TWF News.

1. Website Update
2. Explorer 2260 Update.
3. Maim & Mangle Update.
4. Next News Update


1. Website Update

Well okay, we had hoped to have the M&M site updated by the first week in
april. Most of it is done so should be up soon.

2. Explorer 2260 Update.

News this month:

    - Extended texture editor to support Mini/OpenGL pixel formats, animated

      textures and added features for alpha channel manipulation

    - Started MiniGL engine and MiniGL object editor.

    - Continued work on rendered interfaces, will be designing textures and
      starting low-poly modeling next month.

3. Maim & Mangle Update.

News this month:

    - The release of the miniGL engine to the rest of the team was delayed
      due to bug fixing and holidays.

    - Populated the user interface area with more buttons.

    - Got the menu buttons (centre panel) to change interfaces - partially

    - Started adding functionallity to some of the buttons, and investigated
      the functionallity of others.

    - Finishing modelling the Elarien units.

4. Next News Update

1st June 2000 (well hopefully)

All the best,

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