the Net from the OS4 development team is in response to discussion in news groups that the Amiga 1 would have portions of OS4 in ROM. Brad} 14 April, 2002 Ben Hermans post to clarify the AmigaONE ROM / OS4 situation 1. The fact that the AmigaOne Flashrom will contain parts of OS 4 is certainly not meant as a way/won't operate to lock out other operating systems such as Linux, BSD etc. Fact of the matter is that you will be able to compile Linux/BSD for these machines if you insist on it. 2. The real "anti-piracy" measure is the fact that the AmigaOne will ship with an OS 4 OEM version. It will not be possible to buy boards without OS 4. You buy the hardware, you're buying the software, just like you did with your old Amiga (or indeed with any pre-build Wintel machine or Mac). This will ensure that development of OS 4 isn't a ffected overly by piracy. Other companies targeting the Amiga market with their hardware should in principle also adopt this scheme to the extent that it is practicable. In return they will be able to use the Amiga trademarks and tradename and their hardware will be perceived by their target audience as "endorsed" by Amiga. 3. Amiga are insisting that any hardware vendors who want to target the Amiga userbase with their products have their hardware certified and are also "vetted" themselves (support infrastructure, after sales service, financial well-being etc.). We all know that in the post-Commodore years certain companies were allowed to operate in the market which didn't exactly shine in the area of after sales service (including repair) and tech support. Many a user has left the market because of incidents with (expensive) hardware being sent away for repair never to be heard of again. Many a dealer has closed his Amiga business because of the fact that they could not guarantee any form of after sales service to their customers and wer e in fact exposing themselves to legal action on the part of their customers. On January 1, 2002 a new EU directive on warranty obligations is supposed to be transposed in national law which imposes even stricter warranty obligations on dealer s. It's clear that it would be very detrimental to the Amiga brand and the perception of Amiga Inc. and its products if former practises would be allowed to continue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C A N Y O U H E L P A M I T O P I A ? {The following item was taken from the Czech Amiga News site. Pay those good folks a visit and see what they offer! Brad http://amiga.realdreams.cz/index.html} 21 April, 2002 Amitopia needs help! "I like to inform that Amitopia needs about 5 new staff members/writers. You have to live in Norway, Sweden or Denmark. M@il Amitopia today! About Amitopia?: Amitopia started up 10th of October 2000. We started as a Hobby project, but later we decided to go further and make a different computer magazine. Amitopia writes about everything. Including all the usual articles, we also ha ve AmigaScene articles, AmigaLife articles. In our next Issue, Scandinavian people will be able to read about a music band in Sweden, wich uses Amiga for recording their music. Order it!: amitopia@amiga.ca" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- G O L D E D I S G O N E . . . 4/3/2002 I regret to inform AmigaOS users that all software on the GoldED web site is now discontinued (due to lack of time on my side to continue with AmigaOS software development). What will happen to the BASIC interpreter ? Expect the source code to be made available under the GPL in the near future (in a nutshell, a GPL is a public domain license). What will happen to the GoldED Studio software ? GoldED will remain available as a commercial product while stock lasts. Personal technical support will end this year. No future updates for AmigaOS will be released from the original developer. For Sale Intellectual property rights related to GoldED Studio, including source codes, documentation, distribution rights, the web site etc., are available for sale. There are no plans to release the source code under the GPL or in a similar form or to make the software available free of charge. For more information, please contact the developer directly. http://members.aol.com/golded6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W D R I V E R S C O M I N G F O R V H I S T U D I O VHI-drivers for USB-digicams and USB-webcams 24 Apr 2002 We are very happy to announce that VHI-drivers for USB-digicams and USB-webcams will soon be available. It will soon be possible to also use more recent cameras with VHI Studio and benefit from all its advantages. In contrast to a USB-cardreader VHI Studio communicates directly with the camera via the VHI driver. This opens up completly new possibilities to the user, making it possible to create timelapse-animations, use the digital camera as a webcam, make changes to internal settings via a comfortable userinterface, correct pictures using its correction-tools or just creating a quick overview of the pictures in the camera. Supported USB-webcams will be handled like a videoboard in VHIStudio. In the last few weeks we´ve extended the VHI-standard and made the required changes to VHI Studio to support USB. As the development of at least two API-incompatible USB-stacks (Poseidon by Chris Hodges (for Highway/Subway, MorphOS, maybe Amithlon) and the USB Stack contained in AmigaOS 4.0) on the AMIGA-market is forseeable, we furthermore have created a stack-independant layer (called IOUSB) between the driver and the respective USB-stack that will ensure support for the different systems. Thanks to a close cooperation with E3B (hardware of Highway/Subway) and Chris Hodges (author of Poseidon) the support for Poseidon is already complete. Support for AmigaOS 4.0 and its stack will be added when the development of AmigaOS 4.0 has completed. We´re already in contact with the AmigaOS 4.0-developerteam, so that adapted drivers should be available from us for the release of AmigaOS 4.0. The first driver, which will support the Kodak®-Digicams DC 240, DC 280, DC 3400 and DC 5000, currently undergoes final betatests with Poseidon. Development of drivers for other devices will depend on the demands of the market. We therefore have created a little poll and would appreciate a high number of participants. To the poll: http://www.iospirit.de/poll/index.php?poll_id=2 ----- IOSPIRIT Felix Schwarz Am Gründla 3 D-91074 Herzogenaurach Germany EMail: info@iospirit.de WWW: http://www.iospirit.de/ Phone: +(0)049 (0)9132/732844 Fax: +(0)049 (0)9132/732843 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I N E T D I A L V . 3 . 8 5 R E L E A S E D 16 April, 2002 o MDR Internet Connectivity & Control HOME SERVER for the AMIGA OPERATING SYSTEM (m68k) o INET DIAL is an advanced HOME SERVER for the AMIGA OPERATING SYSTEM, configurable for "dial-up", "dial-in" (registered users), automatic mail retrieve and send, www and remote computer connection. INET DIAL includes NETFS for local and Internet networking between Amigas. INET DIAL automatically mounts remote drives (including those on a Local Area Network) so that they appear on your machine just as if they were physically present. INET DIAL runs as background task and can monitor and respond to any incoming computer connections. o The INET DIAL Control function, available to registered users, includes software to control Domestic or Industrial heating / lighting video audio / security systems. INET DIAL Control currently supports MDR, AREXX, X10 protocols. Each Input / Output channel may be assigned to an individual protocol. o INET DIAL operates via a Web Browser (AWEB-II, IBROWSE and VOYAGER are currently supported). Control or remote access via Internet or "dial-in" telephone line uses any Web Browser. o INET DIAL also supports SMS/Paging. TaskiSMS and EZP@gerNG, SMS/Paging Clients, are fully supported. EZP@gerNG provides support for a number of German, UK, Dutch SMS Service Providers. This allows a text message to be entered 'off-line' and then sent automatically to any receiver. TaskiSMS provides 'online' SMS text messaging. o INET Dial is fully compatible with the latest AMIGA operating system (OS3.9). Control and "Dial-in" Server options are available to registered users. Options include remote reading of emails held at your home base computer. o INET DIAL includes Installer, comprehensive HTML Documentation and Email Support o INET DIAL is fully supported and developed by MDR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS o Hardware - o either: accelerated AMIGA Computer with additional memory (ideally 18Mb+ RAM but depends on specific setup) o or: AMITHLON X86 computer o Software - o YAM mailer (freeware) o Registered versions of AMITCP, MIAMI or MIAMI DeLuxe or GENESIS OS3.9 TCP/IP Stack o Browser with AREXX support (check your version!), currently AWEB-II v3.4, IBROWSE v2.2 or VOYAGER v3.3.117+. o APACHE Web Server required for optional control functions (freeware) also requires GEEK GADGETS http://www.mdr.co.uk/mdr/mdrindex.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Update on the net: All back issues available at: http://www.globaldialog.com/~amigaupdate/index.html Stop by and check out our archive! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2002 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified. ====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ A M I G A /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ A M I G A U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ U P D A T E / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ amigaupdate@globaldialog.com ======================================================================