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We are treating this as a news item, not as an endorsement on our part of Bill's requests. If you choose to participate, it is your decision and at your own risk, as is the case in any business arangement. We have carried offers from Amiga Inc. as part of news stories, and similarly for other companies as part of news stories. The situation at Centsible is certainly newsworthy, so news this is. Since one of the founding principles of Amiga Update is to get news out when it's fresh, not necessarily on a regular schedule, we are providing this information while it's new and still relevant to the community. Best of luck to all concerned!! Brad Webb, Editor =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- C E N T S I B L E B U Y O U T H E L P R E Q U E S T 2 Feb 2003 I'm sorry I'm contacting you after you have already put out the AU newsletter, but I am in desperate neeof help from our Amiga Brethern. AS you know, I am the publisher of "the NEW AMIGANS" magazine. What you might not know is that I am also working at Centsible software part-time. I was recently informed by Scott (the owner) that another party has made an offer for the company. At first, I thought I would simply have to contact them and get new advertising set up. But I found out just Thursday that the other party intends to dissolve the company and sell off the inventory on ebay "a little at a time" over the course of several years. Now Centsible is the only remaining source (as far as I know) for several of the custom chips that are needed to maintain our Amigas (as well as for C64s and C128s). If the other party takes the inventory, and one of our computers break down, we may be SOL on getting them repaired (unless the chips needed JUST HAPPEN to be on ebay at that moment). Scott told me that if I can match their offer of $2,000 down and $2,000 on delivery of inventory, he would finance the rest of the buyout (at 0% interest). Now I can scrape together about $1,000. But that would be needed for opening the new store location (rent, utilities, phones, etc). I have a person who is offering the loan me $2,000 but it will take time to get the money out of his investments for me to use. Scott has told me that whoever gets the first $2,000 to him gets the company. I have already put out a plea to as many Amigans as I have email addresses. And have been able to raise just under $1,000. I know you can reach many more Amigans than I have addresses for. Could you PLEASE rebroadcast this emergeny plea ASAP. For the contributors I have the following proposal: There are several fully functional computers in this inventory. I am willing to offer choice of those units (I would need at least one to run the business, but the rest would be up for grabs) to anyone who contributes more than $100 or so (on a first donated, first to choose basis). For the $50 and up crowd, I would also include the A500s (I know of at least 5) and some software to make it a bit fairer. If the computer you like isn't available by the time the order works down to you, I would ofer store credit (possibly in the form of 125% = or so - of what you contributed, or a repayment of 110% of what you contributed over the course of a year (much better than the stcok funds are now offering). Any contributions under $50.00 (I'm open to all Amigans - my finances are tight now too). I would offer the store credit (of 125% of their investment) or 110% repayment at the end of the first year (so I don't have to write out so many checks each month). I ask those who are interested to contribute via PayPal (simply because it is the fastest way to get the money to me - and its a case of who has the money in hand first that counts on this deal). If anyone wants to send a check I would need it here via overnight in order to ensure I have the money before the other person does. And, of course, if I lose the purchase, I will immediately refund any and all contributions sent. My main purpose here is to prevent our Amiga resources from dwindling down much further until the new Amigas can take a toe-hold. To make your paypal contributions (of ANY size)simply go to the payapl website and click on send money. Use my email address (wd8izh@beanstalk.net) in the "Pay To:" section and follow the rest of the instructions. PLEASE don't let this important parts and software resource die. Help me maintain the integrity of the dealership know as Centsible Software. Finally, because the other party is NOT and Amiga user, BUT DOES auction Amiga stuff, I have reason to believe that he follows the Amiga News Groups. Sinsce I don't want to end up lossing the company to a "bidding war" I ask that nobody place this on an NG. But PLEASE forward it to EVERY Amigan and C64/c128 user you know. Thank you --------- Its gonna be a heck of a century! Bill Griffin, G&G Publishing Enterprises Home of "the NEW AMIGANS" magazine Ask about our new, US-based, Amiga Magazine Or check out our website at http://get.to/t.n.a .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C E N T S I B L E B U Y O U T U P D A T E 3 Feb 2003 So far we have raise only $700 of what is needed for the downpayment on Centsible. I have found an investor who can get another $2,000 to me in about 2 weeks. Scott has now told me that He will not be making any calls to the other party to get money from them until the weather clears. Which he doesn't see hapening for at least a week. However, if the other party send the money to secure the deal (on their own) Scott will be obligated to honor the deal and we will lose Centsible Software forever. This affords us a SLIGHT chance to finish up the job and saveCentsible Software. It also means that those of you out there who want to help, but don't have credit cards (or who don't want to go through PayPal) have a chance to get in on this deal. I have enough time (barely) to accept contributions via mail. I will simply hold the checks (uncashed) until I either get enough to complete the deal, or the other party gets their money in first. If that happens, I simply send back the uncashed checks. This way, if any of you have interest earning checking, you won't even lose the interest on your money. Again, I am willing to accept help in any dolar amount and all the terms I stated in my proposal apply. I only ask that, if you send help via the post office, you email me and let me know it as well. To send your help via mail, send it to: Bill Griffin PO Box 447 Edwardsburg, MI 49112-0447 And put the words "Centsible Buyout" on the memo line. PLEASE rebroadcast and forward to as many Amiga and C64 enthusiasts as you possibly can. And thank you, in advance, for all your help. ------------ Its gonna be a heck of a century! Bill Griffin, G&G Publishing Enterprises Home of "the NEW AMIGANS" magazine Ask about our new, US-based, Amiga Magazine Or check out our website at http://get.to/t.n.a .. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Amiga Update on the net: All back issues available at: http://www.globaldialog.com/~amigaupdate/index.html Stop by and check out our archive! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2003 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified. ====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ A M I G A /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ A M I G A U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ U P D A T E / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ amigaupdate@globaldialog.com ====================================================================== |
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