31.8.98 Motorola announces new MMC2080
from Motorola is designed as an integrated
solution that delivers paging capability for Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs),
high-tier alpha-numeric pagers, and other systems that will benefit from the additional capability.
(Combining a FLEX paging decoder and an M·CORE RISC microcontroller on one chip.)
Motorola website
31.8.98 24bit Graphics Picture Datatype
The V43DT has been updated to 43.764. You can find it here.
30.8.98 Foundation update
29.8.98 NewsRog1.1 update
Update of NewsRog, the most powerful Usenet software available for the Amiga from ShadowWorks Software,
to version 1.1 is available and brings bugfixes and some small improvements.
Registered users can download it here for free!
NewsRog page
28.8.98 An Exclusive interview with Fleecy Moss
28.8.98 68K emulator for PPC
StormC DSK (Developer Survival Kit) contains Warp3D too - new hardware
independent driver system for 3D graphics boards. Supports CVision64 3D
(Virge) and CVisionPPC/BVisionPPC (Permedia 2).
As a bonus H&P add the latest beta version of their new 68k emulator for PowerPC.
Haage&Partner website
28.8.98 StormC DSK
StormC DSK (Developer Survival Kit) is the new "All-Inclusive" package for
AMIGA programmers.
It consists of all well-known Storm components in their up-to-date versions as
well as our latest developments for PowerPC and 3D.
Haage&Partner website
28.8.98 Fleecy Moss & Stefan Desrosiers on IRC channel
The Team AMIGA Help Channel will feature Fleecy
Moss and Stefan Desrosiers in a "Java and How it will impact the
AmigaNG" on September 14th at 5:30 Eastern Daylight Time ... that should
be GMT 4.
Gary Peake
Team Amiga mailing list
27.8.98 What happened to Pios and other stuff
You can read a few interesting answers from Dave Haynie covering several
topics here.
Dave Haynie
Met@box www
27.8.98 Fusion & PCx together
have announced today that for a limited period through until the end of September Amiga users will be able to buy both full versions of Fusion Macintosh emulator and PCx PC emulator software for the low price of 19.95 UKP plus shipping.
Shipping of this bundle pack will be 3.00 UKP.
The pending PPC modules of both these excellent emulators will require the full 68K based package, so now is a great chance to own these versions at a heavily reduced price.
Blittersoft webpages
Amiga Web Directory
26.8.98 Studio Professional V2.2 is available
Studio Professional V2.2 includes powerful Amiga Workbench drivers.
Additional software allows printing of images directly from disk in 8-Bit or 24-Bit precision.
List of supported printers is here.
Schatztruhe webpages
26.8.98 New titles for PPC on H&P's PPC web site
Three new titles appeared on H&P's PPC website with status "planned".
They are: Claws of the Devil (Titan Computer), Tales of Tamar (Eternity)
and ScalOS (AlienDesign).
Haage&Partner website
26.8.98 The Latest from Jeff Schindler
26.8.98 Blittersoft webpages moved
26.8.98 EXPANSION real-time strategy
Expansion is a new real-time strategy game that is in development by
RAMTronics Software. An early demo of the game is downloadable here or on Aminet.
The only games that that it is similar to and draws inspiration from is classics like Civilization, Sim City & The Settlers.
RAMTronics webpage
25.8.98 Phase5 webpage
Phase5 has finally showed their (not fully finished) web pages. It looks like they love MACs more then Amiga!
Phase5 webpages
25.8.98 AmigaWriter available
German version of AmigaWriter, new word processor for Amiga computers, is available now. Translation of the English manual will last about 2-3 weeks.
There is a german demo version on Haage&Partner ftp site.
Haage&Partner website
24.8.98 IRC log with Gary Peake #2
Just for the second time on the IRC channel of Team Amiga. You can read
IRC log of discussion with Gary Peake here. It's short, but maybe
someone will find a few usefull hints there.
(boring parts were removed, original was archived.)
Team Amiga IRC help channel
24.8.98 Team Amiga News page
24.8.98 AmigaOS 3.5
Gery Peake's answer on question "BTW, what about OS 3.5?" is:
"That is being looked at, proposed, and offered." Our question is: "When?" :-)
Gery Peake
24.8.98 vgr.com CGX page
On Saturday the 22nd at 05:44:29am
vgr.com CyberGrapX page reached 400,000th hit.
It only took 20 months.
Czech Amiga News congratulate!
24.8.98 Future Of Miami
Miami 3.2 and Miami Deluxe 1.0 will be released soon. Future development
of Miami 4.0, Miami Deluxe 2.0 or PPC versions is uncertain because of
excessive piracy. So REGISTER, please!
Holger Kruse - Miami developer
I just accidentally visited Team Amiga IRC session on beyondirc.net
server, and found out Gary Peake is online, so asked a few questions. My
impression is very good and I have to say now I will visit such channel
on regular basis. If you want to read its transcript,
click here.
Team Amiga IRC help channel
21.8.98 Next Update - CGX
Updated cgxsystem.lib to V3 41.21. There is a new EnvVar with 41.21, WBPATSPEEDUP.
You can find it on the vgr.com. (no PPC version in archive)
21.8.98 Nova Design releases ImageFX 3.2 update
ImageFX 3.2 update was just released. Not only bug fixes covered, but
also added functionality present.
Nova Design's server is temporary down, because their
ftp site
received too many hits. (Update should appear on Aminet soon.).
Nova Design, Inc.
21.8.98 Fleecy Moss IRC session log
Thanks to Kyle Sterry you have now chance to read IRC session log
featuring Fleecy Moss, the project manager of Amiga Inc. Cool reading.
The year 2000 - it's going to be, well, BIG! :-) Nice reading here (local).
Kyle Sterry, Team Amiga mailing list
21.8.98 More Updates
Today is Update day :) Minor STFaxPro update (v3.4) fixes few small general bugs and adds a few minor features.
RTGmaster update (v41.0), library system to make GFX board compatible game coding easy, fixes some bugs
and works with the final version of vbcc-WarpOS. You can find it on
Active-Net (STFaxPro)
20.8.98 Haage&Partner website
20.8.98 MakeCD Update
MakeCD, well known CD writer software for the Amiga, was updated to version 3.2a.
Update brings import of mono or stereo 8SVX samples and many bugfixes.
MakeCD webpage
19.8.98 Slide show on AInc.'s web site available
In ordet to getting the slide show as pressented on Amiwest'98 show, you have
to register first. It's supposed beeing on-line just for few days.
Remember - just for your internal use!
Amiga Inc. website
19.8.98 Be Newsletter covering Amiga
Jean-Louis Gassee, CEO of Be Inc. has answered requests of Amigans
about possible integration of Be and Amiga OSes, which according to him,
is not possible. Nice reading here.
Team Amiga mailing list
Be Inc. website
19.8.98 Power-Up boards still to be produced
One of our local dealers - Javosoft - visited personally Phase5
, and asked some questions regarding rumours of stopping the production of
Power-Up boards and here is the result:
Phase 5 offered their production line for some 14 days in August
to some works under contract, to simply make some more money,
enabling them to produce more products to be on stock. Such production
ends this weekend, and then everything is going back to normal.
This situation was announced to all dealers one month ago, so every
dealer had enough time to make accurate orders. So the stopping the
production of dual based PPC acceleration boards is UNTRUE.
Javosoft Czech Amiga dealer
19.8.98 Almagica & Caveman Species canceled
This month, two games produced by Vulcan software were canceled.
Almagica Scions of a Forgotten World developed by D.S.P. Software and
Caveman Species developed by Black Flag.
Development of both games was ceased due to the economic realities of the Amigas constantly eroding user base.
Vulcan Software understand and support their decision.
Vulcan software
18.8.98 A Letter to the Amiga Community
Hurry up! :-) Go and visit Amiga Inc.'s web site. There is letter from
Amiga Head of marketing - Bill McEwen waiting for you on their page.
You will be able to sign up and receive some real info from August 19.
Probably some slide shows from last Amiga shows.
Amiga Inc. website
18.8.98 Fleecy Moss from Amiga Inc. on IRC session
Fleecy Moss (Amiga Inc.) has agreed to visit IRC session of Team Amiga
, on Wed, 19-August-1998, around 21:00 EDT (Eastern US Daylight Savings Time) (3:00 AM CET). The
channel and server not provided in the source :(, but it will be probably
on #Team*AMiGA channel on BeyondIRC.net.
Dave Cook (Zen Metal software)
Team Amiga mailing list
18.8.98 H&P and update of PPC page
If you are the owner of Power-Up board or just interested in PPC, go and
visit H&P's PPCWorld web page for small update. Added some links and entries in
the table of currently ported or applications planned to be ported.
Haage&Partner website
18.8.98 Web Site and E-mail Updates
The amiga.com domain is now routing e-mail. The amiga.net domain no longer
resolves to the same pages as amiga.com and amigainc.com.
www.amiga.net will soon be the web home of the ICOA.
Amiga Inc. website
17.8.98 Phase5 delayed as ussual
First it was August 12, second it was August 18 and now Phase5 decided
to delay date of uploading completly new web site once again. Let's hope
the date of August 25 is the final. Stay tuned!
Phase5 website
What the color of the news means? Do you want to add link from your page
to Czech AMIGA News?
Look to About... in menu of this page! :-)
16.8.98 New Amiga Web Magazine!
CU Amiga will be dead soon and so some people on IRC started thinking
about new 100% Amiga WEB magazine. Name of magazine isn't
definite yet so you can suggest original one.
See the full message (local).
comp.sys.amiga.misc (Rune Elvemo)
16.8.98 More on closing CU Amiga magazine
If you want to get more insight on what's perhaps going to happen after
closing of CU Amiga and what's the reaction of some companies, go and
read article on AmigaFlame web site.
AmigaFlame webpage
15.8.98 GENETIC SPECIES engine update
640x480 mode is now available for graphics board users. The base image is calculated in 320x240 and
then scaled to 640x480 using bilinear interpolation for maximum speed. However a 640x480 image is
4 times as many pixels as in 320x240, so don't expect more than 5 fps on a 060/50.
You can find it here.
Marble Eyes Development
15.8.98 New AMIGA Mousepad
A brand new AMIGA Mousepad is available! Copyright by AMIGA International, Inc.
Please contact your local dealer (not AMIGA International, Inc.) for more information.
Look for it!
AMIGA International Inc.
15.8.98 Joe Torre leaving Amiga Inc.
Joe Torre decided to leave Amiga Inc. as the company seems to be really
strictly software oriented and can't satisfy Joe with some motivating
hardware development.
Gary Peake
Team Amiga mailing list
14.8.98 PFS2 release date
13.8.98 The END of CU AMIGA
The October 1998 issue of CU Amiga (The World's best selling Amiga magazine) will be the last ever published :(
CU Amiga webpage
13.8.98 Elite
Do You remember old classic game Elite published by Firebird in 1988 ?
Now Ian Bell has released all the Elites (including the Ami one) for free.
You can find it on the Elite webpage.
13.8.98 EasyWriter = AmigaWriter
Shortly before its release Haage & Partner decided to rename their
new word processor to "AmigaWriter". This is because the name "EasyWriter" is used by a PC program already.
German version will be released in mid August, English version will be available in late August/early September 98.
Haage & Partner
13.8.98 Enforce
Today, the author of well known 3D action game Testament, now working on 3D game Enforce, tell us some exclusive informations :)
Enforce game support i-Glasses and 3DMax now, support of Virge chip will be redesigned in one week and support of Permedia2 will take one more month.
Author say: "It looks really amazing in 640x480 HiColor billinear filtered!" and we must believe, because new demo of the engine will not be out so soon :(
Insanity webpage
12.8.98 Miami 3.0d released!
The current version of Miami is 3.0d. This version should fix the lockups during `Finding Hostname...'.
You can find it on the Miami webpage.
Beta version of new high-end TCP/IP protocol stack for Amiga computers Miami DELUXE will be released soon.
Here are some screenshots of Miami Deluxe, for those of you who are particularly impatient :-)
Nordic Global Inc
12.8.98 IBM introduces new breakthrough technology
IBM announced new technology called "silicon-on-insulator (SOI), which
enables to radically reduce power consumption of chips to one third and
increases its performance by up to 35 percent. Such technology, hand in
hand with IBM's copper technology is going to be used also in PowerPC
chips. The situation of PPC processors seems to become better and better
and let's hope revitalization and sales of Apple are not just some
half-year case...
IBM Microelectronics web site
11.8.98 WarpUP 3.1 released!
The new released version of WarpUP runs with BVision/CVision and the new BlizzardPPC libs.
There is also a new "BouncePPC" version (MESA) that is twice as fast as the former one.
Haage & Partner
11.8.98 MasterISO v2.1 released!
Asimware InnoMastervations Inc. is proud to announce release of MasterISO v2.1. This release is a maintenance update.
MasterISO is next generation CD-R/RW recording software package which contains a comprehensive feature list for
novice and professional users alike.
Asimware webpage
11.8.98 JForth released as a freeware!
Authors of JForth, the programming language based on the Forth language,
decided to release it as a freeware now, with many tools available. For
more info and download visit www.softsynth.com.
Second Wind mailing list
11.8.98 CyberGL on the way?
According to Frank Mariak, there are some new things on the way
regarding CyberGL, probably based on some client-server concept
which also supports some features like display lists. The exact date of
release is unknown yet, but as it is available, the link will appear on
Power-Up mailing list
11.8.98 REBOL pre-beta released to testers
As evident from the header, the pre-beta version of REBOL/Core was
released to testers. We are not permissed to release more detailed info
yet. Anyway - stay tuned!
Rebol Technologies
-pekr- pre-beta REBOL tester ;-)
10.8.98 Aminet 26 CD-ROM
Aminet 26 CD-ROM, dated August 1998, is available. Contains 1 gigabyte (uncompressed) of software in thousands of archives.
The commercial highlight is the full and unrestricted version of XiPaint 4.0, the famous 24-bit paint program.
Schatztruhe webpage
Updated Picasso IV monitor file to v2.8.
Updated CVisionPPC monitor file to v2.7. Many faster changes and 2 new tooltypes.
You can find it on the vgr.com
9.8.98 Asimware Innovations Inc.
Asimware, specialists in CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, and DVD technologies,
is proud to announce newly redesigned WWW site. In addition to the new look, the site now contains a plethora
of easily accessible information.
Asimware webpage
6.8.98 OFF
The next update of Czech Amiga NEWS you can't await before 9.8.98
because ExiE and -pekr- are both on holidays!
5.8.98 NetConnect v2 released
Internet package NetConnect v2 finally released! NetConnect v2 contains really everything you will need to fully use the Internet:
easy to use access software GENESIS, which automatically connects to your Internet provider, efficient Internet browser Voyager,
E-Mail program Micordot II, outstanding AmIRC 2, AmFTP, AmTERM, X-ARC, Finger etc.
Haage & Partner
5.8.98 SoundFX 3.70
New version 3.70 of well known shareware editor for digitized audiodata SoundFX was released.
The best improvement is that all modules are working with wirtual memory, so you can process samples bigger than your memory.
SoundFX webpage
4.8.98 ClickBOOM next conversion
ClickBOOM still have made no definite decision which game will be
converted to Amiga next. It should be Monkey Island 3 from LucasArts Ltd., as many amiga players want :) Who knows ? But there is still chance
to change the final result.
ClickBOOM Sofia Tsiotsikas (Public Relations)
4.8.98 AmigaOS 5.0 details
This information is under NDA and it's not supposed to be online anywhere! Sorry!
3.8.98 AMD and Motorola
AMD and Motorola
announced plans for strategic technology alliance. Under the terms of the planned seven-year agreement,
Motorola will license its current copper interconnect technology and High Performance
Logic Process (HiPerMOS) to AMD. The companies will collaborate on the development of
future logic process technology platforms featuring copper interconnects. AMD will license
its flash-memory technology to Motorola. Motorola also will receive rights to use certain networking
technology from AMD.
AMD website
3.8.98 Motorola announces new MMC2001
Motorola announced new processor for a new age. The 32-bit MMC2001 integrated processor.
!REMEMBER! This is probably NOT the processor to be used by AmigaInc. !REMEMBER!
Motorola website
3.8.98 PFS 2
Professional File System 2 is the successor to Ami-FileSafe, well known replacement of old file system.
Up to 500% performance improvement over FFS, never un-validated disks, 68000, 020, 040 and 060 versions
and many other improvements. PFS2 will be released early August'98 on CD with new versions of many useful tools like pfsls, diskvalid
and free bonus game Kang-Fu!. Ramjam Consultants are UK distributors for this product.
2.8.98 Computer98
From August 1st the web page of Computer98
"Europe's great sales exhibition involving computers, peripherals and entertainment"
will be updated, when there will be anything worth knowing.
1.8.98 Tornado3D 2.0 announcement
EyeLight is proud to announce the availability of
Tornado3D version 2.0. (Amiga version is ready, DraCo update will follow shortly.)
This version is not fully PPC native yet, some parts are still performed by 68K.
Registered users can download it NOW! (here)