it's nice to see that as soon as there's no V update for a month, people start
worrying of whether we ran away to the bahamas, or shut down, or both.
In any case, the reports of our deaths have been greatly exaggerated :)
As I said when pre5 was released, we were heading to a "proper" release, and
this mostly involves wading through the masses of bug reports (thanks!), and
sorting them out.
However, debugging is a slow process, and we wanted to squash as many bugs as
possible, to release something which warrants a "Proper release" label.
I've attached a current list of changes since pre5 below, so you'll believe us
that we didn't slack around.
The current plan is to release 3.0 proper before X-Mas.
We'll both then have more free time to work on V 3.1 between the years, to add
some features (there's a working Real Audio decoder source lingering around,
and the concept of an CSS parser, and stuff :)

- CVS: bumped compile to .38
- Net: fixed nets_setdocmem() to actually make sure that text files are
  zero-terminated. This is presumbly the reason for the source editing ->
  update crashes (Olli)
- GUI: modified docinfowin to not cause a layout failure with long URLs
  ( (Olli)
- Cache: resuming a file which was in the disk cache wasn't performed properly
  and ended up appending the whole file instead of the relevant part (Zapek)
- Cache: now handles timezones gracefully using locale.library when verifying
  the cache (Zapek)
- Layouter: now remembers form contents upon resize or back (Olli)
- Layouter: FORM RESET for popup list objects now works (Olli)
- CVS: bumped compile to .39
- Layouter: pressing return on <INPUT type="text"> tags won't go to the next
  object like when pressing TAB (Zapek)
- Layouter: fixed enforcer hits on exit when there were FORMs displayed on the
  current page (Zapek)
- GUI: link and image context menus now always use the standard font, regardless
  of whatever font is active for the object (Olli)
- Cache: of course some servers have to not support timezones properly for
  If-Modified-Since: headers so now V converts it as a GMT time (Zapek)
- Network: added configurable Accept-Language option which permits some servers
  to send you documents in your prefered language if it has different versions
  of it (Zapek)
- Network: fixed some bugs in the authentication handling (Zapek)
- CVS: bumped compile to .40
- General: fixed 2KB of chipmem memory leak everytime V was run (Zapek)
- General: again some Executive related ajustements. V won't stop decoding
  pictures if you have a CPU hungry application running in the background
- Net: added support for http://user:pass@<uri> style URLs (Olli)
- General: files being downloaded are opened in shared mode so that you can
  open them with another program meanwhile (handy for mp3s :) (Zapek)
- Net: now again sends a "Pragma: no-cache" when reloading an URL on user's
  request (Olli)
- Net: under certain circumstances the HTTP request header could be trashed,
  causing an "invalid request" reply (Olli)
- Layouter: fixed form content remembering (Olli)
- CVS: bumped compile to .41
- Layouter: fixed problems with text flow when a <LI>st is started
  in an IMG ALIGN=LEFT section, but ends after that (Olli)
- GUI: dragging the location gadget to the fastlink area
  would cause crash (Olli)
- CVS: bumped compile to .42
- General: now cookie expiration takes timezones into account (Zapek)
- GUI: added a preference option to chose between requesters or HTML display
  when there's an error (Zapek)
- JS: implemented window.alert() and window.confirm() (Olli)
- CVS: bumped compile to .43
- Network: added a button to the download window which allows regetting of the
  selected file, handy when a download fails (Zapek)
- Net: URL parser now skips leading spaces (Olli)
- GUI: image popup menu now has a dummy line which holds the image size (later
  to be expanded to hold more info) (Olli)
- Net: HTTP header generation was messed up again, and would sent a broken
  request when verifying cache objects (Olli)
- Net: fixed POST form submit in frames (Olli)
- CVS: bumped compile to .44
- JS: added document.location (Olli)
- JS: fixed setting of .location. from within javascript: links -- due to an
  internal screwup, the value set from such a snippet was immediately overwritten
  with the previous URL (Olli)
- JS: implemented window.frames[] (Olli)
- JS: implemented frame.frames[] (Olli)
- JS: "frame" class now understands custom properties (Olli)
- JS: implemented window.scroll(), window.scrollBy() and window.scrollTo() (Olli)
- JS: implemented frame.scroll(), frame.scrollBy() and frame.scrollTo() (Olli)
- Network: fixed offline mode screwup when changing from manual mode to TCP/IP
  stack detection (Zapek)
- Network: falls back to offline mode when there's no TCP/IP stack available
- GUI: fixed some more history bugs (Zapek)
- Prefs: added an option to turn on/off the autoloading of the homepage (Zapek)
- CVS: bumped compile to .45
- Imagedecoder: added call to get a short image info string. Raised version to 10
  due to new function call (Olli)
- GUI: image popup menu now shows a short image descriptive string (Olli)
- GUI: viewing individual images now uses the image info call to generate the
  <TITLE> (Olli)
- GUI: image maps without surrounding <A>nchor showed the wrong context
  menu (Olli)
- JS: fixed a problem in the flex scanner code which would show up if the often
  used HTML comment was on the same line with JS code (Olli)
- CVS: bumped compile to .46
- GUI: fixed auto-form submission when pressing enter in the only string gadget
  of a form (Olli)
- GUI: rewrote HistoryList almost from scratch :) (Zapek)
- GUI: added © entity since some people will never learn (Zapek)
- GUI: "Retry" button in the download window was wrongly in a disabled state
  sometimes (Zapek)
- Net: target=_new links now get the proper referer (Olli)
- JS: error requesters now show the offending document URL (Olli)
- CVS: bumped compile to .47
- GUI: loading an URL which was already in the Historylist caused a crash (Zapek)
- GUI: Historylist between windows wasn't consistent (Zapek)
- GUI: Back/Forward buttons weren't set properly when using the Historylist
  popdown menu to go to an URL (Zapek)
- General: added a way to add a signature from a file when sending mails (Zapek)
- JS: image object didn't restore background when src was changed,
  thus possibly causing artifacts when transpareny was used (Olli)
- GUI: fixed "Retry" button really this time :) (Zapek)
- General: changed backspace to scroll one page up (Zapek)
- GUI: redirects weren't handled properly in the Historylist (Zapek)
- CVS: bumped compile to .48
- GUI: garbage could appear on the sendmail window when using a signature (Zapek)
- GUI: oops, I broke key up (Zapek)
- JS: fixed skipping of function definitions (could lead to premature end of
  interpreting scripts) (Olli)
- JS: now ignores rest of line on <!-- style "comments" (Olli)