31.5.2k Father of the Amiga
31.5.2k Amiga Trademark Issues and SDK Availability
Bill McEwen, President of Amiga, affirms Amiga's commitment to defending its trademarks and patents,
while offering much-anticipated information about Amiga's forthcoming development kits. He also made
a note about "bigger" Executive update which will be posted on 3rd June. Read the whole statement.
Amiga Inc. website
31.5.2k CS&E News
CS&E has moved to new offices from June 1st and looks forward to hearing from Amiga users using the new contact
information: Crystal Software and Electronics Ltd 7200 The Quorum, Oxford Business Park, Oxford, OX4 2JZ, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 481 421, Fax: +44 (0) 1865 481 482. The website at
http://www.CSandE.co.uk is now also up and running.
CS&E will present Cosmo's Fun Class, Back in Time 2 and Amiga Survivor to the Amiga public in June 2000 and in
addition is working hard behind the scenes with a new UK distribution arm Eurostores and a trade organisation
for reputable Amiga businesses.
CS&E website
31.5.2k A2K 15-year anniversary celebration cancelled
Amiga:2000 - Which one? No, not the one in St. Louis; No, not the one in Sacramento; No, not the World of Amiga show either; Nope, not even the show in Canada or even Ohio.
The one that was supposed to be in Atlanta. Confused? You're not alone.
Read more
Amiga.org website
31.5.2k Space Station 3000 Cancelled
Digital Images have cancelled three of their upcoming titles: Space Station 3000, Kijitsu Warriors & Digital Soccer because
"they have been dragging along for such a great length of time and little progress has been made." Conflict, Sabrina-Offline
and Millenium Suprise still in development and more information will follow.
Read more
Stuart Walker, Digital Images
31.5.2k Latest CGX3.x for BVision
Alan Buxey: "The latest drivers (that will allow Warp3D to work!) for the BVision gfx card are now available at
Of course, performance and results arent as good as with CGX4.x but if you've just bought
a BVision for almost 200 pounds and want moneys a bit tight to get CGX4.x right now... here is
the solution."CGX_r71 includes cgxsystem.lib v41.22 and a few fixes for OS3.5. There are also the last V3 CVPPC
& BVPPC drivers (v2.8), along with the latest full install disks for CVPPC & BVPPC that ship with the
latest DCE cards.
Alan Buxey
CGX homepage
31.5.2k Village Tronic Service Petition
Paul Qureshi (on the PML): "I have just uploaded a petition to ask
Village Tronic to release repair documents to other companies and support
their Amiga products." This is a petition to get Village Tronic to support users of their Amiga products
(PicassoIV, AriadneII, ...) by releasing schematics and other information needed to repair the boards to other,
named, dealers. This would let users get boards repaired in their own country and relatively quickly...
CGX homepage
Village Tronic Service Petition page
31.5.2k Format V44 Is Safe
Martin Steigerwald: "I recently wrote about DiskCopy V44 having problems with copying beyond partitions beyond 4GB limit. I said Format might also have problems.
Now after some tests I am quite sure: Format V44 works as expected. I did not experience any >4GB problems. Just make sure that the NSD patches are in place.
Update to Boing Bag 1 since its NSDPatch.cfg contains more lines for standard controllers. Generally there should be a proper line with the name of the device
of your harddisk controller *uncommented* in this file."
Martin Steigerwald via amigaOS3_5 ML
31.5.2k Software News
A new high quality reverb effect for Audio Evolution can now be downloaded for free from the PPC plug-in page!
QWbrowse v0.3 released - here is a summary of the new features:
Managed to get Qstat to run flawlessly by increasing stack :)
Much improved performance (up to 300%), due to better use of Qstat options.
Support for Qstatv 2.3+ (qstatold variable in qwbrowse.config)
Support for HereticII, Sin and Shogo. (Shogo needs Qstat 2.3f-g)
Refresh option extended to master/file queries.
Auto-refresh option has been added to single-server-query mode.
Option for displaying all server-rules in single-query mode.
Filters for gamedir, capacity, mapname, and gamedir-capacity combination.
Filters for ping-limited server display.
Sound effects & automatic display of mapshots.
A new tool, CustomCache, for generating and saving filtered serverlists.
Lots of new cache files (Quake, HereticII, Sin and Shogo).
Audio Evolution website
Christian "SuRgEoN" Michael, SuRgEoNs Quake1 Goodies
30.5.2k Phase 5 is sending cards back
Amiga-news.de: "In several e-mails we recieved, and in several forums it can be read that Gerald Carda is obviously
sending back cards send in for repair by customers. The first cards have already reached their owners.
So there seems to be hope that customers will get their cards back, some unrepaired, but better than nothing.
Here is the address again customers should write to to get their cards back:
Wolf Dietrich und Gerald Carda phase5 digital products In der Au 27 D-61440 Oberursel
Germany You should state when you did send in your card, the RMA number is also important.
Set an apropriate deadline for recieving the hardware.
Amiga-News.de website
30.5.2k GAUHPIL Update
Dietmar Knoll: "I have updated the Geographical Amiga Users Home Page Internet List
(GAUHPIL) once again. The latest hints
got added and all the updated GAUHPIL pages are online. Currently, 943 users from
38 countries are listed and the next are about to follow. Thanks for all
contributions! Go ahead!
Dietmar Knoll, GAUHPIL
30.5.2k EASys! - the AMIGA system enhancer
EASys! - the system enhancer by Dipl.Ing(FH) Tom Neidhardt is from now on distributed by Eternity hard- and software. Many new features can be
expected in the new release version 4.7.2 that will be available in a few days.
More information, details and news can be found in a few days on the EASys! homepage.
Eternity website
30.5.2k USB Card for Amiga
Andre Gobet: "Hello together! If you're interested for an USB Card for the Amiga Computer please send me an E-Mail. We're also
searching for software coders for the USB Card. E-Mail: andre.gobet@sesamnet.ch"
Andre Gobet via ANN
30.5.2k French retailer APS' Web site temporarily down
French retailer APS' Website is currently down. Their email server has also vanished for an undetermined period.
Please use directly the DNS if you want to see the web site.
The phone number is : +33 (0)4 91 00 30 44 (Bvisions in stock !)
Ben Yoris via ANN
30.5.2k Innovative at the World of Alternatives
Felix Schwarz will present all Innovative-products on 10th and 11th June at the booth of Coolbits at the World of Alternatives
in Neuss. Furthermore all products of Innovative can be bought there. Felix Schwarz: "If we manage to complete them in time, updates to our products can be bought
at the show. We're looking forward to your visit!"
Innovative website
30.5.2k Amiga SDK (SoftWare Developer Kit) from Amiga Shops
30.5.2k KATO Development Group News
In about a month, the Melody 1200 pro will be available again. Distribution will be handled mainly by the KATO Development Group,
but also through other dealers. The unity will be a bit delayed and thus also the Melody for Zorro 2 bus.
Why Twister 1200 and no other solution? The difference lies in the details. Technical background can be read on the KATO
Development Group Website. KATO will be pleased to answer any questions you might have.
Amiga-News.de website
KATO Development Group website
30.5.2k KDH stops distributing Alive Mediasoft products
Starting immediately, KDH Datentechnik stops distributing Amiga games published and distributed by the English company Alive Mediasoft.
KDH: "We wrote to the company demanding clarification why the CD Goal2000 only includes the old Goal game (with cracker intro).
Moreover we requested proof that a license is available for all published games. If the situation can be solved positively, we will
resume distribution."
Tom Crecelius writes in ANF: "I have purchased the game Goal2000! from Alive-Mediasoft some weeks ago. After receiving the CD,
I noticed an error on the CD. Not Goal2000! is on the CD, but only Goal!. After decrunching the "Goal2000-1.DMS" archive to disk
and booting it up, an intro appears with the contents: "Goal! - The Championchip League. Broken by Q.U.A.R.T.E.X in 1993"!!
When the menu appears, it is entirely obvious that this is Goal! and not Goal2000!. Despite multiple attempts to get into touch
with Alive-Mediasoft via mail and despite former (before I had payed) good mail contact I couldn't get a reply from Alive-Mediasoft
up to this day. Maybe they will now reply... So be careful if you are interested in "Goal2000!".
If you can approve this please write to us!
Amiga-News.de website
KDH Datentechnik website
Alive Mediasoft
29.5.2k New Powerful Programming Language PowerD
PowerD (v0.15) is modern programming language, slightly compatible to AmigaE. Has many features
and is very easy to learn. Requires OS3.0, 020, fpu and some additional memory. Martin
"MarK" Kuchinka: "Developing such project is very difficult and I have only few betatesters. If
You want to help me with it, test it or write examples, modules etc. please email to
kuchinka@volny.cz. If You want more information about
it, email me, or visit my homepage."
Martin "MarK" Kuchinka, PowerD homepage
29.5.2k Payback News
There is a new status report on Payback
gangster game. The game went into the initial phases of beta-testing this month. And betatesters love it!
Don't forget to join Apex announcement list to make sure you're among the
first to know about the latest developments!
Apex Designs
29.5.2k Amiga New Hardware Reference For Development
In c.s.a.misc Gary Peake said that the Dev system specs are: Super Socket 7 motherboard with an AGP 2x slot 128 megs of RAM,
Soundblaster Live PCI card, Matrox Dual Head G400 video card, 13 gig hard drive, Linksys NC100 network card and AMD
K6-2 (or 3) 400 mhz up.
Spanish Amiga UG website
29.5.2k Trogsoft Awards Update
29.5.2k txt2pdf
txt2pdf is a very flexible and powerful PERL5 program.
It's a converter from text files to PDF format files. With 2.x family you can put your text on white PDF
pages. With 3.x you can create a layer beneath and above your text (background, foreground), where you
can insert phrases or designs (using PDF syntax).
SANFACE Software
29.5.2k Software News
Mroocheck12f20 - new software for Mroocheck PC Mouse
Interface (in U.K.: Punchinello MK II), microprocessor-based adapter for attaching PC mice (even with wheel), trackballs,
glidepoints, radio-controlled mice to all models of Amiga computers.
Final 1.2 version of ATC (AmiTradeCenter) is ready for download.
changes. ATC is powerful FTP-client with ADT support.
Ivo Janacek, Javosoft
amitradecenter homepage
28.5.2k Bloodline nearing completion
Dafel: Bloodline is now nearing completion. Pagan's featured packed RPG action game
is shaping up to be something special. A release date will be given soon once confirmed with their publishers.
Pagan Games website
28.5.2k [Amiga Design Studio]
Dietmar Knoll: "This Copyright Note is an offer for all Amiga developers who want to release FD-Software,
be it as Freeware, Giftware, Shareware or whatever. This year, already four new translations appeared.
AFD-COPYRIGHT is now available in seventeen (17!) languages - all in two formats, as plain text and as
HTML-file. The latest addition is the Brazilian Portuguese translation by Daniel Mealha Cabrita and
Gustavo Sarmento from the ATO. The files can now be downloaded from the
Official Support Site for AFD-COPYRIGHT.
Dietmar Knoll, AFD-COPYRIGHT (TM)
28.4.2k Special meeting of Amiga [dot] info
There will be a special meeting of the Amiga info club on Tuesday, May 30th. It was confirmed today that Randall Hughes
(Vice President of Sales and Strategic Business Development of Amiga) and Fleecy Moss (Vice President of Development
of Amiga) will be attending. Read more
Amiga.org website
27.5.2k 100+ articles/reviews online
young monkey studios is pleased to announce that it's NewTekniques magazine indexes now include over 100 freely accessable
online articles, tutorials and reviews on topics of LightWave, Inspire, Aura, Toaster, Flyer, ImageFX, and Amiga.
Other popular Amiga, Music and Video magazines are also included, with hundreds of other online articles.
Visit the young monkey magazine area.
dhomas trenn, young monkey studios website
27.5.2k young monkey software
young monkey studios is pleased to announce a substantial reduction in the shareware prices for it's Amiga
software. As well, several applications are now freely available. Visit the
young monkey studios Amiga software area.
Shareware/Free applications include: Commander-ImageFX - Customizable GUI for ImageFX
GridLock - 2 player game Modem/NullModem/Ami-TCP (free) HP3PS - PacificPage PS/PCL Mode Changer (free)
MSE - MIDI SYStem EXplorer - PatchEditor+MORE SamplerUtility - Disk imager for ProAudio Samplers (free)
TextToBraille - Text To Braille Conversion Utility (free) TimeKeep - TimeClock Util for Clients-Projects-Invoices
TimeKeepDev - TimeClock Util for Project Development TimeSpeak - Speaks current date or time (free)
dhomas trenn, young monkey studios website
27.5.2k APC&TC News Faces of Mars
At the Amiga-show in Neuss (germany) APC&TCP release again a cd-rom for Amiga with the Name Faces of Mars 2001:
fom2001 is the cd-rom collection of the Faces of Mars-pd-series. The best of the over 500 disks can be found on this shareware-CD-ROM. All programms are
tested under OS 3.5. The games, programms, pictures, animations, mods and texts can be found in these main-drawers: 1982 (classic games), Babylon 5,
Esotherik, Fantasy, FOM, Games, History, Jokes, Mathematics, Misc, Science, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek and Star Wars. Beside that there will be several
bonus programms for internet-users like a free email-address, link to the personal homepage, discussion-group and The Portal, a starting point for the web,
including, email, search-engine, webcards and e-commerce. Also are two audio-tracks included: fom2001 and They came from Outer Space!
Andreas Magerl, APC&TCP website
27.5.2k Software Hut Update
New products and special offers are coming from Software Hut with this news letter
release. The latest includes the new Amiga DSK pack, IO-Blix network card option, and a couple of options with the Blizzard boards
(graphics or speed as you might need). There is a special offer on preordering the the Amiga DSK pack which will go back to regular
price after the product is released.
Amiga.org website
Software Hut website
26.5.2k Amiga RKMs
There's a full set of Amiga RKMs being auctioned on eBay.
The item number is 338183523.
Nearly impossible to find anywhere!
John Haubrich
26.5.2k PureBasic V1.40 With 68k and PPC Support
PureBasic is a brand new compiler based on standard BASIC,
but with some extensions, (mainly similar to Blitz Basic II), which would produce highly optimized, small code, (like asm),
for both the 680x0, and PowerPC processors. If you know Blitz Basic, or Amos, you will have no problems with PureBasic. It
has the same syntax rules, but with a more open and flexible philosophy, more suited to the AmigaOS environment.
Some of the features are: - 68000, 68020+ and PowerPC support - Compile 30,000 lines/min using a 68030/50, (with
PoolMem installed) - All Standard BASIC keywords: If-Else-EndIf, Repeat-Until, For-Next... - External libraries
supported; easily manipulate objects like: IFF pictures, sounds, windows, gadgets, etc... - Inlined ASM
Amigart website
The Fantaisie Software website
25.5.2k Kickstart Show 2000
The final details of the kickstart show 2000 has now been
uploaded on the Kickstart Amiga Group website. It includes a list of exhibitors and a timetable of the
days events. Also take the time to pre book for one of our game competitions online.
Raymond Mccarthy, Kickstart Amiga user group website
25.5.2k Commodore is back
Guess who's back? Apparently, a company called ComputersNational Inc. has bought the Commodore name and plans to build
Commodore-branded PC's and a "next generation" C64/128...
ANN website
25.5.2k AROS Update
Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla: "There was no status update for more than 6 weeks (which is too much). I'll do better in the future :-) In the last few days,
our WWW counter silently skipped 33.333 hits." Read more
Spanish Amiga UG website
AROS website
25.5.2k Trogsoft Awards back!
Neil Bullock: "Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Trogsoft Awards 2000 site become unusable
(this was because of webserver problems). However, we have now fixed the problems, and you can now,
once again, participate in the voting at a new URL:
Neil Bullock, Trogladite Software
25.5.2k Software News
cnet.device V1.2 - PCMCIA ethernet card SANA2 driver for
Amiga 600 and Amiga 1200 computers. readme
akMPEG4 V4.44 - MPEG player for
CGX/P96/AGA (68k+PPC). New: added configuration information for DOpus4 and AWeb3; MPGUI now also searches "akmp" or
"PPCakmp" in C: in case these can't be located (Lock'ed) in PROGDIR:.
Harry "Piru" Sintonen, homepage
Andreas Kleinert, PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX website
24.5.2k iFUSION
Today (5/23/2000), Microcode Solutions licensed the 68040 Macintosh emulation technology to Emulators, Inc.
This in no way affects our customer support for FUSION-PC customers. All technical support questions
concerning FUSION-PC should still be directed to Microcode Solutions. Microcode Solutions will release a
stand alone iMac emulation called, "iFUSION".Read more
Microcode Solutions website
24.5.2k FUSION PPC
H&P has come through (yet again) and fixed the MMU stack problem that we were encountering.
Now, as long as we don't run into any other OS related issues, you should start counting the days
before FUSION-PPC is released for your Amiga! Now, the great news! During the course of
waiting for OS fixes, and other significant delays, MS have completely changed the emulation
foundation. So, what does this mean to you? It means that you are going to get a superior
emulation, and one that will NOT require a Macintosh ROM!
Thomas Lorenz
Microcode Solutions website
24.5.2k REBOL website redesigned
REBOL website was redesigned, of course - with a reason. REBOL Technologies introduces new products and
e-bussines solutions. REBOL/Cer, REBOL/Command, REBOL/View, REBOL/Author, REBOLink, REBOL/Serve,
REBOL/Apache, REBOL/Track. You can read new information on REBOL here.
REBOL Technologies website
24.5.2k Nova Design summer sale
24.5.2k Longest Running Poll
Updated the text part of the world's longest running poll for the Amiga
(What Graphics Card do you use?). The only major change in the results is the Pixel64 has moved up 2 spots.
You can find the results here. If you have not filled out the poll
you can here.
VGR.COM website
24.5.2k PPC680x0 Finished
The 680x0->PPC assembly source-code translator and PPC machine language called PPC680x0 has been finished
for final release today. It now features a very big documentation guide-file and several new options and
optimizations. The new executable (written in more than 50000 lines of assembly code) now has preferences for
branch-predictions, context-switch models and a lot more. It also contains hundreds of bug-fixes.
PPC680x0 is not available at Coyote Flux anymore as they have found a publisher for the program. A new promo WILL
be available on the Aminet soon. With PPC680x0 (Rev 1) being finished, there is more time left for the
long-awaited 3D-engine and the SNES emulator. More about that soon...
S. Raghoebardayal, Coyote Flux
24.5.2k QWBrowse now supports normal Quake!
QWBrowse v0.2, a server-browser and game-launcher for Quakeworld and Quake is available at Surgeon's Quake1 Goodies.
Support for normal Quake, easier configuring and serverfilter are the most significant improvements over the first release.
QWBrowse is a frontend to Qstat by Steve Jankowski. A stable version of the Qstat program is still missing though :(
Qstat source is available here. I hope that someone will compile a stable version - the most recent release of
Qstat has support for Quake, Quakeworld and upcoming HereticII, Shogo and Sin by Hyperion.
Christian "SuRgEoN" Michael, SuRgEoNs Quake1 Goodies
24.5.2k Games News
fMSX v2.3 emulates an MSX computer on an Amiga (68k).
Space v0.9b - Space 3D shooter for 3D
graphics card and PPC. readme
WarpQuake v0.7 - WarpOS port of Quake based
on Awinquake by Peter McGavin. readme,
M.E.S.S. v0.37b2 AmigaPPC rev1 (000524) - Multiple Emulation Super
System. This first release do lack a lot of options which the DOS version has got, but the most important ones like
AGA and CGFX support and well as sound (using audio.device) is included.
M.A.M.E. v0.37b2 AmigaPPC rev 1 (000524).
- Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator This first release do lack a lot of options which the DOS version has got, but
the most important ones like AGA and CGFX support and well as sound (using audio.device) is included. There is no need to
unpack the ziped game files you may find, just place them in roms and MAME will unpack them while loading.
NeoMAME v0.37b2 - NeoGeo only compile of MAME
AmiDog's Emulation Corner website
23.5.2k Heretic 2 approved for distribution
Ben Hermans, Hyperion Software: "Hyperion's Heretic 2 port was approved for distribution after rigorous testing
by Activision and Ravensoft. The Amiga version running on a Cyberstorm PPC 200mhz and Cybervision PPC
outperforms the Windows version running on the same Permedia 2 with Pentium II 400 mhz."
ANN website
Hyperion Software website
23.5.2k Kickstart Show & Alive
This year, Alive mediasoft will be present at the Kickstart show in London.
They will be selling, demo'ing and releasing many games on the show...
Read more
Steven Flowers, Alive Mediasoft
23.5.2k Change your defective A1200 motherboard
The motherboard of your A1200 has a defect? KDH will change your defective one (+DM 129.-) against a brand new A1200
motherboard. The only requirement is that the old one contains the KickROMs (3.0 or 3.1). This offer is limited till
May, 29th. For terms and more details follow this links.
Amiga-News.de website
KDH Datentechnik website
23.5.2k Official WinFellow website online
22.5.2k New Official OS 3.5 Support List
22.5.2k FUSION PPC News
Another problem with WarpOS... MS have discovered a MMU stack problem with the WarpOS and are working with
H&P to resolve it as quickly as they can!
Thomas Lorenz
Microcode Solutions website
22.5.2k Boing Bag 2 News
Martin Steigerwald: "For news about Boing Bag 2: All I can tell it is in the works. But there are still some bugs left
to be resolved. We want to come out with it soon, but we also want to resolve all known big bugs. So no final release
date set yet."
WARNING! DiskCopy V44 does not properly copy partitions beyond the 4GB limit. Do not use it for that purpose. It will
probably CORRUPT data otherwise. It may also be that there are some problems with Format V44.
Boing Bag 2 will contain a fixed version.
Martin Steigerwald via amigaOS3_5 ML
22.5.2k Interview with DDE
22.5.2k Heretic II PPC Release Date
22.5.2k playamiga.de LinkList
Juergen Theiner: "I want to change my linklist on June, the first. Therefore I need all your favorite Links.
You can send them online via www.playamiga.de.
Juergen Theiner, www.playamiga.de
22.5.2k Quakeworld server-browser released
Qwbrowse, a game server-browser and launcher, has been released. It currently supports QuakeWorld,
but normal Quake, HereticII and Shogo support might come.
It's a frontend for Qstat.
Read more and get qwbrowse here.
Christian "SuRgEoN" Michael, SuRgEoNs Quake1 Goodies
22.5.2k Software News
Pine v4.21 - after over 2 years without any Pine updates,
there is new version of popular mail reader.
Version 12.5 of the imagedecoders
fix several problems with PNG transparent and alpha channel images being rendered improperly on
colormapped screens, and feature numerous speed optimizations in their low level routines, e.g.
for faster chunky2planar conversion.
textinput v27.1 - MUI custom class.
Combined single/multi line editor gadget.
SimpleFTP v2.49
- easy to use MUI based FTP client.
WHDLoad 11.1 usr &
dev archives - AmigaOS friendly
Harddisk-Install package. Just small fix.
Alan Bailey
Pine homepage
SimpleFTP website
WHDL support page
21.5.2k Innovative's 5 year anniversary
Innovative celebrates its fifth year in bussiness! Since five years, we are bringing unique innovative software
at an unbeatable low price to the AMIGA® and are boosting our favourite platform! Due to this event we drop
the price for fxPAINT to 109.- DM (~55 US$) for one
month (including 21.6.2000). Buying it now saves you 30.- DM (~15 US$)!!. If you have considered buying the
fastet imageprocessing- and painting- package and the multitalent in graphics for the AMIGA®, this is your chance!
Innovative website
21.5.2k Amiga's past and future plans article
Mike Bouma: "I wrote an article targetted at Linux users about
Amiga`s past and future plans. I left some details and technical stuff out, so it would be more pleasantly to read
for non-amigans. I started writing this article some weeks ago when Henry Kingman of ZDNet contacted me to write
an article for their Linux channel. But when I was almost finished he wanted to moderate things, which I don`t want
to happen. Eventhough I use Linux often, I don`t like Linux that much, so I don`t want to be part of the current
hyping. He was also so slow with his part of the work that I decided to post it myself."
Mike Bouma, AmigaRing
20.5.2k Kickstart Amiga Show 2000
19.5.2k Virtual GP Update
Paolo Cattani just released a final update for his F1 simulation Virtual GP.
Among other things, this update brings an Arcade mode to the original game, which means, racing is much easier and more fun for the beginner. Please
carefully read the instructions supplied with this update. You can download the update HERE.
Epic Marketing website
19.5.2k AsimWare News
AsimWare totally redesigned their website and removed all Amiga related informations.
Cybes sent a mail to AsimWare and received a reply from Greg Scott saying that AsimCDFS
(CD-ROM filesystem) is discontinued and they are still debating MasterISO
(CD Recording software).
ANN website
Asimware Innovations website
19.5.2k GAUHPIL Update
Dietmar Knoll: "The latest update of the Geographical Amiga Users Home Page Internet List (GAUHPIL)
created a big response in visits and mails received. I had to check all new URLs I got and added most of them. Due to lack of time it took some
days, but now the updated GAUHPIL pages are all online. Thanks for all contributions! Go ahead!
Dietmar Knoll, GAUHPIL
18.5.2k Clubbed Issue 5 Out Now
South Essex Amiga Link is happy to announce that issue 5 of our quarterly
subscription Amiga magazine, Clubbed, is
now back from the printers. Subscription copies will be posted in the next few days and the new issue will also be
available at the forthcoming Kickstart Show on the 27th of May. Read more
Robert J Williams, Clubbed Magazine
18.5.2k Mr.Amiga - Sexiest Man in the Amiga Community
Mr.Amiga -Poll is still running and here is the curren status:
Bill McEwn: 25%
Petro: 15%
M.Hinton/B.Vost/J.Collas: every 10%
others: 30%
You can still vote and win something...
Robert Kühn, AMIgay-Zine
18.5.2k Free Amiga Jobs - Status Report May 2000
Cologne/Germany, 18-Apr-2000 - Nico Barbat: "Thirty days have past since we have gone live - time for the monthly
status report of Free Amiga Jobs, the free employment agency service for the Amiga market. Here are the known
changes since the last status report:
new jobs (since last update): 14
filled jobs (since last update): 13
filled jobs (overall): 13
open jobs (currently): 26
open jobs (overall): 44
"Free Amiga Jobs" is hosted by Amiga plus and Amiga-News.de.
Nico Barbat, Free Amiga Jobs
18.5.2k Exoticons
Exoticons is a NewIcon collection for the Amiga. It contains icons for around 942 Amiga Games. The icons
were created from the high resolution box scans on the ExoticA Games Gallery. You can get the first
release of this collection from ExoticA. Follow the link from the
'News' section or check on the 'Misc' Page.
Jools "BuZz" Smyth, ExoticA
18.5.2k APC-TCP-News Scene Archives #10
Andreas Magerl: "At the show in Neuss (germany) release APC&TCP
the new CD-ROM "The Scene Archives 10". You can order by APC&TCP or your local dealer. This Volume
contains Disks 8951 to 9750 "The Scene Archives" collection. There are myriads of including the follow
categories: Animations, Dentros/Demos, Digis, Intros, Magazines, Menus, Miscellaneous, Music Demos, Demo
Packs, Slideshows, Trackmos. Now Includes "Scene Archives Search Utility" (SASU), to make "The Scene
Archives" even easier to use."
Andreas Magerl, APC&TCP
18.5.2k Haage & partner News
This years German Amgia show "World of Alternatives AMIGA & ATARI" will be held in Neuss
near Duesseldorf from June, 10/11. H&P will show the latest versions of ArtEffect 4.0, AmigaWriter 2.0 and StormC 4.0.
The demo of the new AmigaWriter (v2.0) can be downloaded from H&P's FTP server.
Haage & partner website
18.5.2k Amiga products in stores again
18.5.2k Virtual GP Update
The first in a line of Updates for Virtual GP
have been released by Epic Marketing and Paolo Cattani today. This package comes with 1999 season data, a textureeditor,
a soundfileeditor and a FAQ textfile. You can download the
first Upgrade file HERE.
Epic Marketing website
17.5.2k Preliminary list of exhibitors at AmiWest 2000 announced!
AmiWest 2000 is the west coast all Amiga show which is being produced in Sacramento, California, at the popular
Holiday Inn, Sacramento NorthEast, 5321 Date Avenue Sacramento, CA 95841, on Saturday, July 29th and Sunday,
July 30th, 2000. The Holiday Inn venue proved to be such a hit for last year's show that we are again holding
it there. A preliminary list of companies and clubs that are either participating in or exhibiting at
AmiWest 2000 has been posted on our web page at http://www.sacc.org/amiwest/.
John Zacharias, AmiWest 2000
17.5.2k BVisionPPC and CVisionPPC in stock again
17.5.2k The new ProStationAudio Remix, new prices, new plugins
ProStationAudio Remix is available starting this week. This entry-level version includes almost all the features
of the Millennium version in a two stereo tracks layout. Ideal for DJ's and MP3/CD collectors, Remix includes
all the tools needed to split and reassemble music tracks, from BPM calculation to automatic on-the-beat loops
creation, from MP3 import to automatic crossfades. The mixing console is fully automated so that you can operate
on faders and save your performances to disk. Faders motion can be edited manually and/or graphically.
Auditioning and recording from web radio stations is included as well.
Read more
Audiolabs website
17.5.2k APC&TCP-CD_Volume-3
17.5.2k webPlug, mapPlug and tablePlug released as freeware
Esteve Boix: "Due to lack of time, I've decided to release webPlug, mapPlug and tablePlug as freeware. While not giving up with the projects,
I won't be able to update them for the next months, so I've decided to upload webPlug v2beta, mapPlug v1.42 and tablePlug v1.2 to the Aminet,
and release them as freeware. Also, my website is currently down... I hope to have it online again soon. I'd like to thank all the people who
has registered the software, for their help and support."
mapPlugv142.lha -
tablePlugv12.lha -
ANN website
16.5.2k Tao Group Becomes a Member of DVB
Reading, UK, May 15th 2000 -- Tao Group, the manufacturer of the world's most advanced software media stacks for connected digital
appliances for home and mobile networks, announced today that it has joined the DVB consortium.
Tao's membership of DVB strengthens its continued commitment to develop leading edge core technologies for the DigitalTV and
STB markets and its goal to provide innovative solutions whilst fitting in with open standards.
Tao's initial activities will be focused on driving the development of a binary portable MHP implementation based on its intentTM
multimedia system infrastructure. Read whole annoucement here.
Tao Group website
16.5.2k Amiga JAVA Engine (AJE)
The official site for the Amiga JAVA Engine (AJE) is now online.
Be pre warned that there is really no great news or information there yet, as we have not yet completed the
HTML files for the introduction to AJE. E-mail about AJE is currently being taken by:
amiga@merlancia.com. We will soon have a new AJE contact address at
aje@merlancia.com. Please bear with us as we work on the AJE site.
Fun Time World website
16.5.2k Infos for prejudiced phase5 customers
Thanks to Norbert Roth for this advice on what to do if you had hardware send in to phase 5, made prepayments etc.
Infos for prejudiced phase5 customers
Norbert Roth via amiga-news.de Forum
16.5.2k Amiga Developer System from Glacis Technologies
Glacis Technologies is proud to announce the imminent and long-awaited arrival of the Amiga Developers System (ADS)
for the Next Generation Amiga. We have received word from Amiga Inc that they are due to go into production during
the week of 21 May, 2000 and are expected to arrive at Glacis Technologies in the first half of June, 2000.
Read more
Glacis Technologies website
16.5.2k T.S. Computers has Amiga positions available
T.S. Computers, a computer VAR specializing in video editing and animation, is looking for an Amiga tech.
Knowledge of Amiga machines and NewTek's Video Toaster is essential, some PC knowledge is helpful.
They are located in the Los Angeles area, interested people should fax a resume to 818-505-1811 or send
an email to jobs@vgn.com.
Amiga.org website
T.S. Computers website
16.5.2k AMIE SDK Beta 1 Preview!
Gary Peake, AmigaInc.: "I am looking for one Amiga developer who lives near Seattle/Snoqualmie to come to the office for
a preview of our Beta 1 release. If interested, they should email gary@amiga.com
or call 425-396-5660."
Amiga.org website
16.5.2k APC & TCP Amiga Arena CD-ROM
APC&TCP will release at the Amiga-Show in Germany (10. Juni 2000) the new Amiga Arena CD-ROM full of
Homepages (125 MB), Sonderpreise (12 MB), Vollversionen (67 MB), Classic Scene Demos (82 MB),
Demoversionen (82 MB). Read the annoucement
Andreas Magerl, APC&TCP
16.5.2k PowerOS OpenSource Part II
Claus Herrmann: "The sources are ready to go online. The developer pages are redesigned. Ok some of you had been asking,
how the OpenSource Project is going to be moderated. First of all you have to send an email to
developer@poweros.de to register for the source. Ok, some of you asked me if
this was it with PowerOS. To this I have to say : NO. PowerOS will do a rechange in the way. With going OpenSource all
of you have the change redesigning the OS. Making it not a Clone of Amiga OS but making it better, bigger and ready
for the future..."
PowerOS website
16.5.2k VirtuaArt3D - 3D engine for PPC based Amigas.
15.5.2k Musings from a Notebook
15.5.2k Image Engineer News
Image Engineer demoversion updated a little. Read it's guidefile for changes.
Marko Seppänen: "I've been thinking about expanding ordering options and bringing ordering handler closer to you. You, who need the software and want to
order Image Engineer CD without a credit card. I think I've already found a
suitable company for my needs from land, where I've heard has got the best beer, Germany. What I now need is rough numbers, how many of you would like
to order Image Engineer CD right away, but don't have a credit card. Please let me know of your interest before end of this month."
Image Engineer homepage
15.5.2k AminetGUI now with AULA
The Aminet-GUI has a new feature! Starting immediately is AULA (Aminet UpLoad Archive).
This is an archive containing the weekly upload lists. They can be sorted by date or directory. As a special service, there
will be also offered the so-called Top Aminet UpLods. These are uploads described briefly.
Amiga-News.de website
Aminet-GUI website
15.5.2k Strandball
Strandball - this bi-weekly updated page deals with Amiga-related topics,
looks at rumors (or produces them) and also deals with other systems (if necessary). This page is german-only!
Andreas Steup via ANN
Strandball website
15.5.2k Fixed HomeLand Demo
15.5.2k New SoftCinema
SoftCinema v0.10 - shareware movie/animation player for the Amiga equiped with PPC.
external codecs. New Features:
Animation scaling on CGX
OVERLAY mode available in CGFX window mode
Fixed some bugs in JPEG codecs
Major speedup in AGA display code
Other changes, and optimizations under CGX
New codec in AVI - Microsoft RLE8
SoftCinema homepage
14.5.2k Looking for cool OS3.5 game icons ?
One hundred (100) new OS 3.5 gameicons have been added to GameIcons.info,
the website dedicated to OS 3.5 icons for Amiga games. With a collection of nearing 400 icons, this is not to be
missed by any gamesfan who has OS3.5 installed!
Roderick Mouthaan, GameIcons.info
14.5.2k MekkaSymposium2k Pics
14.5.2k Lightforce News
A new demo of Lightforce is available (v0.8d from 14. May 2000).
This one features the radar so many users wanted (press "3" key to increase its power), a graphically speedometer,
a messaging-system and textured floors. And sound using AHI-Sound-System!
Please send us a short note, how sound worked on your system!
Andreas Hippauf, Lightforce
14.5.2k Amster 0.6
Amster v0.6 - Napster client for Amiga.
Changes since v0.5a: Upload (sharing)
Built-in server navigator
Automatic download retry when other client is busy
Transfer queue settings
Filename truncation with .mp3 suffix
Improved error handling
Lots of bugfixes and minor improvements
Amster website
13.5.2k POP boards progress
Linux for the PowerPC has been booted on the POP board! Stay tuned for more details. It seems the waiting
is over and POP boards will finally appear. Now we should wait for PPC version of Amiga OS.
Read more
IBM website
13.5.2k S-files #4
Huge 3CDs adventure Nightlong is now in stage of final testing, Z is about 50% finished.
The original is written in assembly (Bitmap Brothers), so converting it to Amiga is a tough job.
Read more in S-files #4
clickBOOM website
13.5.2k Wildfire GFX module interest poll
As a result of the discussions regarding the nonavailability of the "Inferno" module for the DKB Wildfire, there is now
Module Poll. Have a look and fill in your wishes. There's no
promise on anything being built and no company affiliation involved either!" Just a quick poll to see if there is any
Amiga-News.de website
CyberGraphX homepage
13.5.2k Sexiest Man in the Amiga Community
There were some problems with MR. AMIGA poll.
in the first Amiga-Gay Online Magazine. So if anyone has voted or has not voted yet. You should do it now.
Robert Kühn, AMIgay-Zine
13.5.2k New HomeLand Demo
12.5.2k Foundation - The Undiscovered Land
Foundation Mission CD "The undiscovered Land" will be avaialble from late May. You will need the original
"Foundation" or better "Foundation Directors Cut" to play this game. The Mission CD not only comes with
a bucketfull of new and challenging missions but also improves on the original Foundation in various ways.
More detailled information
Epic Marketing website
12.5.2k AMIGA aktuell International 05/00 online
AMIGA aktuell International's May edition is now online.
In addition to tests of the programs Voyager 3.2, Apdf 2.2 and Bonds 1.72 there are pre-infos about the German Amiga show of this year as well
as the latest news and rumours about the new Amiga. By the way...we are looking for more collegues! Please contact
aaktint@gmx.de or aakt@gmx.de, if you are interested.
Carsten Schroeder, AMIGA aktuell
12.5.2k Amiga ClassiX 2 CD
On this CD, that requires an Amiga or PC to run, you will find more than 250 full games, inlcuding around 30 commercial games.
The highlights on this CD are: Lords of War, Hannibal, Space M.A.X., Lethal XCess, Hilt I & II, Ports of Call, Dithell in
Space, Bomb Mania, Kelly X, Island of lost hope, Beneath a Steel Sky (german, italian versions) and Torch 2081. You will find
more informations about the games here.
The CD costs EURO 30,16 and is available from all good Amiga stockists.
Epic Marketing website
12.5.2k SWOS Euro 2000 Canceled ?
Steven Flowers announced that Alive have had to drop SWOS Euro 2000 because of a lack of time to finish it till Euro 2000 championship.
If there is somebody willing to help with the team names then it still may be possible!
If it does not happen Alive will still release a new version in time for the new English football season in August.
Steven Flowers, Alive Mediasoft
12.5.2k TTF tutorial
Matt Sealey: "The TTF tutorial has been updated,
probably for the final time. I've fixed all known bugs, made the offline version better, and improved the
layout. There is no new content."
ANN website
Web Fonts tutorial
11.5.2k Correction: TAO/Elate Developer Systems now available from Eyetech
Eyetech can have a hardware with the specs of AMIGA's developer system, BUT the developer software is not yet available!
Gary Peake: "We are very close [..] Please, do not hold me to a time line, but I believe near the end of the month we
will have the web sites ready. Until the package is complete (web sites, support structures, etc) we won't release.
I feel that releasing half of what you guys need is worthless to you. The boxes are ready, the SDK is ready, we are
getting the support structures ready as fast as possible."
Carsten Schroeder
Eyetech UK website
11.5.2k GoldED Studio Service Pack 17
You can now upgrade your GoldED Studio installation with Service Pack 17! Major new feature is support for
toolbar registers. Various add-ons have been
updated to use the new features. The e-mail add-on now supports spell checking, opens on the frontmost
screen and offers improved syntax highlighting. The Webworld (v5.2) add-on has been completely rewritten.
SP17 also installs a faster project plug-in and a standard interface for spell checking. The new files
can be found on the download page for
registered users.
GoldED Studio 6 homepage
11.5.2k Software News
The new asyncio.library v40.1 (23kB)
comes with a WarpOS-interface, but can also be used with plain 68k-Amigas. The new version is 100% compatible to the
previous one and is, when called from PPC, about twice as fast as from 68k!
AutodocViewerLite v2.0 BETA 5 is now available.
New features: wheelmouse, .i includes, retrace, toolbar, locale and html kind of linking ability.
Ronny Tennebek, 's homepage
Achim's Amiga homepage
10.5.2k NewTek Discussion Boards
9.5.2k Correction: Simon the Sorcerer 2 News
According to Thomas Steiding from Epic Marketing they can sell more than 1000 copies.
And the game isn't in the cd-factory yet. They had a delay and they hope to produce
the game for the middle of June.
We are really sorry for this totally incorrect information. Our thanks goes to
Juergen Theiner and Petra Struck.
Epic Marketing website
9.5.2k Amiga Corp. TAO/Elate Developer Systems now available from Eyetech
Amiga Inc. recently announced the specification of the new Developer System for porting existing - and developing
new - applications to run under the new Amiga OS, itself built on top of TAO's real time OS kernel, Elate. Elate is
currently available on a number of processors - including x86 and PowerPC - and is also available as a 'hosted'OS (at
about 50% efficiency) under Linux - and this is the environment to be used for the Developer System. The Blizzard
PPC/xVision version still needs some fine tuning - currently being undertaken by Haage & Partner - but is expected
to be released in a couple of months. On its release this (PPC/xVision) software will form the main upgrade path for
the current 'classic' Amiga user, whils st maintaining compatibility with 680x0-based software. The purpose of the
Developer System is to give a 'quick-start' to individuals or organisations wishing to port or develop new applications
under Elate, before testing them on/releasing them for the PPC/xVision hardware.
Eyetech's EZPC Developer System has been specially designed to
make the Elate porting/development environment as productive as possible.
Amigart website
Eyetech UK website
AmigaInc. website
9.5.2k GAUHPIL Update
Dietmar Knoll: "I have updated the Geographical Amiga Users Home Pages Internet List (GAUHPIL) and added 30 new
names. The GAUHPIL now contains more than 900 links to home pages
of Amiga users from 36 countries."
Dietmar Knoll, GAUHPIL
9.5.2k First Amiga-Gay Zine
First Amiga-Gay Online Magazine is there. But this is not only a site for gays, it is a site for everybody.
Author only want to bring some fun into our sad days :-) There is now first poll where you can vote for
the sexiest Man in the Amiga Community. Enjoy!
Robert Kühn, AMIgay-Zine
9.5.2k fYaNICA #4.3 PC-FREE pardey in Budapest
LouiSe: "fYaNICA #4.3 PC and M$ free pardey will be held on Budapest, Hungary at 03/jun/2000 with organization
of AMIGAonly, Crimson Jihad, and SpaceHawks. You're welcomed when you haven't got a PC! Only AMIGA, MAC,
C64, Spectrum, Atari, ..." You can expect more than 150 visitors, projector, audio, ISDN internet, low cost
tickets, 24h computer feeling, PC killing show, Ateo Pixel64 demonstration, standard compos, and many more...
Read more
LouiSe, AMIGAonly
9.5.2k Hello Aline!
Oliver Wagner of Vaporware became dad 7.5.2000 at 7.15 o'clock. The girl is called Alina
and we are sending congratulations to Claudia and Ollier, her parents!
And as Ben 'beej' Preece wrote in his plan "if Alina is even half as talented, hard-working, and devoted as her father
is to his work on Amiga internet software, then she is a truly talented young lady." (...and Amiga fan)
Czech Amiga News team
9.5.2k PageStream SDK goes to public
Deron Kazmaier (Softlogik`s chief programmer) begun assembling packages for interested third parties
so that they may begin writting addons for PageStream in the form of filters, printer drivers,
language modules, bitmap effects, scanner modules and more. He is also looking for help on improving
the documentation, examples, and clarifing the calls.
Softlogik website
8.5.2k Simon the Sorcerer 2 News
According to Amiga Central Simon The Sorcerer 2
is currently being pressed and should be availiable within 2 weeks. Bad news is that Epic are only allowed to release
1,000 copies, and most have already been preordered with no plans to secure rights to produce further copies.
Epic still have a quantity of the CD's for sale but expect Simon to be sold out, shortly after general release.
So if you want the game you should order it ASAP.
Amiga Central online magazine
Epic Marketing website
8.5.2k Interview with Hyperion Software
8.5.2k The Heretic Fortress News
Steffen Haeuser: "After quite some months of development the Multiplayer Addon "The Heretic Fortress"
for Heretic II is finally finished (Actually it was finished now since some
time, I just did not yet find the time to announce it). "THF" is based on the latest source of the PC-Version of THF, 4.5, and it is possible to
join games on PC-Servers or Amiga-Servers with it.It will be released in time for the Heretic II Release. The requirements are the same like
for Heretic II (PowerPC, WarpOS V4 installed, 64 MB Memory, harddrive, CDROM), Warp3D is optionally supported (as it bases on the Heretic II
Engine). Heretic II Full version needs to be installed."
Steffen Haeuser, Hyperion Software
8.5.2k individual Computers with new website
8.5.2k CAFe2000 News
Demo-party CAFe2000 (Computer Art Festival 2000) will be held July 29-30 at Kazan, Russia. For more info
visit their new redesigned site (russian/english).
Vladimir Chikov, Amiga Segodnya
7.5.2k Alien Nations for Amiga
Titan and Hyperion are pleased to announce that they will be bringing "Alien Nations" ("Die Völker")
to the Amiga after Titan succesfully negotiated a license for an Amiga port from the Austrian developer
Jowood. Alien Nations is a real-time strategy game in the vein of "The Settlers". The Amiga version
will most likely require a graphics card and will support PPC accelerators through WarpOS although the feasibility of a 68060 version will
be examined. Optional 3D acceleration will be supported through Warp3D. Release is expected during Q3 of 2000.
Read full pressrelease.
Hyperion Software website
Titan Computer website
7.5.2k Games for All Footy Fans
SWOS Euro 2000 should be out next week. Exclusive review of this game will appear in issue 13 of The Pulse.
Goal 2000/2001 should be out in August.
Steven Flowers, Alive Mediasoft
7.5.2k USA AAA Awards
The AAA Awards is an award program rewarding efforts to strengthen the Amiga computer and its user community.
The winners of USA AAA Awards 1999:
AAA Award USA - Community: Kermit Woodall AAA Award USA - Product: PageStream 4 by
SoftLogik Publishing Congratulations!
The AAA Awards website
7.5.2k Trogladite Software Awards 2k
Neil Bullock: "We did this last year for Amiga related websites, and this year we're expanding it to include software and hardware too.
This year, there are no fixed nominees. You can nominate whoever you want and vote for whoever/whatever you want to. If you use the
nomination page to nominate your own site, you will be given some HTML code allowing you to place a 'Vote for me' box on your site.
We'd like as many people to vote as possible. Also, please remember that when entering URLs for software/hardware, it must be the URL
to the actual product, rather than just the manufacturers website.
Awards 2000 page
Neil Bullock, Trogladite Software
7.5.2k Digital Almanach News
6.5.2k Amiga Update Newsletter
6.5.2k Interview with Thomas Frieden of Hyperion Software
It has been roughly one year since Hyperion Software first entered into the games arena and announced their intentions
to convert Shogo to the Amiga acquiring the rights from Monolith. Since then they have closed agreements with various
companies to convert games such as Freespace: The Great War, Heretic II, and Worms: Armageddon. It therefore seems
only fair to interview Thomas Frieden of Hyperion Software to
find out more about the people behind this ambitious and games-loving company.
Amiga Flame website
Hyperion Software website
6.5.2k MUI4 ?
Harry Sintonen: "Laire (Ralph Schmidt, coder of the now-gone phase5 and the founder of MorphOS project)
said this on ircnet #amiga around Sat May 6 00:50 EEST 2000.
We were talking about www.amigart.com Morphos poll (saying that 41,5%
won't buy Morphos unless WOS and WarpUP support is added)
So MUI4 is really coming, it seems" :-)
Harry Sintonen
6.5.2k Amiga Active Looking For Distributors
Pinprint Publishing is currently looking into distribution of Amiga Active Magazine to other countries besides the UK,
so please take a moment to tell them where you'd like to see Amiga Active magazine distributed. As a thank-you for
taking part, your name will be entered into a prize drawer to receive one of three six-month subscriptions to Amiga
Active. Distribution of Amiga Active Magazine survay.
Amiga Active website
6.5.2k PowerOS Goes OpenSource
Claus Herrmann: "It has been very quiet about the PowerOS project. To break the silence about this project I am going to release the complete
sources of this project with design papers. I hope some Developer will find them usefull... But more information about this, with
the sources, in the week from 8th May until 14th May 2000. Thanks"
PowerOS website
6.5.2k New software for Wheels support for Mroocheck
The new Mroocheck.driver v1.2 supports all the possible Amiga graphic modes. The previous version of
the Mroocheck.driver supported only: PAL, NTSC, DbPAL, DbNTSC and all the modes in graphic cards. The Mroocheck PC Mouse Interface
sends information to Amiga on wheel movements in the form of analogue signals. The internal A/C converters built into Amiga are used to
decode them. The immense advantage of this solution is that wheel signal decoding does not hog the computer's processor.
The Amiga A/C internal converters are based on counters of lines of the image generated by Amiga's graphic chips.
The current driver update allows calibrating these converters for any graphic modes.
6.5.2k Software News
SimpleFTP v2.31 has been released, and is available from both Aminet and the SimpleFTP homepage
New features are: MIME typing for uploading, downloading and viewing and Sounds on certaing events. And for those
of you trying to download the Wirenet version, you have to e-mail author for the password first.
New betaversion (V.45.00 beta 2) of stormamiga.lib V.45.00 for
AmigaOS/68k. Some functions were new written, some functions were optimized and much bugs were fixed.
Rick Hodger, SimpleFTP
CyberdyneSystems website
5.5.2k AROS Is Not Dead
Despite some unhappy users messages, AROS is not dead. They are currently working on forming a professional, ayed development team
which will work at least part time on AROS. Read more
SAUG website
5.5.2k AmigaWriter 2.0 availabe in May
5.5.2k iBrowse 2.2 Update Oficially Annouced
5.5.2k A/NES site updated
The site for A/NES (Nintendo 8-bit emulator for both ECS/AGA and cybergraphx-based Amigas with 68020 or better) has been redesigned.
It's now possible to register A/NES online (on a secure connection).
Fredrik Schultz, A/NES
4.5.2k ParaGlide Vodoo 3D module about to ship
The long awaited Voodoo 3D module for the Picasso IV gfx card is close to shipping. Blittersoft are taking Zero-deposit orders now!
Read more
Paul Lesurf, Blittersoft
4.5.2k Repulse Status Update
4.5.2k Kickstart Amiga Show update
4.5.2k Open Developer Mailing List
The community asked AmigaInc. to establish an open mailing list where they could
coordinate efforts to port products and programming tools (mainly of the GNU/GCC flavor) to the new platform.
Well today, that list is going on-line. To join the list send an email to open-request@amiga.com
with the word subscribe in the body. Once subscribed the actual list address will be open@amiga.com.
Amiga.org website
4.5.2k Lambda Status Report
Lambda is a freelance project striving to create a high quality 3D space action game with a compelling storyline.
Mikko Kallinen: "I reached a milestone in Lambda development today (May 3rd, 2000) when I finished a working version
of the object framework for the Lambda Virtual Machine. This framework currently allows creating C++ classes that
integrate seamlessly with the framework, creating instances of those classes, and loading object instances from
a persistent database with hierarhical namespace support. Garbage collection is already on the list of supported
features as well. The framework does not yet support defining fields and methods for classes, nor is there any
notion of a virtual CPU yet. These are among the features I am planning to concentrate on next."
Lambda homepage
3.5.2k Stargate Now Freeware
Danny Y. Wong: "With much considerations I have decided to release StarGate as freeware to the Amiga community.
The latest version v2.5 contains bug fixes and minor features. Additional features have not yet been
implemented and may not be in the future. StarGate is premier email and news client for the Amiga. It
requires MUI v3.6 and greater. Please goto http://www.toysoft-dev.com
for the download. You will required to download the v2.1 archive first."
Danny Y. Wong, Toysoft Development Inc.
3.5.2k Amiga Survivor Issue 9
Amiga Survivor Issue 9 is only a few weeks away! With a revitalised crew and even more quality features
in store, AS is offering an English language games magazine for all gamers out there. Issue 9 will include
some or more of the following: Exclusive first look at Amiga Carmageddon; Behind the scenes with
Electronic Dreams Interactive in the making of Cosmo's Fun Class Interview with SHAC Reviews of Fightin'
Spirit and the latest Audio CDs All the latest news, previews, games and the only place to find Joe &
Ami. That's Amiga Survivor. For more information visit http://www.CSandE.com
or e-mail interactive@csande.com.
CS&E website
3.5.2k Interview with Marcel Beck
3.5.2k MDR Internet Connectivity & Control
INET_DIAL v3.61 now includes support for Satellite and VCR control as well as supporting MIAMI DeLuxe.
INET_DIAL is an integrated Internet, "dial-out" and "dial-in" tool with control features. This includes automated email send and collect as well as
control of electrical appliances with X-10. Control can be local, via the telephone or via the Internet.
Richard de Rivaz, MDR Interfaces Ltd.
3.5.2k Lightforce Progress Update
Andreas Hippauf: "Just a short progress-update for Lightforce: we successfully included a textured floor in our routines.
And we now have the radar-function, many users wanted. New extras are planned. And we are still looking for someone to do
the graphics (textures) and join our team. The sound incl. the needed soundroutines seems to be done by Oliver Ganter,
who is currently porting the OpenGL-Space Shooter Orbit and might join our team. At the time there are already new
screenshots on our web-pages. Hopefully the
new demo will be released soon..."
Andreas Hippauf, Lightforce homepage
3.5.2k Software and Games News
AmiBroker v3.25 update is now available. Version 3.25 includes following new features
and fixes: quotation database handling is now optimized for fast access to the most recent data, fixed crash when deleting trend lines in
weekly/monthly mode, fixed bug with handling empty aliases, bollinger bands and standard deviation are calculated now with greater accuracy.
release notes
The last version (1.8.15) contained a stupid typing mistake that caused light travel time to correct in direction of future and not to the past!
Get the update (1.8.16) from here
or read the changes here.
There's an update patch for Orbit 0.4a (5kB). It fix crashes if more than one
sample is played at once. Orbit is a name of freeware space combat simulator ported to PPC Amiga.
AmiBroker homepage
Achim's Amiga homepage
Oliver 'Lucy' Gantert's page
2.5.2k GoldED Studio Service Pack 16
You can now upgrade your GoldED Studio installation with Service Pack 16! Major new feature is support for
toolbar registers. Various add-ons have been
updated to use the new features. The e-mail add-on now supports spell checking, opens on the frontmost
screen and offers improved syntax highlighting. The Webworld add-on has been completely rewritten. SP16
also installs a faster project plug-in and a standard interface for spell checking. The new files can be
found on the download page for registered users.
GoldED support page
2.5.2k Bochs x86 PC Emulation Software
The program BOCHS is a highly portable x86 PC emulator written in C++, and runs on most popular platforms ("Why not on PPC Amiga" ExiE).
It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common IO devices, and a custom BIOS. Currently, bochs can be compiled to emulate a 386, 486 or
Pentium CPU. Bochs is capable of running most Operating Systems inside the emulation including Linux, Windows'95, DOS, and recently Windows
NT 4. 22 March 2000: MandrakeSoft buys Bochs for Linux and commits it to Open Source. The Newest version has LGP license.
Filip Doksansky
Bochs x86 PC Emulation Software homepage
2.5.2k Aminet News
Complete Aminet mirror de.aminet.net located in Paderborn, Germany is back
online after loooong break! Current main Aminet site us.aminet.net is wirking
again after three days drop-out.
2.5.2k The World Foundry News
2.5.2k Image Engineer CD
Marko Seppänen: "Pre-ordering of Image Engineer CD is now possible through RegNet.
Final testings for contents of the CD and duplication of it are needed now. If everything goes like it looks like, everything is ready before 15. May."
Marko Seppänen, Image Engineer
2.5.2k Biggest Free Amiga games magazine
David Connolly: "Following on from CS&E's successful takeover of Amiga Survivor magazine,
I am pleased to announce that A1200! magazine has not disappeared completely! Obviously people who
have paid good money for our new magazine will now get Amiga Survivor, but every month CS&E will,
in addition, produce A1200! magazine which will be sent out free to anyone that requests it (you can
e-mail interactive@csande.com). Without an audited figure
some companies may feel they can get away with the equivalent of me saying we print 500,000 copies
so whilst in fact the actual print figure will be around the 15,000 mark I will invest in an audited
free circulation figure so legitimate companies can advertise with a legitimate audience. A1200!
magazine is already confirmed as the biggest selling Amiga magazine in the UK due to our mailing list."
David Connolly, CS&E
2.5.2k Darkage News
Darkage Software is proud to present their new website, located at the address www.darkage.it!
The Darkage Developer CD was updated! They just released an improved version of their CD for demo-lovers and Amiga developers!
Version 1.1 features more than 50MB of new stuff since last version, for a total of 444Mb, plus the usual Fby's 11mins audiotrack.
You can get it at the usual price (25.000 Italian lire / 12,91 Euro).
SAUG website
Darkage website
2.5.2k Graphic Artist competition extended
01 May 2000 OOSTERHOUT (NL) - C&C · Logo and Design's Graphical Artist competition is to be extended to the 15th of May 2000.
Charlot Cobben: "Due to the highly received response to our Competition and the fact that we are still receiving entries, we have
decided to extend the competition to the 15th of May. This will allow contestors a little bit more time to submit their work.
Information regarding the competition can be found at www.designburo.nl."
Charlot Cobben, C&C · Logo and Design
1.5.2k The Pulse News
The Pulse - the publication with more new game reviews than any other Amiga magazine is undergoing some changes...
From May the 1st, Alive mediasoft (the publisher of The Pulse) has dropped all Amiga Hardware and Serious
Software. They are dedicating their time to expanding their games software. Some of the smaller, more common utilities
will still be available as well as mice and joysticks as always, but the decision to drop the serious software and
hardware opens the doors for other Amiga conpanies to advertise their products in The Pulse.
From issue 13 onwards, for a very small cost, Amiga software & harware companies can now advertise in The Pulse.
Alive also added another 8 pages and a glossy colour front cover. And what about cover disks for every issue of The Pulse?
Read more
Steven Flowers, Alive Mediasoft
1.5.2k Epic May Amiga News
It appears there have been some technical problems with Simon The Sorcerer II
which has delayed the launch, but we have been informed that they are now doing the final testing so we should have a release date soon.
There is new season information and car detail for Virtual Grand Prix game written by Palolo Cattani. There is also a 1999 and 2000 season update from
Nico Barbat You can find the information and download them here.
Read more news from Epic
Epic Marketing website
1.5.2k AmigaOnLine.NET winners
AmigaOnLine.NET is proud to announce the winners of AmigaOnLine.NET service. These people are requested to contact
AmigaOnLine.NET to claim their prizes. The phone numbers to contact is as follows: 1-877-AMIGA-77.
3 Month AmigaOnLine.NET winners!
1.5.2k SHARKS! CD32 News
SHARKS! CD32 edition finished. CD contains a special version of "SHARKS!" game,
new options to adjust the game to your personally CD32! Also you can set the type of CD-music to on/off original and special one ...just how you
like it :) You can run SHARKS! on any Amiga with min. OS2.04, 2MB RAM + CD-ROM. You can order the CD directly from
Christian Steiner for 30,00 DM - incl. postage & package!
Digital Design website