        Visualisation Plug-Ins for AMPlifier

        After final testing period and documentation it's
        ready now! Have a look for it at Aminet next days
        or better visit our page now to look at some

        Everybody who was asking why to take a Melody1200
        sounboard with DSP if there is a 060 or PowerPC
        in the machine should again become more silent now!

        AMPlifier got a powerfull Plug-In interface for
        talking to external programms to perform
        nice-to-see analyses of sound. This kind of
        stuff is known from PC Player WinAMP.

        As we even want YOU to do the Plug-Ins, the code
        for one nice Plug-In is available. Maximum energy
        was spend to make Plug-Ins as easy as possible
        to do without limiting their power.
        Have a look at the Software Development Kit
        located on the page (SDK) to do own Plug-Ins.

        The Plug-Ins are external programms or even
        applications which are docking to a re-entrant
        cappable library activated by AMPlifier.
        Re-entrant means it's possible to start
        an unlimited number of effects if the CPU is
        fast enough!

        If Melody 1200 PRO or Plus is used, all the power
        of the machine may be spend for rendering
        hungry Plug-Ins. If the boards are used,
        AMPlifier makes use of their feature to readback
        digital decoded MPEGs as RAW data to prevent

        When having a look at PC it's allready known some
        Plug-Ins are like Plasma-Demos and are eating tons
        of CPU-Power. The premium machine for Plug-Ins
        currently is PowerUP/BVision/Melody1200PRO
        based A1200! Next you'll even be able to use
        Melody 1200 at a Zorro-Machine, and extend with
        Digital-IO, too.

PS:     For first Kick 3.1 is requirement for both Plug-Ins
        shown because no alternative rendering routines
        for <3.1 are implemented.

  Kato Development                High-Performance
       Group                     Hardware for Amiga

  mailto:katodev@usa.net         http://kato.home.pages.de