31.7.2k Paul Nolan Joins the Amiga Team
31.7.2k ACE 2000 (Australian) Amiga Computer Expo
Michael Czajka: "The ACE 2000 permanent web site is now up and
fully functional. The design phase has now finally caught up with the information and it looks
great. The number of exhibitors continues to increase. Interested exhibitors are urged to e-mail
Michael Czajka, ACE 2000
31.7.2k Regnet News
Andreas R. Kleinert: "RegNet informed me, that they'd be releasing a new site and that the transfer
should be smoothly - however due to an obvious IP address change,
http://www.regnet.net currently points to some completely
different site (after first only containing an error message and then being down for a while).
I would expect, that the DNS server entries get updated soon and would be be glad, if people
that have not been able to register since 26th/27th of July would try again in a few days."
Andreas R. Kleinert, PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX
31.7.2k Amihoo.com News
Michael Carrillo: "Epic UK have teamed up with Amihoo.com to give away a £10 pound voucher, for
the best letter submitted to Amihoo's Talkback section, on a monthly basis. Full details can
be found at http://www.amihoo.com. Amihoo.com is
offering free banner advertisement space to Amiga Businesses for a limited period only. So get
in quick."
Michael Carrillo, Amihoo.com
31.7.2k Amigart.com is Back
31.7.2k Amiga Arena News
BallMaster keyfile is freely available to all visitors of Amiga Arena.
You are allowed to use it for playing the game but you may not distribute it further. BallMaster is a puzzel game
like Logical by Damir A. New interviews with Achim
Stegemann (Digital Almanach) and Guido Mersmann (BoulderDäsh) are Online!
Olaf Koebnik, Amiga Arena
30.7.2k Aliens vs Predator source code released
According to AVP News Fox Interactive has officially released the source code for Aliens vs Predator Gold Edition.
AvP is an original pc game ala Quake 2, in which you can control either aliens (as in Ridley Scott's Alien and the sequels), predators (as in John McTiernan's Predator
and the sequel) or human soldiers. This sounds like a very interesting project for an Amiga port...
Amiga Fire website
30.7.2k Interview: 'The new Amiga'
The original Amiga computer was a major technological innovation in its time. Now, the Amiga is back. Bill McEwen,
President of Amiga, Inc., and Fleecy Moss, VP of Development, interviewed by Daniel Robbins, give us insight into
new Amiga and explain why it's one of the most exciting development platforms available today.
Read the interview here.
Amiga.org website
IBM's Developer Works page
30.7.2k T.o.T. Update Feature Disabled
Eternity: "Unfortunatly it has happened, certain users procured themself unauthorized access
to our ftp server. For this reason we were forced to disable the update feature of the Tales
of Tamar Demo. We point out that more such trials endanger the release of an Amiga version
of Tales of Tamar definitively. We are not keen on working for nothing for four years and
we have attached a lot of money to the development. Only our alpha testers are authorized
to access our ftp server. Furthermore we point out that definitively there will be Aminet
version of Tales of Tamar free to duplicate. Thus there is no reason for such trials..."
Amiga-news.de website
Tales of Tamar homepage
30.7.2k First Screenshot of UAE emulator for Amiga SDK
30.7.2k Amiga (SDK) Java Speedtests
Stefan Zivkovic managed to run the CaffeineMark 3.0
- series of tests that measure the speed of Java programs running in various hardware and software configurations and
Amiga Java. On the same page you will find also results of another
tests and comparsions to another JVMs.
Zingo.org website
30.7.2k Interview with Ablaze
Andreas Magerl: "On the Homepage from Amiga Future
is an interview with Ablaze,
developers of TheStrangers and Diversia (Napalm). English speaking users can translate the
page with a translate-tool on the startpage.
The interview is in the AKTION-part from AF page.
Andreas Magerl, Amiga Future
30.7.2k Village Tronic Petition
Until the end of September votes for the Village Tronic Service Petition can be made.
This petition intends to persuade VT to place service documents at the disposal of authorized repairing companies to ensure technical
support for or repair of VT products. VT still did not state concretely on the subject how to deal with the repair of their products
in the future. At this time there is no repair support. Unfortunatly Paul Qureshi only recieved about 200 votes, by now. So, who
did not vote till today either can make this up at the titlelink or can send an email
directly to the promoter of the petition.
Amiga-news.de website
Village Tronic Service Petition page
Village Tronic website
30.7.2k Software News
ICS v1.10 - professional color correction
for scanners. readme
ICS already is directly supported by ScanQuix, ScanTrax and ImageFX.
Other scanner drivers authors will soon add direct ICS support to their scanner drivers.
29.7.2k Thank you & Win Heretic II
I would like to thank everyone who sent us email with congrats or thanks for our work.
As Len Carsner said Amiga is in my blood and therefore it's impossible to leave her so unawares!
Small notice: "If you don't sent us your tip about date and time (+/- 2 hours) of official
opening of our news service two years before, you have last 48 hours to do so! You can
win HERETIC II game for your PPC miggy! You can send your tips (write "TIP" to subject
please) to exie@czex.cz.
Czech Amiga News Team
29.7.2k Blittersoft News
Blittersoft have launched their new-look web-site. Product information has been updated, with a new BoXeR section.
Robin Cloutman: Blittersoft are now the exclusive handlers for all rc-ftpd registrations, this means people have
a more secure method of paying :-) For those of you who don't know rc-ftpd is an Amiga FTPserver, it features
an integral MUI gui, is easy to set-up anduse, and is very stable. It is available on
Aminet. Registration costs £19.95 (UKP) and enables some
features, including higher connectioncounts and bandwidth usage."
Paul Lesurf, Blittersoft
Robin Cloutman via ANN
29.7.2k Napster To Stay Open
As you have probably heard, the RIAA won a court battle this week that may keep you from using Napster to share music.
Today the court of appeals stayed the judge's order to shut down Napster until they consider our appeal, probably
in September. Napster team will keep you informed about any developments. In the meantime they will continue working
to provide the best possible experience for the Napster community. Here are
three things you can do to help right away.
NapsterInc. website
28.7.2k Back to the Roots News
BTTR Team: "The companies Vision Software and Croteam are supporting our little project now, too.
Since today you can download the games "Roadkill" and "Woody's World", as well as the brilliant
soccer game "5A-Side-Soccer", which is the indoor version of Football Glory. Also the games
Whale's Voyage 1+2, Black Viper, Fightin' Spirit and Spherical Worlds from Neo Software are back
online, because the contract with Alive Mediasoft was never valid. Impressions, the strategy
experts from the States, are supporting BTTR now for a long time and now we can give you the
games "Afrika Korps", "Airbucks" and "Caesar Deluxe" for free.
Read more
Back to the Roots website
28.7.2k Windows Version of SDK Out Soon
According to Gary Peake Windows version
of Amiga software developer kit (SDK) will be out soon.
Gary Peake via c.s.a.m
28.7.2k 1st release of AppMI
AppMI is a collection of toolbar images and animations in the GlowIcons design, witch will maybe found a standard
for the ClassicAmiga system. The collection is free for developers and anybody else, but to get the archive
you have to register and anybody who release a product using AppMI, should send the author a copy of the full
version of the program. Please visit http://home.t-online.de/home/mason.home/homepage.htm
and apply for the registration form in the AppMI section, fill it out and send it back to the author.
You will get the archiv via email as soon as possible.
Martin Mason Merz, Mason home
28.7.2k Interview with Thomas Dellert from DCE
The german amiga.topcool interviewed Thomas Dellert from DCE. He told us his opinion to the SDK, PPC,
AmiJoe, Escena, MorphOS and Haage&Partner. You can translate the interview into English when you
push the "english pages" link.
amiga.topcool.de website
DCE webiste
28.7.2k Amigart.com isn't working
28.7.2k Amiga Segodnya News
Computer Art Festival (CAFe2000) will be held July 29-30 in Kazan, Russia. More info you can find on
their site.
"Amiga Segodnya" changed host (old is www.atlant.ru/amiga). New design, new structure. English
version coming soon. This is "beta 2 preview 1", like ANN =).
Vladimir Chikov, Amiga Segodnya
28.7.2k AmiWest 2000 Online
28.7.2k New Webpages for SoundFX
28.7.2k Interactive Pulse Update
The new Interactive feature to The Amiga Pulse Magazine has been updated. You can now choose
which feature or tutorial you would like to see in the next issue of The Pulse.
Read more
Pulse Publishing
27.7.2k Napster ordered to shut down Friday
Hank Barry: "As you know, the recording industry has sued Napster in order to shut us down. Wednesday
in federal court, the Judge issued an order that basically would have the effect of shutting down
the Napster service as it currently exists. We will appeal the Judge's ruling to the Court of
Appeals and will ask the Court of Appeals this morning to stay the Judge's order during the appeal.
If we do not get a stay, then we have until midnight Friday to comply with the Judge's order.
Although we strongly and firmly disagree with the Judge's decision, we will comply with that decision
if it is not stayed." Read more
Hank Barry, NapsterInc.
27.7.2k 70 REBOL experimental builds
27.7.2k Mining the web with REBOL
27.7.2k Software Hut News Letter
27.7.2k EASys! Pirate copies?
To protect customers from bying illegal copies of EASys-CD there is this scan of the original CD.
The CD should be delivered as a 2 colour printed silver shining (no writeable CD!) CD ROM in a jewel case with high quality 4-colour printed colour cover.
If you are in doubt you got a pirate copy please send an email to eternity and tell them when and where you got it.
EASys homepage
Eternity website
27.7.2k Project Amber
Neil Cafferkey: "I'm developing an AmigaOS clone to run on the PowerPC. The goals of the
project are similar to AROS, but I feel strongly that a new OS should be released under
a less restrictive licence. The AROS Public Licence is essentially the same as the
Mozilla Public Licence. The OS will run initially on PowerMacs, but is designed to be
portable. Some code has already been written, and can be found on
http://sourceforge.net under the project name Amber.
If anyone is interested in contributing to this project, please contact me at the
address below.
Neil Cafferkey via comp.sys.amiga.programmer
ExiE & Vit Sindlar
27.7.2k New adventure under development: "Middle City"
This adventure, being developed by an Italian group, is about the secrets of the small town "Middle City",
and the murder of Linda Patton which has to be investigated. The graphics of the screenshots show
artistic skill, and look promising. A first playable demo is announced for the end of December.
Amiga-news.de website
Middle City website
26.7.2k Free GoldED Studio 5
A former version of GoldED Studio can now be downloaded free of charge exclusively from the GoldED web site.
As a special bonus, we include an offer to upgrade to the latest version at a reduced price after testing
the software. The free GoldED Studio 5 package is fully functional and includes various add-ons for the
creation of web pages, C/C++ programming, development of installation scripts, etc. Roget's Thesaurus is
also included. More information can be found on here.
Dietmar Eilert, GoldED
26.7.2k First d'Amiga workstation to be shown at Amiwest
Nova Design: "Nova Design is pleased to announce the release of the d'Amiga Developer Workstation at AmiWest.
In partnership with Software Hut, we will have the very first d'Amiga Developer Workstation on display and
we will be selling d'Amigas throughout the show!
Read more
Amiga.org website
Nova Design website
Software Hut website
26.7.2k Anti Gravity posts new Website! Joe Torre hired!
On July 25, 2000 Anti Gravity posted it's new website devoted exclusively to the development of BoXeR
systems. The site contains new information about the history of Anti Gravity, the story of the BoXeR,
Anti Gravity's effort to purchase Amiga from Gateway and hints of Anti Gravity's future plans.
New techinical information outlines design decisions that have been made and decisions currently under
discussion. Joe Torre was hired to join the BoXeR development team in bringing the new systems to market.
Read more (english/german)
Scot M. Sutherland, Anti Gravity Products
26.7.2k ACE 2000 (Australian) Amiga Computer Expo
Michael Czajka: "ACE 2000 (Amiga Computer Expo) is being held in Melb, Vic, Australia 21-22nd October:
follow the ACE 2000 link. 5,000-10,000 people are expected.
Amiga have promised to be there. We assume we'll see the SDK and something of the Amiga One (the new
Amiga). This expo also includes alternatvie OS's and has a strong emphasis on connectivity (we'll be
networking most of the Amiga's). Interested overseas exhibitors are asked to contact
Michael Czajka, MC1 Amiga index
26.7.2k Looking for PPC Programmer for WarpView
Steffen Haeuser: "I am looking for someone to overtake the "WarpView" Image Viewer project. The Source supports both 68k and PowerPC.
Ideally I am looking for a programmer having StormC installed, but with some changes the source should also compile with gcc-WarpUP.
I *could* continue the project myselves, but then a new version would appear much later than I would hope for, due to my other
projects, especially my commercial ones, which are more important. There are IMHO no major issues to be done about WarpView,
but some changes need to be done. Read more
Steffen Haeuser via ANN
26.7.2k Software News
New x-surf.device V1.2 for X-Surf
- ethernet networkcard for all Amiga models with zorro-slots. Most important changes are: Support for more than one x-surf board per computer,
and activation of the full-duplex mode right on device open. A small bug in the promisc-mode has been removed.
The latest version of DocDatatypes is v39.50. The major changes from version 39.40 is the new datatype
to handle Psion Word and TextEd files and a datatype to handle WindowsCE Pocket Word files.
All datatypes have also had minor changes and are updated.
individual Computers website
Amiga DocDatatypes homepage
25.7.2k Matrox and Amiga Form Strategic Partnership
25.7.2k AmiWest 2000 Press Release #9
The Event and Seminar schedule has been posted for AmiWest 2000. You can direct your browser to
http://www.sacc.org/amiwest/ to view the event/seminar
schedule. All seminars this year are FREE. We will have seminars on AntiGravity's Boxer (with
a working prototype), Audiolabs' Pro Station Audio, the Nova Design product line, AEMail,
and Soft-Logik's Pagestream 4. On Saturday at noon there will be a user group meeting conducted
by the User Group Network (UGN). Read more
John Zacharias, AmiWest 2000
25.7.2k Amihoo Back up and running
Mikey C: "Amihoo.com is happy to announce that the URL problem has now been fixed. Therefore you may
resume using http://www.amihoo.com to access Amihoo.
All the email links and feedback forms are also fully working. Thanks to everyone who visited
Amihoo.com over the last few days the hit rate, number of feedback, new entries or amendments have
been staggering! They will be added/amended soon. Amihoo is currently talking to a potential
sponsor with the view of giving away a monthly prize for best letter to the Talkback section.
More details soon."
Michael Carrillo, Amihoo.com
25.7.2k Amiga Resource - down, but not out...
Andy Mills: "The Amiga Resource is currently unavailable due to a server problem and has not `disappeared' because
I've given up on it. The server maintainers are currently working to bring back all of the affected web sites.
The links database is still available for you to use at http://www.the-crescent.net/ar/links/,
this is working because it is on another server. If you wish to be notified by email when the Amiga Resource is available again, you can
join the Amiga Resources' announce mailing list by sending a blank email to -
Andy Mills, The Amiga Resource
25.7.2k Win AmigaOS 3.5
If you find the competition-site you can win the AmigaOS 3.5. The competition-site will be open
in few hours or days. (Top secret :) Be the first and win!
Warpgate website
25.7.2k Hyperion News
The troubleshooting / performance tweaking guide has been updated.
With a project as complex as Heretic II and such a big variety of Amiga systems out there, a certain probability remains that
people will have trouble getting it to run correctly. This guide is intended to help those people and give additional information on how
to tweak the performance of the game in general.
Hyperion Entertainement website
25.7.2k Interview with ATM
Andreas Magerl: "On the Homepage from Amiga Future
is an interview with ATM,
developers of "Space", shoot-em-up for 3D graphics card and PPC Amigas. English speaking
users can translate the page with a translate-tool on the startpage.
The interview is in the AKTION-part from AF page.
Andreas Magerl, Amiga Future
25.7.2k Amiga Pulse - Now Interactive
Pulse Publishing: "The new Interactive feature to The Amiga Pulse Magazine is now online.
Due to huge demand, the current issue (issue 14), has had to go back into production but
we'll have another delivery in tomorow." Read more
Pulse Publishing
Those of you reading these lines should know, that Wintopia2000
was just a small joke to celebrate our 2 years anniversary of our Amiga related news service activities :-) What
a black humor you say? Well, the design took ExiE two days of work. So, if you survived the shock, read on...
It is true our first news items were written on 21.7.1998, but Czech Amiga News were opened just a few days later
back at that time. But when exactly?! That's the job for you. So, send us your tips - the day and the hour of
our opening, - and that of you sending us the most accurate one (+/- 2 hours), will win HERETIC II. Winner
(if there will be any) will be announced 1.8.2000. You can send your tips (write "TIP" to subject
please) or congratulations to exie@czex.cz.
Czech Amiga News Team
24.7.2k CyberGraphX support for Mediator PCI graphic cards
Elbox Computer, the developer of Amiga hardware and software, who have designed and produced the
MEDIATOR PCI 1200 busboard, announced a partnership today with Vision Factory Development,
developer of CyberGraphX, the widely popular graphic system for Amiga computers.
Elbox Computer and Vision Factory Development will co-operate to port and optimize the
CyberGraphX graphic system for operation with PCI graphic cards installed in the MEDIATOR
PCI 1200 busboard. Read more
The CGX Mediator support page can be found here.
Mariusz Wloczysiak, Elbox Computer
Vision Factory Development website
24.7.2k Amiga Active Issue 11 Preview
Subscribers have all been sent their copies of Issue 11, so if you haven't received it yet (or you're not a subscriber,
in which case you should be able to buy it on Thursday 27th), here's a quick summary of what to expect in
issue 11.
Amiga Active magazine
24.7.2k Preview Of Dafel: Bloodline
A Special preview of Dafel: Bloodline for Classic Amiga users. Look at
some new work-in-progress screen shots and update on current progress.
Jason Hayman, Pagan Games
24.7.2k Amiga Arena News
Olaf Köbnik: "Amiga Arena Free Keyfile Release! The Amiga Arena will release exclusiv before Aminet
the public keyfile for the great puzzel game "BallMaster"! The release day will be 1.8.2000. This is a
partnership from Damir A. and The Amiga Arena!
Amiga Arena Interview! The Amiga Arena released step by step interwies with the shareware programmers
the first will be Aandreas Kleinert!"
Olaf Köbnik, Amiga Arena
24.7.2k Amihoo.com temporaly down
Mikey C: "The Re-direct server on Amihoo.com has gone down. Most users are reporting the errors HTTP:/1.1 500 Server error.
The longer route is http://www.amihoo.u-net.com. If you wish to contact me,
use my old email address michael.carrillo@ukonline.co.uk. I will
advise here when everything is back to normal."
Michael Carrillo via ANN
23.7.2k The Siege" add-on for Heretic II released
The Siege is - like The Heretic Fortress - a pure Multiplayer add-on for Heretic II.
This game is about a "Siege", where one party plays the attackers and one party plays the defenders. There are catapults and
ballistas, the king's castle and the crown and other nice things. There are also character classes like wizards, fighters and
clerics. When you start the game, a server has already been entered into your Heretic II addressbook, so you can imediately
play over the Internet. Of course you can also play over a local server with friends. Amiga players can play on PC servers and
vice versa. Read more
Hyperion Entertainement V.O.F. website
23.7.2k Trogladite Software Awards 2k Results
The Trogladite Software Awards 2k are now officially over. Lets jump straight into the
results for each category.
Neil Bullock, Trogladite Software
23.7.2k New UK Registration Site
23.7.2k Amiga Watchdog
New site devoted to the experiences us Amiga users have when buying products for our Amigas.
It aims to expose shoddy companies for what they are and congratulate those companies
that excel.
Amiga.org website
Amiga Watchdog website
22.7.2k Apex Designs and Blittersoft announce partnership
Apex Designs have announced a distribution agreement with Blittersoft. This agreement will allow Blittersoft to sell Payback,
Apex Designs' GTA-style game for the Amiga, through both their website and over the telephone. The game will also be
directly available through Apex Designs' website, which will accept credit and debit cards.
Read more
Apex Designs website
Blittersoft website
22.7.2k Heretic II SIEGE Add-On Coming Soon
The Multiplayer Add-On Heretic II Siege is nearly finished.
Here is the latest news from Raven-Games website: "Good news on
the Amiga front. Today we tested the Amiga Heretic II Siege files. An Amiga client connect to -MONSTER-'s
server and everything worked great. Just incase you don't know, Amiga players can play on PC servers
and vice versa. So Expect the Amiga version to be released very soon."
Amigart website
Hyperion Entertainement V.O.F. website
22.7.2k Open Call for Amiga Developers from Amiga Inc.
"As Director of Support for Amiga Inc. I am placing an open call for alpha testers for our Mesa
port and also for our Amiga Object Model, code named Andromeda. Interested participants MUST
have a Matrox G400 Millenium video card, already have the SDK, and sign a separate NDA. This
will be a closed testing group as well. Read more
Amigart website
AmigaInc. website
22.7.2k GoldED Studio Service Pack 18
22.7.2k DON'T PANIC! :-)
According to ANN, Amiga.org and even
Amiga-news.de premier Amiga news service Czech Amiga News drops
Amiga and becomes PCs oriented WinTopia 2000 :-)
"Just two years ago we brought to you the first Amiga news. Many things have happened and we feel
it's time to move to the "real world". New Amiga is still nothing more than imagination but it is
possible we come back sometime in the future. Thanks for your favour and bye bye..."
ARE THEY CRAZY ? :-)))))
22.7.2k Rogue3D released
Rogue3D, a new resource for 3D artists, was launched today. It offers
tutorials, news, and a place for artists to show off their talents to others in the 3D community.
Robert Simmonds
Rogue3D website
21.7.2k 2nd ANNIVERSARY
Those of you reading these lines should already know, that Wintopia2000
was just a small joke to celebrate our 2 years anniversary of our Amiga related news service activities :-) What
a black humor you say? Well, the design took ExiE two days of work. So, if you survived the shock, read on...
It is true our first news items were written on 21.7.1998, but Czech Amiga News were opened just a few days later
back at that time. But when exactly?! That's the job for you. So, send us your tips - the day and the hour of
our opening, - and that of you sending us the most accurate one, will win special price.
You can send your tips or congratulations to exie@czex.cz.
Czech Amiga News Team
21.7.2k Amihoo.com Launches!
Mikey C: "Just when you thought that Amiga web sites were closing down, a new one bucks the trend
- Amihoo.com a new Amiga listings web site featuring links and information to dozens of Amiga
companies, organisations and web sites launches today. Win with
FORE-MATT Home Computing, who are having
a small competition to celebrate the launch of Amihoo.com. Full details can be found at
http://www.amihoo.com All this plus, Amiga Rediscovery
and Amihoo Magazine.
Michael "Mike C" Carrillo
Amihoo.com website
21.7.2k #amiga on IRCNet
The users of #amiga: "Hi there. Since (once again) the Amiga seems to be considered a platform which
could do a Lazarus, we thought it would be good to remind all the Amiga users still out there that
there is still a friendly user base at #amiga on IRCNet. There's always someone here to help Amiga
users, discuss Amiga related topics, or anything else which is interesting at the time :)
#amiga is usually the quickest place to find out whenever there's new software released, or the
latest news on our favourite platform, and is generally a very pleasant channel. A few IRCNet servers:
UK - irc.netcom.net.uk, irc.u-net.com, irc.webbernet.net
Finland - irc.funet.fi, irc.atm.tut.fi, irc.jyu.fi
Netherlands - irc.xs4all.nl, irc.nl.net, irc.sci.kun.nl
Hope to see you all there :)"
Sami "letti" Ylönen via ANN website
21.7.2k Latest AMIGA aktuell International
AMIGA aktuell International 07/00 is online.
In addition to the latest Amiga news, latest software test and many more, there is a workshop about
TCP/IP networking between Amiga and the Windows-PC. There is also a review about the »World of
Alternatives«. Furthermore there will be a list of the available AmigaNG software in each edition
of AMIGA aktuell International.
Carsten Schroeder, AMIGA aktuell
21.7.2k ArtEffect 4.0 demo available
The 4th version of the popular graphics package for image processing and natural media paint comes loaded
with new features and improvements. The functionality of layers has been especially extended and
improved. The new version comes on a CDROM full of fonts, cliparts and workshops. The new demo version
can now be downloaded from H&P's ftp server.
Haage&Partner website
21.7.2k Amiga SDK Commentary
A rather positive commentary on the hosted Amiga SDK in action.
It simply describes the contents and performance which the author, Stefan Zivkovic, has obtained in the
short time he has had the SDK. In the last two days added Java speed tests.
Zingo.org website
20.7.2k Amiga Responds to Community Concerns
20.7.2k Bill McEwen on ZDTV - mp3 Recording
20.7.2k User Group Network plans for live audio from AmiWest 2000
The UGN in conjunction with Amiga Inc., AmiWest 2000 and FortWaynemusic.com is proud to announce
the second official live audio broadcast from an US Amiga show: July 29th and 30th!
Read more
UGN website
20.7.2k Nightlong Release Date
CliskBOOM: "Nightlong beta testing and final changes have been made. We are almost ready to duplicate CDs.
Printing of manuals/packaging has already been done, so we anticipate that Nightlong will be ready for
shipping by the 1st or 2nd week of August."
Amigart website
clickBOOM website
20.7.2k Summer Sales
Nova Design will be having the Ultimate Summer Sale at the upcoming AmiWest 2000 show in Sacramento, CA.
All Nova Design products will be on sale including ImageFX, Aladdin 4D, Powerstation, Wildfire,
and Millennium. Read more.
Haage&Partner's Special Summer SALE include
ImageFX 4.0, AmigaOS 3.5, Amiga 1 SDK, AmigaWriter 2 + 5000 Fonts, Hypercom 1, FusionPC 2.3, Wacom
Graphire, T3D PowerPack Vol. 1, Netconnect 3.1 and StormC 3.0 DSK Gold Edition. This offer is valid
until 30. July 2000 and by Online orders only! If you are interested go to their
Online Shop or send an e-Mail to:
Nova Design website
Haage&Partner website
20.7.2k Photogenics News
Photogenics 5.0 beta (Release 95) is now available for download!
This version is pretty much identical to the latest Linux beta release, the only difference is that the fancy new file
requester with thumbnail previews didn't make it over. The most notable improvements from version 4.5 are:
- Batch file conversion.
- A new file format for saving Photogenics projects.
- Many new loaders and savers, including PCD, EPS, Pict, Postscript, RAS, SGI, TIFF, XBM, XPM, and XWD.
- Alpha transparency support when saving PNG files.
- A Vignette feature for smoothly blending special effects and images together.
- A much improved New Image requester, with masses of presets, and support for real life measurement units.
- New paint modes such as Remove RedEye, Sepia, Roll Blur, Rub Tiled, Cross Blur, Star Blur, and Plus Blur.
Dozens of other minor improvements have also been made. One more feature will also be making it into the final
release that isn't present here.
Photogenics homepage
20.7.2k Interview with developer of Joyride
20.7.2k EZHome Demo
Jim Lucia: "JK Sales has added a new demo version of EZHome to our Home Automation page for the Amiga.
The newest revision is also available for all registered users who should be receiving their's via
email shortly. We are still offering a free keychain remote, lamp module or appliance module with
any mail order of our Amiga Home Automation software package. For only $50 (plus free module) you
can have a complete home automation/security setup with your Amiga. For more information check out
our web page."
ANN website
AMIGA Home Automation website
20.7.2k Software News
Free Pascal v1.00 (aka FPK Pascal) is a 32 bit pascal compiler.
It is available for different processors (i386+ and 680x0) and operating systems (Linux, DOS, AmigaOS, OS/2,
Win32). The language syntax is semanticly compatible with TP 7.0, some extensions used by Delphi (classes, rtti,
exceptions, ansistrings) are also supported. Furthermore Free Pascal supports function overloading and other
such features.
Free Pascal homepage
19.7.2k Amiga Forms Strategic Distribution Agreement with KDH Datentechnik
19.7.2k Amiga Update Newsletter
19.7.2k AmiCamedia for digital cameras
AmiCamedia provides the fastest and easiest way to transfer pictures from a digital camera to your Amiga.
Connect the camera, start the Software and transfer your pictures - that's it.
Read more
Haage&Partner website
19.7.2k Interview with Hyperion Entertainement
19.7.2k Update From Amiga Inc on AmiOpen
19.7.2k Games News
Orbit 0.7a (PPC) - freeware Space Combat Simulator.
Oliver: "I'm currently trying to update StormMesa's GLUT implementation. This is no easy task as the
source is a real mess. There are some bugs to be fixed and 3.7 features to be added...
ADoomPPC v1.4 - Amiga PPC port
of ADoom. Changes in 1.4: Added an WarpOS version with chunkyppc support. The WarpOS version supports
everything except tooltypes. Fixed the pll calculation code in the PowerUP version. Fixed a possible crash under
GameTracker (QWBrowse) v0.5 has been uploaded at Surgeon's Quake1 Goodies.
GameTracker is a server browser and game launcher for Quake, QuakeWorld, HereticII, Sin and Shogo. Patched versions of all quake/qwcl
executables has also been uploaded.
Today APC&TCP released the demo of SeaSide game. You can download it on their homepage
or later on Aminet.
Oliver 'Lucy' Gantert's page
Jarmo Laakkonen's Amiga projects
Christian "surgeon" Michael, Surgeon's Quake1 Goodies
Andreas Magerl, APC&TCP
19.7.2k Software News
SimpleFTP v2.70 - easy to use MUI based FTP client.
Fixed a bug that cause it to think it couldn't upload to IIS servers, fixed the "no frame around image buttons" bug,
added support for Virtual FTP servers, local file list is now sorted alphabetically.
NetPBM v9.6 - collection of primitive
graphics tools (converters, etc) for PPC/WarpOS.
Warpcollect v0.3 - quick hack to integrate
Elf2Exe2 with GCC-WarpUP. Changes in 0.3: Improved error handling. Now the specs file works with PowerUP too.
SimpleFTP website
Jarmo Laakkonen's Amiga projects
18.7.2k AmiWest 2000 Press Release #8
Kermit Woodall of Nova Design will be conducting an informal developers meeting at
AmiWest 2000 to discuss future development trends on the Amiga. The meeting will
be held during the vendor setup period between 8 pm and 9 pm on Friday evening,
July 28, 2000 on the Terrace in front of the main AmiWest exhibit hall.
Questions concerning the new Amiga SDK will be entertained and hopefully answered
during this meeting. Read more
John Zacharias, AmiWest 2000
18.7.2k FORE-MATT Home Computing News
Phase 1 of the website update for FORE-MATT Home Computing has now started. What was just
a Company Profile Page is now being expanded into a full website for Amiga software. FMHC is the
largest UK stockist of new and used Amiga software for the gamer and serious user.
The site so far has over 360 titles listed and we haven't even started on our main catalogue or
"retail retro" stocks yet, which will take it to well over 1000 titles all available to order
from one place! The site is being designed for speedy browsing so you will not be faced with
excessive graphics to download.
FORE-MATT Home Computing website
18.7.2k InsideOut/Siamese PCI News
Mick Tinker: "The InsideOut/Siamese PCI is on-hold while everything is focused on the BoXeR.
The InsideOut/Siamese PCI card is at an advanced stage of development, but most of the push
to complete was taken away when Amiga Inc., decided to change their plans around 2 years
ago and therefore stops development funds. I am keeping it on the side and will decide its
fate when I have time available again."
Read more
Mick Tinker's homepage
18.7.2k Interview with Martyn Brown (Team 17)
Hyperactive's world exclusive interview with Martyn Brown
reveals information never seen before. Find out about Worms 3D, Alien Breed 3D, Hogs of War, Stunt GP, WormNet problems, Team 17
Strategies, the X-Box, the Amiga, the Dreamcast pirate ring, PS2 programming, the Lamborghini in Team 17's garage, pies, the
origin of Team 17's name, soccer hooliganism and much, much more...
Amiga.org website
Hyperactive website
Team 17 website
18.7.2k Star Office for Amiga? Maybe.
SUN announced today that the sources of their business software suite "Star Office"
will be released under a GPL licence. Who will port them for first?
Gabriele Favrin via ANN
SUN website
18.7.2k APUS, LinuxPPC and GeekGadgets - Mirror online
Steffen Leistner: "At http://www.ironbyte.de or ftp://ftp.ironbyte.de/pub/ironbyte
I installed my own mirrorserver for LinuxPPC, LinuxAPUS and GeekGadgets/Amiga. Due to some requests about HiSoftBasic for AmigaOS I also publish the includes there.
The server is connectet to the internet through a 100Mbit-connection. I will update the pages nearly every week. The download-area actually contains 6.4GB of datas.
An easy searchfunction helps you to find the file you are looking for. So, have fun.
amiga-news.de website
17.7.2k Amiga Announces d'AMIGA, the Amiga Developer Workstation
17.7.2k SEAL-O-RAMA! 2000 News
Everyone who subscribes to Clubbed Magazine between now and SEAL-O-RAMA! 2000
will receive a free gift from Analogic Computers when they attend.
SEAL-O-RAMA! 2000 is gonna be even more kicking, with Gasteiner and Amiga Active confirmed to attend, along with Blittersoft, Eyetech, Crystal
Interactive Software, Forematt Home Computing and more to sell you bargains and prizes.
Gary Storm, SEAL
17.7.2k Big McEwen with fries & A day in the life of Fleecy Moss
AmigaFresh feature two new articles:
Bill McEwen reveals all (well, nearly all) in this interview
with Gary Storm. It featured in Issue 5 of Clubbed Magazine, which you would have read
already if you were a subscriber :)
A brief sojourn into a typical day for Fleecy at Amiga
HQ in Washington. And no, it doesn't include grass recipe's or sheep-shagging (unfortunately).
Gary Storm, AmigaFresh
17.7.2k Channel #amigaquake moves to quakenet
Ircnet channel #amigaquake has moved to the quakenet irc network, in an attempt to avoid the netsplits which roam ircnet.
Check http://www.quakenet.eu.org/ for information about quakenet and servers.
#amigaquake is all about Amigas and quaking. And then especially about playing quake with the only mod worth trying,
Team Fortress. There are currently 3 active clans related to this channel who often compete against eachother and other
(lesser ;) clans.
Amorel, The DarkLegion Clan
17.7.2k "the NEW AMIGANS" mag soon to announce winner in its "Masthead" contest
The magazine, "the NEW AMIGANS" will soon be announcing the winning of their "Masthead" contest.
The contest (for subscribers only) is to find a unique "Masthead" for the magazine and the
winner will be announced at the AmiWest show in Sacramento, California on July 30. To
find out more about the magazine see our website at
Bill Griffin, G&G publishing Enterprises
17.7.2k Interview with Jeppe Nielson
Andreas Magerl: "On the homepage from Amiga Future is an
interview with Jeppe Nielson
(Homeland). Is only a very small interview. I think Jeppe don't have time or fun for a interview :("
English speaking users can translate the page with a translate-tool on the startpage
(left frame). The interview is in the AKTION-part from AF page.
Andreas Magerl, Amiga Future
17.7.2k Nordic Global News
17.7.2k New Web site for development projects
17.7.2k AmigaZone offers incentives for joining at AmiWest 2000
16.7.2k AMIGA REVIVAL To Close
The web-based Amiga Dealer AMIGA REVIVAL
has closed with immediate effect due to lack of business in recent months. They would like to
thank all their customers for their support.
Vaughn Atkinson, AMIGA REVIVAL
16.7.2k APC&TCP Newsletter
Andreas Magerl: "APC&TCP open a new Newsletter. The old
Newsletter is closed!" There you can find info about their latest releases, updates and patches,
etc. You can also join Newsletters list
(via egroups).
Andreas Magerl, APC&TCP
16.7.2k Software Hut News letter
Software Hut has released information regarding the latest shipment of PPC/Phase 5 boards for the
1200/3000/4000 from DCE. These boards are not available yet but are surely to be in limited
supply, so make sure to order early. Also, CVisionPPC boards should be arriving shortly.
Read more
Amiga.org website
Software Hut website
16.7.2k Exotica News
30 new scans added to the Exotica Games Gallery. All the images are complete with full author information
and a link to the music if available. These new additions bring the gallery to a total of 1016 scans!
Ther is a new section to the Gallery called Amiga City. Check it!
Updated the Amiga Demo Scene Reference Manual to version 3.74.
Changes since version 3.70 include additions and better information for TRSI, Darkage, Maniacs (Yay!) , Flash Production
and other additions from parties.
Exotica website
16.7.2k Software News
New version (2.2) of The Trance Tunnel - AmigaAMP plugin is out.
(PowerPC+68k), Warp3D support, Fullscreen. Fixed the config load/save problem that occured in the PPC version.
The config is now saved nicely in both 68k and PPC version.
AmigaAMP Pluginpage
15.7.2k OGR Has Restarted
The search for Optimal Golomb Rulers (marks 24 and up) is on again, switch with as many machines as you can,
although this contest will be going on for a while as it will do several marks, the first few (24, 25, ...)
will probably be dealt with pretty quickly, so let's make a good show here too. the Amiga team is at number
5, with only 84 members as yet. The OGR stats are at
http://stats.distributed.net/ogr-24 and the Amiga team's
are here.
Read more
The Amiga RC5 team effort website
15.7.2k Mediator PCI for A4000 ?
Pablo Peskin asked Power Computing Ltd. (distributor of Mediator for A1200) for Mediator to Z3 of A4000.
Here is the answer: "Sorry but the mediator is only going to be available for the A1200. If it is
successful then they will design an A4000 version but it will not be until maybe February 2001.
Regards Samantha Sales Dept." :-(
Pablo Peskin via ANN
14.7.2k Software Hut and Wonder Computers Int. to distribute dev workstations in NA
14.7.2k Heretic II Update
14.7.2k Titan Computer News
14.7.2k Fix Your Broken PPC Card
Manu: "After reading that my ppc was broken, many people emailed me asking "What do you want to say by "forzing one of the ppc corners"...
But this isn't the strange thing.. I suspect this is a more or less common error on those Phase5 boards. I have notices of two
PPCs in the same state in Spain, and at least one in UK. Do you have a broken PPC board?
Visit this page. Here I explain how I make my ppc work for about 6 months more, with pictures!
Please, if you have a broken ppc board, contact with me! I want to know your experiencies! And believe it! All what I say in the page
is TRUE :)" Believe or not :-) [ExiE]
Manuel "Debugger" Montoto
13.7.2k Heretic II "Hell Cave" Bug
Juergen A. Theiner: "There is a small Bug in Heretic II. Hyperion are working on a fix. Until this time you can
use this little trick: Do not save in the Hell Caves (after walking through the Dimension dor in Andoria) till
you reach the lever in the Underwatercave (picture here).
If you did save before this lever, you have to delete all files ?.sv2 and ?.sav and then you can start again from
the beginning of this level. Go to the lever without saving, use it and after that you can save again.
Sorry for my bad english. There is a german version at www.playamiga.de."
Juergen A. Theiner
PlayAmiga.de website
13.7.2k APC&TCP search developer
Andreas Magerl: "APC&TCP search a c++ developer for work with our team on the game Phönix.
please write to: info@apc-tcp.de."
Andreas Magerl, APC&TCP
13.7.2k AmigaSDK Related News
13.7.2k The Pulse News
The new "The Pulse" website was made with GoldED, TVPaint, ImageFX, Cando Factory and Personal Paint.
It features daily updated Pulse related news pages, an overview of what is in the current issue,
complete listings of all back issues of the Pulse, the ability to subscribe online and more.
The Pulse Issue 14 is out now it will be hitting your doormats in the next few days.
Pulse Publishing
13.7.2k New And Redesigned Pages
13.7.2k H&P News: PageStream
The free PageStream patch to release 7 is available now. Customers that are registered with H&P will get an E-Mail notification
when a new version is made available. All H&P's customers that have not get such a message yet can request it now. more
Read more
Haage&Partner website
SoftLogik Publishing website
13.7.2k Software News
New version (3.2) of Waves Of The Future - AmigaAMP plugin is out.
Finally fixed the config load/save problem in the PPC version. New versions of all the other PPC plugins will follow pretty
soon so that they also work with load/save config...
New version 0.1729 of StrICQ improved by Nogfx
is available. News: added Locale.library support (50% translated), French catalog, Loading and About windows re-designed.
New Amiga-Apache v1.3.12 with PHP 4.0.1 pl 2 is ready for download.
Digital Almanach III is almost finished! The program itself is finished. There might be some more little
features in the future, but author decided to publish them in future updates of the program. The documentation is about 80% complete. The rest will be done
in the next days. The first test CDs should be send to the beta testers soon, maybe in next 10 days or so.
AmigaAMP Pluginpage
StrICQ support page
Fun Time World website
Amiga Apache Server project page
Digital Almanac homepage
12.7.2k Mediator PCI News
Power Computing are now accepting pre-orders for the Elbox Mediator PCI-board for A1200, which should be out
in middle of this month. At the same time, they'll make available a number of add-on cards with drivers like Voodoo3 & 5, mpeg player etc.
Read more
Power Computing website
12.7.2k Heretic II UPDATE
12.7.2k Software News
The latest version of DocDatatypes is v39.40.
The main changes from version 39.30 is that the RTF datatype and filetype descriptor
have been updated to support more if not all RTF file types. A new datatype for First
Word(plus) documents is now included as is full WordPerfect 4 support including file
type descriptor. DocDatatypes mailing list has been created.
Working!!! 68k version of Orbit
0.7 (you'll need a 060) is available.
You can also download a version with networking enabled! The PPC version will get network
support soon.
Amiga DocDatatypes homepage
Oliver 'Lucy' Gantert's page
11.7.2k Imagine developpers needed
CAD tech (Imagine Support) is searching coders/developpers
to help them port new features in ImaginePPC (IFA : Imagine For Amiga)! Domains of needs: Interface,
rendering algorithms, render engine (Imagine S A R E) & modeling features (ex: nurbs edition...
on Spline Editor), Arexx macros and others. Language: C & Assembler, Arexx, PowerPC WOS coding. Also
searc!hing a Graphics Web Designer. Write to Martin McKenzie.
Martin McKenzie, CAD tech
11.7.2k AmiTech-Dayton announces AmigaFest 2000
AmiTech Dayton Amiga Users Group would like to announce that due to the tremendous response we received after last years show,
we have been asked to again host the AmigaFest area of the Dayton Computerfest(r) August 26th-27th 2000 at the Hara Arena
Exhibition Center! AmigaFest 2000, the show within a show at the Dayton Computerfest(r) will feature most of the same
exhibitors, vendors, prize drawings, and good times that are always a part of an Amiga gathering set in one of the largest
computer market shows in the United States. Read more
Len Carsner
11.7.2k Interview with Digital Visionaries
11.7.2k Software News
DarcNES/Amiga 9a0710 (000711) - Multi Consol emulator.
This release brings the Amiga version up to date. There is currently no support for the menu system used by DarcNES.
Digital Almanac III can finally render the shadow area of a solar eclipse into the worldmap.
Click here for a picture to see it on a 24Bit-screen
(Partial eclipse from 31-Jul-2000) and see the shadow area covering Middle Europe and nothern Asia. As you can see
the eclipse will not be visible in Middle Europe as there is night !
AmiDog's Emulation Corner website
Digital Almanac homepage
10.7.2k Amiga Fire launches!
It is a time of Amiga magazines closing down and Amiga games being cancelled.
But it is also the time of such major Amiga games as Heretic II, Nightlong
and Sin. A lot of great games are still coming out. People stick to their
favourite computer. And now we bring you
AmigaFire - the online magazine only
on Amiga games. We have the latest news. Previews of the upcoming games.
Reviews of the latest releases. Simply we have everything on Amiga games.
It is our hope and goal to give you something that has been lacking. A great
Amiga games magazine.
Rune Keller, AmigaFire
10.7.2k Final two weeks of voting
The Trogladite Software Awards 2000 final 2 weeks of voting begins today, the 9th of July, 2000.
On the 23rd July, we will announce the winners in each category. Until then, please cast your
votes at the Awards site.
Trogladite Software website
10.7.2k Porting MySQL to AmigaOS on 68K/PPC
10.7.2k The Pulse issue 14
10.7.2k Amiga featured in latest issue of MCV Magazine
MCV The industry weekly news magazine has printed a rather nice article on the NEW Amiga - Even down to naming it and
giving details of a "handheld" Amiga. The web site does not appear to contain this article but it is prominently
featured within the latest issue of MCV. If you are in their area, you might consider picking one up.
amiga.org website
MCV Media UK Ltd. website
9.7.2k Links2Go "Amiga" Award
9.7.2k Programmers, Graphicians and Musicians Required
WOA is undergoing a facelift at the moment, and as part of this, we are looking for someone to program
a custom viewer for the mag, some gfx artists to create the interface, and some musicians to create
tracks for the mag. If you're interested in helping, contact me at
drew.green@woamag.net with examples of your work. If you're
good enough, I'll contact you with further details.
Drew Green
9.7.2k MACE
Stephen Townend: "This is not specifically Amiga related but it might be of interest.
http://macehq.openshare.net is working on
a project that allows Mac software to be run directly through the host operating
system. There is currently no Amiga version but the source code is available and
since the Amiga doesn`t have to emulate the 68k processor it could be usefull and
quite fast. - All we need is someone to port it to the Amiga."
Stephen Townend
9.7.2k Power Computing to receive PPC boards
Power Computing is to receive a shipment from DCE tomorrow. This is a chance to boost your Amiga
to one of the fastest Amiga systems available. They are set to receive BlizzardPPC boards as well as CyberStormPPC boards. If you
are interested in one, make sure that you order early. Read more
amiga.org website
Power Computing
8.7.2k Amigatainment news
8.7.2k Welcome to AmigaSurvivor
David Connolly: "With CS&E going back to the PC in the short term with our websites such as www.csande.co.uk
- it seems that Amiga Survivor and some other important Amiga information should have a new home:
http://welcome.to/amigasurvivor then! You can get news on the mag plus information about developing for
the new Amiga with CS&E. I recommend that everyone takes a look at least once.
David Connolly, Crystal Software and Electronics Ltd
8.7.2k EASys Mailing List
From now on there is a EASys mailinglist where you can make your suggestions to Tom Neidhardt, discuss problems and find solutions together.
Under direction of the author you also get to know about the current state of development. Please send your emails to the following adress:
easysystem@egroups.de.The homepage of the EASys! group can be found under
EASys homepage
7.7.2k VP and SDK: The Answer
There is the answer to this posting
from John Wiederhirn on comp.sys.amiga.misc (VP "Omissions" and problems re SDK...[Czech Amiga News 2.7.2k "VP and SDK: Black or White :-)"]) by Bill McEwen, AmigaInc.
7.7.2k CS&E News
David Connolly: "It won't come as a shock to most within the community that advance sales
of our forthcoming Amiga titles have been disappointing. On the classic Amiga we are
fighting with hands tied behind our backs due to the lack of new hardware sales and in
addition we are being hit below the belt by piracy. It is with deep regret that I
announce CS&E has cancelled all future games development for this system. This was
a difficult decision for me to make but financially impossible for me to ignore."
Read more
David Connolly, Crystal Software and Electronics Ltd
7.7.2k AVOG (bad) News
Manuel Montoto: "PPC chip of my CyberStorm PPC card is DEAD. This is why i haven't made anything in the last
days. At least this morning i have been able to make my Amiga work again without the ppc chip, and the rest
of the card (memory, scsi controller and the 68060) aparently works forcing one of the card's corners.
I will have to wait until Escena release his BrainStormer card to develop the routines with PPC... So today
i'm starting add 68k compatibility to my routines. Don't discourage! Web site does not reflect those news,
as i just made my Amiga work again. When i update the web site tomorrow, i will upload the routines in the
current state, and add some small examples, how to load and show a sprite, how to read cd32 joypad, etc,
and screenshots of the projects i was doing with the routines."
Manuel "Debugger" Montoto, AVOG
7.7.2k An mp3 of a minimal techno song with heavy use of the Amiga
Amorel: "This is a minimal techno song made
into an mp3 and now released to be distributed for free. This was at the time (1998) meant to be sent to
a label which I actually did. Read here
for more technical info and about including this on commercial cdroms and other media."
7.7.2k Software News
Software updates from OnyxSoft:
New releases: BackUp v1.1, BetterString_E (AmigaE module for MUI developers).
Updates: DECH v1.37, DRemind v1.54b, MultiRen v1.4, QuickNote v1.3, TheMPegEncGUI v2.03
WiredFlower 3D v1.0 (PowerPC/68k+Warp3D) - new AmigaAMP plugin
with Warp3D & fullscreen support.
New ateoser.device v0.626 for use with AteoSer
I, II & mini and AteoIO I. readme
The calendar window in Digital Almanach III has been redesigned for a better look and it offers an improvement, that makes it easy
to calculate eclipses with just a mouseclick! Click for picture 1
or picture 2. Both images show the new layout of the window
(German layout). Reduced minimum memory requirements of DA III. From now on DA III requires a minimum of 8 MB free memory
instead of 12 MB!
Stefan Blixth, OnyxSoft
AmigaAMP Pluginpage
Ateo Concepts website
Digital Almanac homepage
6.7.2k The Pulse Super CD
Pulse Publishing: "Due to the massive response for The Pulse Magazine from retailers/distributers
and the Amiga public, we have managed to take an idea we had for later down the line and put it
into action for the very first issue! And so, The Pulse Super CD
has now become a reality. When you subscribe to The Pulse Magazine for 6 or 12 months, you will
gain automatic inclusion to receive all issues of the Super CD released during your subscription period.
Read more
Pulse Publishing
6.7.2k Comparade 8 meeting
The Comparade is a computer-meeting for all computerfreaks, especially for C64- and Amigauser.
As nearly all meetings are full of PC`s and Quakers and so there is no decent meeting. The
comparade organisation decided to change this situation at the comparade 8.
The Comparade 8 takes place this year from 27.10.2000 until 29.10.2000. Probably the doors
open on Friday 3 p.m. and on Sunday 12 a.m. the party is over. The meeting is this year in the
Amperhalle at Fuerstenfeldbruck again, this is in south germany near to Munich.
Comparade homepage
6.7.2k Win The EASys!
The 30.000th visititor of the Eternity homepage will get
a CD ROM of the Amiga System enhancer "EASys!".
Please send the screenshot of the homepage with time and date to our
den webmaster. You may also send
a picture of you and some information about your miggy, favourite interest - it will be published on this page.
Eternity homepage
6.7.2k Interview with Ancor
Andreas Magerl: "On the homepage from Amiga Future is an
interview with Ancor."
English speaking users can translate the page with a (not perfect, know anyone a better way??)
translate-tool on the startpage (left frame). The interview is in the AKTION-part from AF page.
Andreas Magerl, Amiga Future
6.7.2k Gamespy Interview: Bjorn Lynne
GameSpy speaks with veteran video game musician
Bjorn Lynne about his contribution to game music over the last decade. Bjorn, aka "Dr. Awesome" talks about
his humble beginnings on the Amiga, and how it helped him get where he is today.
amiga.org website
GameSpy.com website
6.7.2k Newtekniques art gallery now online
6.7.2k Amiga Arena news
Neptune special price action! The astrology program "Neptun", that you can buy for a special price via the Amiga Arena,
is going to be developed again. Please support the shareware market!
The lottery at the Amiga Arena is online till 07/09/2000. Because of not so much participation in it the chance to win
is high. The prizes you can win are: Foundation DC, Arena CD, Goal2000, Eat the Whistle, or Final Odessey.
Amiga Arena website
5.7.2k AmiWest 2000 Press Release 7
On June 6, Amiga Inc. and Eyetech Group Ltd entered into a strategic relationship for Eyetech
to manufacture the first release of the Next Generation Amiga Development Machine. Eyetech
will be coming to Sacramento, California for AmiWest 2000 and will be showing off the Next
Generation Amiga Development Machine coupled with a Classic A1200 at the show.
Read more
John Zacharias, AmiWest 2000
Eyetech Group Ltd website
5.7.2k Eyetech Releases Dev. Box Info
After discussion with Amiga Inc we have specified four levels of EzDev hardware to suit different budgets
and intended development applications. Each configuration is available in the stand-alone EZDev-Plus form
(with three different case styles to suit the hardware), as the EZDev-Tower model (with the EZTower Mk4/5
case to take your existing A1200), and as upgrade kits for existing EZTower (not Z4) owners - for whom we
also offer a collection, fitting and delivery service.
Specifications for the four hardware levels
Sid via ANN
Eyetech Group Ltd website
5.7.2k MathEngine and Tao Group announce strategic partnership
Oxford and Reading, England - July 4th 2000, MathEngine PLC, the leader in real time dynamics software
- which allows complex, physics-based interactive simulation - today announced it will make its
technology available on Tao Group's intentTM media platform.
Read more
Tao Group website
5.7.2k Voyager 3 news
After the long silence around developing V3 Oliver Wagner announced today that Voyager got new layouter,
written from scratch (currently in prebeta). The new layouter is blazingly fast, adds lots of missing
stuff and it mainly allows easier implementation of JScript, CSS, DHTML. According his plan it seems
that we finally get CSS capable browser. Thanx Olli for your work.
Read more
V3 portal
5.7.2k Little AmIRC secret
You can put "#"s in your nickname. Each "#" will be replaced by a random digit. You can use the hash
character in the 4 nick gadgets, as well as with /NICK.
Jamie 'entity' van den Berge in his .plan
5.7.2k Amiga News
In Amiga Inc. Faq-O-Matic, you will find answers to many Elate/AMIE and general Amiga-related questions.
Now thirdparty contributions for OS 3.5 can be downloaded in the downloadables area on AmigaInc.'s server.
AmigaInc. website
5.7.2k New Polls on the BoXer Site
Two new Polls have been added to the (unofficial) BoXer Site.
Your votes are welcome and encouraged. As usual all results will be forwarded to Mick Tinker,
Blittersoft and Antigravity. Also a dedicated BoXer Site email address in now functional.
Please direct all future questions and comments or anything BoXer related to
Darron Cox, The Unofficial Boxer Support Site
5.7.2k Obligement n°21
French e-zine Obligement n°21 is now available here.
Olivier Adam
4.7.2k New MetaView EMailList
4.7.2k Payback News
There is a new status report on Payback
gangster game. Only bad news is that author don't expect it to be released until late October or early November.
Don't forget to join Apex announcement list to make sure you're among the
first to know about the latest developments!
Apex Designs
4.7.2k BlizzardPPC Available Next Week
4.7.2k AmigaWriter 2.2
AmigaWriter 2.2 offer two important new features and two bug fixes:
FinalWriter import (incl. paragraph + char format)
WordWorth import (ASCII only)
improved TurboPrint support
corrected Word import
The free patch for AmigaWriter 2.0 and 2.1 can be downloaded from H&P's FTP server.
There is also a new demo of AmigaWriter 2.2.
Haage&Partner website
4.7.2k Amiga Active Survey
Amiga Active is a magazine that knows what it wants to be. However they know the Amiga market is changing
therefore they want to know your opinions and suggestions to improve the content. You should fill their
survey and win one of three Amiga Active t-shirts!
Time for a Change? survey
AmigaActive homepage
3.7.2k Interview with Apex
There is an interview with one man developer
group :-) Apex Design, working on great looking game called Payback (german). With the Translator tool
on the startpage can all english speaking users translate the complete pages to english.
Andreas Magerl, Amiga Future
3.7.2k VHI Studio reads from Sony® Memorysticks®!
Thanks to a new VHI-driver (sony_msac_sr1.vhi), AMIGA®-users finally can access Sony® Memorysticks®.
The driver uses the "Sony® MSAC-SR1"-reader for the serial port, that is shipped with most Sony®-cameras.
If you want to see Memorysticks® and Compactflash®-cards compared regarding their size,
click here.
Innovative website
VHI Studio homepage
3.7.2k Distributors of The Pulse Magazine
Pulse Publishing: "We are on the lookout for distributors of the new Pulse Magazine.
We have several companies who have agreed to sell it in the UK, and would like to
hear from retailers in Europe and around the world who would also like to sell it
to their own customers. As well as free delivery of the magazine to anywhere in
the world, we offer a good trade discount, and as an added incentive we are prepared
to give 50% off our advertising costs to anyone prepared to distribute for us.
Interested parties should contact: The Pulse Magazine."
Pulse Publishing
3.7.2k AmigaFest 2000 Update
3.7.2k Extreme 2.0
Extreme version 2.0 is out! Registered users are able to run it just using their keyfile, all the others
will be able to run it as demo version. Also an upgrade for Bippy, the first Extreme plugin, is out!
You can download them here.
Darkage Software website
3.7.2k Software News
Rick Hodger: "Just uploaded a new version (2.64) of SimpleFTP...the major update to this is
that it now has a fully working ARexx port that you can use to manage your sites, upload,
download and several other functions. It's available from
http://www.simpleftp.co.uk/ and should also be
available from Aminet in a few days time.
Final 4.0 version of SoundFX
(shortly SFX) is now available on SFX homepage and Aminet. SFX is shareware editor for
digitized audiodata (samples).
Rick Hodger, Simpleftp
SoundFX homepage
2.7.2k Back to the Roots News
Juergen Beck: "after a break we're proud to finally present you a new update on Back to the Roots
(http://www.back2roots.org). Sorry for the lack of
updates, but we were very busy with other projects in the past months. Finally new legal game
downloads are available. One of the companies who's supporting BTTR now is Vivid Image and their
classic game "The First Samurai" is waiting for you. More interesting might be our cooperation
with Vulcan Software. Vulcan Software gives us every month one of their games from the mini series
and you'll be able to download it for free. The first game is of course the debut game from Vulcan:
Valhalla and the Lord of Infinity. Of course tons of new scene demos, pictures, mods and more games
were added with this update too." Read more
Juergen Beck, Back to the Roots
2.7.2k VP and SDK: Black or White :-)
Check this neggative point of view
on VP and SDK by J.Wiede.
c.s.a.m ML
2.7.2k Open Amiga Foundation Update
2.7.2k APPE
Are you unable to find suitable joystick to use with your Amiga? So what about use any
PlayStation pad with you Miggy or even C64, Atari, MSX, Spectrum or Amstrad CPC...
Try APPE v3
(Amiga PlayStation Pad Emulator). Now APPE emulates the way that a normal Amiga 2 button
Joystick operates and also emulate a CD32 pad using a PlayStation pad.s incomplete.
2.7.2k Software News
LAME v3.84 beta - MP3 Encoder (020, 040, 060, PPC/PowerUp).
history A rather big news for this release though is that
it now uses a shared library version of libsndfile (sndfile.library) ...included is also two small examples showing
off the capabilities of this library, most notably sfplay which can work as a rather neat replacement for f.ex. Play16... ;)<{>
New WarpOS version of Lame v3.84 available too.
source. SecondSpin compatible exe included.
Amiga Alternative Audio page
Jarmo Laakkonen's homepage
1.7.2k AmiWest 2000 Press Release 6 CORRECTION
John Zacharias: "We have been informed by Amiga that there is no longer an "Amiga International, Inc."
Petro Tyschtschenko is Managing Director, Amiga Deutschland, Inc. rather than Amiga International, Inc.
Appropriate changes have been made to our last press release/update #6.
John Zacharias, AmiWest 2000
1.7.2k Bill McEwen on CNN #2
1.7.2k Amiga.gr NEWS
Alexandros Pourikas: "I am writting to inform you for the release of free amiga internet magazine of July.
I would also wanted you to know that this is the last time that the magazine is released in this form and
in this site. From next month our magazine will be in html form and most
of the subjects will be renewed everyday. It also will not be in
amiga.gr but in www.hittp.com.
The hittp.com will be a site which will be refering in other platforms too, like Mac,Linux,PC and even
consoles. At this time we are waiting from software & hardware companies, user groups and simple
users who have done some work their contribution in order altogether to give a better informing and nice
reviewing of products. Lastly we wanted to ask for your opinion about the amiga place in hittp.com.
Next month we will be with you."
Alexandros Pourikas
1.7.2k Audio Evolution News
A new demo of the audio harddisk recording program Audio Evolution has been released and is available now for
download from their website at http://www.audio-evolution.com.
The new release (v3.0624) includes:
Expansion window for the mixer with direct access to a 3-band EQ and 2 Auxillary Sends (PPC required)
Aux Return window (PPC required)
68k non-realtime version of the ReverbPro effect
Fix for several AHI filesave (mastering) problems
Updated ReverbPro plug-in for better use with the Auxillaries
Several bug fixes and enhancements
Davy Wentzler, Audio Evolution
1.7.2k Free Amiga Jobs - Status Report
The Amiga market is moving. A look at Free Amiga Jobs, the
free Amiga job stock market, shows howmany projects of established and new Amiga manufacturers are on
thier way now or beeing planed. You can contribute something to this positive evaluation:
Act for the Amiga - also you! These are the known changes since the last update:
New Jobs since the last update: 18
Employed since the last update: 15
Employed altogether: 28
Current vacancies: 36
Vacancies altogether: 62
"Free Amiga Jobs" is an initiative of Amiga plus and amiga-news.de.
amiga-news.de website