Back to the Roots Amiga-News 231

BTTR downloads now disabled 2/3 of each day!

Our archive files will only be available for download from
06:10 to 13:10 GMT (may vary), but they should work at full
speed then. We are not happy about this, but unless we find
some sponsors, we have to prevent our archive from being closed
down by this action.  If we find we can extend the times outward
more, we will.

The entire content of the site (except all downloads, fullsize
pictures and the mod player) will continue to work the entire
day. The same applies to the Aminet downloads, as they are not
stored on these servers.

If you are willing to help us by either donating money to pay
parts of our traffic, by purchasing targeted advertising at our
site or by providing us a fast dedicated *nix server somewhere
else, please contact

Several thousand people visit this site each day, and create
the enormous traffic together. Some download more, some download
less. It would be nice if a few of you could also help us to keep
this monster comfortable for people of all time zones.

Many of you have surely noticed that most of the gaming archive
sites were closed down recently. These sites all paid their
traffic by advertising. So did we. However, this does not work
for archive sites anymore, since advertising prices dropped
horribly worldwide.

We have several ideas in the queue to find an income to finance
this site for your convenience. Just none which will work fast
enough. So please also contact us if you want to provide temporary

To all companies who have licensed games to be offered at our
site for free: BTTR will continue to be a non profit project,
and we did never earn a single pence with it, and we will
continue to do so.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Hopefully with better news soon, yours

         Back to the Roots Team

           Bobic + Hippie2000

