Piracy and low sales. They might be "logical" answers about why I did leave
Amiga community, but they are both too easy answers. Whole answer can not be
found behind those words.

I could tell you a long story, about how much I've learned about life itself
since October 1999, when I begin my strugglings for making Image Engineer
and Visual Engineering better known. However I've found my current interests
from somewhere else than computers. The story I could tell you, probably
would hurt rest of current "Amiga-community" and upcoming things related to
Amiga as a company and a brandname. Being in so called Amiga-community have
been quite educational. There have been some very good moments, thank you
for that, for those who earn it. It has also been interesting to learn, how
many ways there are to tell bullshit to members of community. And that
meaned companies and inviduals, who's acts where so transparent. It has been
sad to see how amigians don't see the big picture, when comparing classic
Amiga to something like Windows. It's all about mental imaging.

Amiga as a community has nothing to offer me. Amiga as a company might have
something to offer me, but no more I'm interested to follow it's moves. I'd
rather use it's ready products, if they are good enough.

So, now I did tell you a short story. Well, what a heck. There's a phrase
that fits here quite well. Get a Life.

- Marko Seppänen