31.3.99 Update to JoeCard project
New info regarding announced JoeCards from Met@box appeared on their mailing list. Stefan Domeyer is addressing several details, as possibility of USB, Fast SCSI 2, PCI additions to various models of JoeCards and MultiJoe, new surprise for hungry Amigans :-) You can read more here.

Paul May via c.s.a.m
31.3.99 New Photogenics 4.0 website
Paul Nolan opened new site for Photogenics 4.0, next generation of Photogenics, well know painting and effect program for Amiga. You can find list of features, download area, some screengrabs, information about price and more there. You can visit Photogenics new website here.

Petra Struck's website
31.3.99 Another Interview with Petro Tyschtschenko
Waaslandia Amiga-Only Club (WAC), the biggest Belgian Amiga user group, presents its latest interview... with Mr. Petro Tyschtschenko, president of Amiga International, Inc. You can read the interview, posted to comp.sys.amiga.news newsgroup here.

Christophe Heereman
31.3.99 Amiga Universe getting bigger
Amiga Universe announces new, improved website and services.

Amiga Universe website
31.3.99 AmigaShow'99
AmigaShow'99 will be held from 8. - 9. May, 1999, from 10 am to 6 pm, at Grand Rue, 4, 7070 Le Roeulx, Belgium. For more info check official AmigaShow'99 website.

31.3.99 Village Tronics News
Fixes for the Picasso96 v1.43b release: rtg.lha (version 40.3515), NCR.lha (version 6.270).

Village Tronics webpage
30.3.99 Phoenix Fighters' website and demoversion
Phoenix Fighters, from Alive mediasoft Ltd, now has its new website ready with the latest demo (v1.1) available for download.

Robert Norberg, Bitwise - developers of PF
30.3.99 Phase5 news Again :)
CyberStorm PPC/MK3 & BlizzardPPC flash update (FlashUpdates-300399.lha) is now available on phase5's ftp.

phase5 ftp
30.3.99 Multi-Board Computer System Case
Siamese Systems announces the new 3-Pack multi-board computer system case. This system combines the Newtek Video Toaster 4000 based Toaster/Flyer system with a commodity Windows or maybe Linux powered PC/Alpha. Read more.

Siamese Systems website
AWD website
30.3.99 Randomize Announces ScanQuix/Umax Scanner Bundle
Randomize brings affordable flatbed scanning to the Amiga in North America by introducing ScanQuix Amiga Scanner and its ScanQuix/Umax Scanner Bundle. The ScanQuix/Umax Scanner Bundle provides ScanQuix 4 bundles with the Umax Astra 610S, 1200S and 1220S scanners. Read more.

Randomize website
AWD website
29.3.99 Another Cyberstorm G3/G4 announcement
It's not all that long time ago Phase5 announced their CyberStorm G3/G4 projects. According to Phase5, the response of Amiga community was good enough, to further think of improvements to already announced CyberStorm G3/G4 cards. What about SCSI on all card versions? What about FireWire? OK, just read more here.

Phase5 website
29.3.99 Tornado3D for WarpUp
If you're intrested in WarpUP version of raytracing program Tornado3D there's a SURVEY to fill in. 100 preorders needed!

Steffen Haeuser
Tornado3D website
29.3.99 WarpOS 4.0
We've just received first information about upcoming WarpOS 4.0 release, being in beta testing stage now. This new release will feature:
- Pooled Memory API (New Memory Management)
- Shared Semaphores
- BlackBox 68K Emulation Support
- Some new PPC API functions like VacatePPC, CreatePoolPPC, DeletePoolPPC, etc

mano & -pekr-
29.3.99 Linux/APUS for AFCD40!
Linux APUS distribution, the Amiga PPC version of Linux, will be on the Amiga Format CD40. After the base system and X there should be about 60-70MB left on the CD for other stuff. So, the question is: what software would you like to see included?

AmiSITE webpage
29.3.99 World of Amiga '99
World of Amiga '99 is going to be on the 24th and 25th of July. The venue is yet to be confirmed, but it will be in London. Many more exciting events are planned than ever before, and Amiga are VERY keen for WoA to be on that weekend, as they have some big announcements planned.

Gary Storm, SEAL website
29.3.99 The GatherinG'99
The world's largest computer party is being held at Easter (Wednesday 31.March 08:00 - Sunday 4.April 18:00) in The Viking ship, Hamar, Norway. Check out The GatherinG'99 website.

TheGatherinG website
29.3.99 AUGS meeting '99
Haage&Partner will attend the AUGS meeting with about four employees and present the new AmigaOS 3.5. Surely Sam Jordan (programmer of WarpUP, Warp3D, 68k-emulator etc.) will be there. So, this will be the occassion to speak with the people working on OS 3.5.

AUGS Meeting website
Amiga User Group Switzerland (AUSG) website
Petra Struck's website
29.3.99 Foundation: Sound too good to be true?
V1.24 of Strategic game Foundation will be released on April 1st. The update will mark the biggest visual change to Foundation so far. The flat texture rendering code has been replaced with a more flexable system that provides Gouraud shading and texture blending. The new version runs at the same speed as the old version. This update will also cut the HD installation size by 2Meg and memory usage is also lower due to real-time texture mapping as opposed to pre-rendered shapes.

Foundation Support page
29.3.99 Alien Boxers from AntiGravity.com
AntiGravity.com extends the deadline for preorders for their Neila Phase-498 Boxer based systems untill May 15, 1999.

AntiGravity.com website
Amiga.org news
29.3.99 SFS Update
New version 1.58 of SmartFileSystem is ready for download. This version is incompatible with older versions of SFS, so please proceed with care!
SFSsalv by Jörg Strohmayer can be used to recover files from damaged SFS partitions.

SmartFilesystem website
29.3.99 Log from IRC session with Digital Images
Log from IRC session with Digital Images (DI), authors of Space Station 3000 game, can be found here. DI also announced they are looking into the possibility of release of 3 new games: F22 Airdominance Fighter, Heretic 2 and Zeewolf 3.

Amiga Extreme website
28.3.99 Space Station 3000 IRC meeting
There will be a meeting on ARCNet to discuss Space Station 3000 on 28th March at 20:00GMT. The channel name is #redwall You can join ARCNet at uk3.arcnet.vapor.com.

Stuart Walker, Digital Images
28.3.99 Latest software news
Latest AmTelnet 1.20beta should fix a few of the problems. This beta version only works with a keyfile.
Latest version 1.2 of ALiENDESiGN's workbench replacement Scalos you can get here.
The Hired Guns Level editor is finally available.

28.3.99 GoAD - Help Required
The Gathering of Amiga Developers (GoAD) was set up in February as a way for Amiga Developers to share ideas and resources with each other and as such raise the standards of Amiga Software. Now GoAD are creating a freely distributable, third person perspective, internet multi-player deathmatch game called Cauldron2000 (working title). If you are a talented C or C++ programmer who is prepared to help produce this game and own a PPC card; e-mail to michaelf@bakakaba.demon.co.uk.

AmigaExtreme website
28.3.99 Delsyd'99 - New Amiga Show?
After hearing about the demise of AmiWest99, Delsyd Software would like to see how many people would be interested in attending a new Amiga show in their home town of Burlington, North Carolina. The show would be held around the same time as the Amiwest show. If enough people and companies are interested, they will hold the show. If you are interested, or would like more information about their plans for Delsyd'99, email them.

Chris Kelley, head programmer of Delsyd Software
28.3.99 Do you remember Ambermoon ?
The unreleased official English version of Ambermoon HAS been found and is now online for download at the Thalion webshrine with some other Thalion's games.

ANN webpage
27.3.99 Met@box announces PowerPC solution for Amiga
Met@box AG, formerly know as Pios Computer AG, announced development of PowerPC based cards for Amiga 1200/2000/3000 and Amiga 4000 owners. Cards are going to be based on PowerPC G3 processor, running at 333 (A1200) and 400 Mhz speeds. Solution for A2000/3000/4000 will feature PCI compatible connector for future extensions. You can read the whole announcement here.

Met@box JoeCard website
27.3.99 Interview with Andrew Korn
Read un-edited e-mail interview with Andrew Korn, exCU Amiga deputy ed and current Amiga Format contributor and forthcoming editor of Amiga Active.

SEAL website
27.3.99 the.newt issue 3
3rd issue "Focus on the Warp3D API from Haage&Partner" of the.newt magazine is out now! the.newt has also had a complete overhaul.

the.newt website
27.3.99 Amiga News Radio Update
Amiga Radio News featuring Lamar Morgan of Amiga Atlanta Users Group. Its now available in more formats (GSM, ADPCM, MP3, Real Audio).

Amiga Radio News website
27.3.99 Rexx Plus open source!
Donald Dalley: "ICOA has started to solicit for funds to acquire the source code for the ARexx compiler, Rexx Plus. The idea is to update the program, and even port it to the new Amiga platform, if possible. It will be re-released as open source!" For this, the ICOA needs to raise $1500 USD. Email Donald Dalley if you would be prepared to pledge a donation.

AmiSITE webpage
26.3.99 REBOL 2.0 beta released...
REBOL 2.0 is coming! In one third the size of 1.0.3 release, with many new features. REBOL Aliance members received REBOL 2.0 beta version for intensive testing, to help REBOL Technologies to bring quality product to the community of Internet users. You can find more information on upcoming 2.0 release here.

REBOL Technologies website
26.3.99 Lambda Interview
Read the interview with team behind Lambda, 3D space combat simulator.

AmigaExtreme website
26.3.99 FUBAR - Help Required
The programmers of game called FUBAR asking for some help with 2D and 3D graphics. Read more.

Amiga Nutta Games Magazine website
26.3.99 Issue 6 OUT Now!
After months of delay, Issue 6 of AmigaSurvivor finally returns with it's best issue so far.

AmigaSurvivor Magazine
26.3.99 New UGN Coordinator
The User Group Network (UGN) is pleased to announce the selection of Henry Chung as the Asia Coordinator for the UGN.

Fabian Jimenez
UGN website
25.3.99 Corel to support AmigaNG!
The first unofficial AmigaNG developer was announced, but regard this info as unofficial. According to Com-Digit Journal, "If the Amiga was supplied with this software at a competitive price, it could be a real threat to PCs.". Let's just hope it is going to happen.

Amiga.org website
25.3.99 No Midwest Amiga Exposition 99
The topic says it all - no Midwest Amiga Exposition this year. Maybe you will find it disappointing, but organizers think black days of Amiga are counted, and current development of Amiga platform is satisfying enough. You can read official announcement here.

Amiga.org website
25.3.99 Bleem PSX emulator for Amiga?
Bleem is the name of PSX emulator for PC, running even faster on PC than on Playstation, when using decent hardware configuration. According to Steffen Haeuser, it wouldn't be so hard job to port from Direct3D to Warp3D, so he decided to ask authors of Bleem for possible Amiga port. And? Great, the authors seem to be open to an idea.

Amiga.org website
25.3.99 STFax Update
Free STFax Pro upgrade to version 3.8 released for registered users. Both upgrades from version 3.7 and 3.0 you can find on Aminet.

25.3.99 Settlers2 cancelled
68K/PPC Amiga version of strategy game called Settlers 2 (sequel to very popular game "The Settlers®") from BlueByte canceled.

Amiga Arena website
25.3.99 New Dry Ice Website
Check the new homapage of Dry Ice, WWW browser in development for Amiga .

Dry Ice website
25.3.99 TVPaint manuals
TVPaint manuals converted from the PDF format in to plain text by Kimme Utsi can be found on his homepage:

Kimme Utsi
25.3.99 Win a copy of Napalm
Read the Nutta Review of strategy game Napalm from ClickBOOM, answer the easy questions and win a copy of game.

Amiga Nutta Games Magazine website
25.3.99 Amiga GIMP Toolkit
The GIMP toolkit, GUI system for Linux is going to be ported to the Amiga, under Free Amiga initiative direction. Availability of this software for the Amiga will enable easy porting of many Linux apps, without the need to run X11 server. You can read the announcement here.

Amiga.org news
25.3.99 Warp3D v2 for Permedia
Finally the official version 2.0 of Warp3D for the Permedia chip of CVision/BVisionPPC graphics boards is available. (both base and develope archives)

Haage & partner website
24.3.99 MacOSRumors about PowerPC
MacOsRumors is bringing two articles describing a little bit performance of their systems, in relation to PowerPC G4 Altivec powered CPUs. You can read the articles here.

MacOSRumors website
24.3.99 RMAU Goes To Amiga'99
Very well-done Amiga'99 show report with coverage of many of the special events and seminars from the Rocky Mountain Amiga User's Group.

AWD website
24.3.99 Phase5 news Again :)
CyberStorm PPC/MK3 & BlizzardPPC flash update (FlashUpdates-240399.lha) is now available on phase5's ftp.

phase5 ftp
24.3.99 Microdot-II v1.3 NetConnect Upgrade
A new, minor update of Microdot-II is available for NetConnect v2.3 users.

Active Technologies website
23.3.99 Update on the Cyberstorm G3/G4 Project
Read about improved specifications of the CYBERSTORM G3/G4 accelerator and answers to questions which remained open or have been asked by many Amiga users.

Phase5 website
23.3.99 Phase5 news
CyberStorm PPC/MK3 & BlizzardPPC flash updates and V46.5 68040 & V46.5 68060 libs are now available on phase5's ftp.

phase5 ftp
23.3.99 Looking for job?
There is still a position vacant at BlueBlack Solution for a talented pixel artist to work on some small areas of Operation: Counterstrike. If you think you're good enough to work on a commercial game and can meet deadlines then email Daniel Allsopp with at least three examples of previous work.

Daniel Allsopp, BlueBlack Solution website
23.3.99 WarpUp betatesting
You can sign up for beta testing the new WarpUp software by emailing Sam Jordan, H&P. Read more.

warp3d mailing list
23.3.99 Membership for every Amigan
Waaslandia Amiga-Only Club (WAC - Belgium) now offers membership for every Amigan. Read more.

Amiga website
23.3.99 MakeCD Update
New version of MakeCD 3.2b final, considered beeing one of the best CD writer software for the Amiga, is now available. More information on its features and availability can be found here.

MakeCD website
23.3.99 akDatatypes
New versions of akPNG 44.30, akJFIF 44.30 and akTIFF 44.30 datatypes are available here.

PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX webpage
22.3.99 MicroDotII 1.3
MicroDotII 1.3 has just been released, with improved protection against message loss due to system crashes. Update for NetConnect users will follow shortly.

VaporWare website
22.3.99 AmigaAMP News
First external decoding engine for AmigaAMP is now available! Steffen Häuser compiled an external decoding engine under WarpUP.
New version of NeonBars plugin v1.1 features a rotating 3D bargraph display and Rave3D support!

AmigaAMP website
22.3.99 VVA Update
New version of VVA 0.2.1, VNC Viewer for Amiga, is now available here. More can be found here.

Vaclav Misek
VVA website
22.3.99 OS Bundle
Three alternative Operating Systems for Amiga (unofficial RedHat Linux5.1, NetBSD, p.OS Prerelease) at a single price DM 59. Read more.

Schatztruhe webpage
22.3.99 FAST ATA2/EIDE software update v3.9
There is FAST ATA2/EIDE software update available in dowload section of Javosoft website. You can always find the latest version of this software there.

Javosoft website
21.3.99 More about Cyberstorm G3/G4
Small additional info from Wolf Dietrich, phase 5 digital products, about Cyberstorm G3/G4 PPC cards. (english/deutsch)

PowerUP mailing list
21.3.99 Digital Images News
Stuart Walker: "I apologise for the fact that the SpaceStation3000 demo hasn't been released yet as we are still tweaking it to perfection. The intro animation is finished now and it's looking great with 2 minutes and 20 seconds of lightwave-rendered animation! As you can see, we are leaving no stone un-turned. We are hoping to release SS3000 in April."

DI News
Digital Images website
21.3.99 STRICQ 0.1290
New version of STRICQ 0.1290, ICQ clone based upon MUI interface, is now available. Updated version you can get here. UIN-creation works again. (STRICQ 0.1275 archive required)

AmigaICQ webpage
21.3.99 Tales From Heaven Demo
Final demo of 3D platform game called Tales From Heaven is now available. The game will be released by Epic Marketing.

Epic Marketing website
21.3.99 WarpSNES 3.5
WarpSNES 3.5, a SuperNes emulator for PowerAmiga running Warpos Kernel, is now available with AHI sound support.

WarpSNES website
21.3.99 akDatatypes
New versions of akPNG 44.28, akJFIF 44.28 and akTIFF 44.28 datatypes are available here.

PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX webpage
20.3.99 UGN Announces Amiga Radio News
The User Group Network (UGN) is pleased to announce the arrival of Amiga Radio News. Read more.

Fabian Jimenez
20.3.99 Latest Games Demos
Demo of the RPG game The Prophet from Alive Mediasof released. Read the statement from The Prophet's creators.
As promised a few weeks ago a demo of Pheonix Fighters from Alive Mediasoft has been released too.

Amiga Nutta Games Magazine
20.3.99 Official Amiga websites
Allan Havemose writes: "Under the leadership of Jim Collas, there is now ONE unified Amiga. While the American Amiga is named Amiga Inc, and our German subsidiary is named Amiga International, we are all Amiga. [..] With that in mind, we were attempting to unify our two different web sites. Since there were most content on the german language site, we decided to use www.amiga.de as the master for content. When we're done, www.amiga.com and www.amiga.de will be identical, other than one being in english and the other in german. Over time we'll likely have www.amiga.fr, www.amiga.dk etc. for all other countries."

ANN website
20.3.99 Jim Collas Amiga99 Speech Audio
Here you can download the audio of Jim Collas' speech from Amiga99. Better set aside some time, the format chosen by the UGN is ADPCM3 so there are 28 megabytes spread over seven files!

AWD website
20.3.99 Amiga'99 Video
Amazing Computing/Amiga Magazine has announced (only days after the actual event) the availability of two video tapes focusing on the comments made by new Amiga president Jim Collas. Check it out!

AWD website
20.3.98 Foundation Update - Again :-)
Next Foundation game update to v1.23c is out! You can find here. V1.23c is a small improvement over previous V1.23 revisions which gave further speed improvements as well as a few important advancements.

Foundation Support page
19.3.99 Ground breaking news from Phase5!
Phase5, long time amiga developer and supporter, announced today new accelerator boards for A3000/A4000 computers, based on PowerPC G3/G4 (Altivec) processors. Finally, Phase5 announced its commitment to Amiga Inc.'s and Haage & Partner's software solutions.The cards will feature PCI 2.1 interface for various add-ons. You can find more information here. Maybe Amiga Classic line is not all that dead one could think? :-)

Phase5 website
19.3.99 Visitor n. 333.333
Viggo Hinrichsen from Denmark is visitor number 333.333 of Haage & partner website. He get the latest ArtEffect package v3.0 for free. Congratulation!

Haage & partner website
19.3.99 VirtualNetworkingComputing with Amiga?
The VNC viewer makes it possible to e.g. remote-control Windows NT machines via Internet with Amigas. More about VNC can be found here.

Amiga News & Stories website
19.3.99 GhostScript & TP7
Ghostscript 5.10 for TurboPrint7 is now available for all CPUs (020, 020FPU, 030, 030FPU, 040, 040FPU, 060).

Irsee Soft website
19.3.98 Foundation Update 23b
Next Foundation game update to v1.23b is out! You can find here. Many players were concerned about the poor level of computer AI in the latest updates. This update should change things for the better.

Foundation Support page
18.3.99 Tornado3D News
Free Tornado3D V2.1b manual tutorials are available here. For offline browsing get this archive. Registered users will receive an additional archive along with the V2.1b update out soon. Coupled with the Tutorials archive this will create a complete V2.1 manual.

EyeLight website
18.3.99 AOL Instant Messenger Amiga Port
Gürer Özen has ported AOL Instant Messenger, America Online's ICQ-like chat system, to Amiga. The client is now available here.

Gürer Özen website
18.3.99 Aminet Moving Main Site to Germany
Because of continued file system troubles on the current main site, wuarchive.wustl.edu, main site is moving to Germany. wuarchive will be back as a mirror when the file system trouble is resolved. The main site will very probably remain in Germany. The most reliable site during this transition should be de.aminet.net with most other mirrors being fully operational immediately or within days.

Urban D. Mueller
AWD website
18.3.99 Pictures from Amiga'99
Look on amiga.com/de for the pictures from the Amiga'99 show in St. Louis

Amiga website
18.3.99 Interview with Petro Tyschtschenko
Read the interview with Petro Tyschtschenko from FunTimeWord. (deutsch)

Petra Struck's website
18.3.99 Amiga'99 winners
Winner of Amiga'99 show Graphic and Programming Contest is Steffen König from Germany. Read more.
Winner of Amiga'99 show Best Club Table Display Contest is The National Capitol Amiga Users Group. Read more.

AWD website
18.3.99 Auctions
Amiga Auctions now open for everyone (not only for The Portal users).

ClickBOOM website
18.3.99 Wolfenstein3D
68K Amiga port of Wolfenstein3D, ID Software`s first 3D shooter game, is now available here.

Wolfenstein3D Amiga port homepage
18.3.99 CGX-Report
Updated version of CGX-Report v4.1e is now available here.

vgr.com website
17.3.99 Only One Amiga Site?
It looks like amiga.com has become a full mirror of amiga.de.

17.3.99 Nova Design News
Nova Design have announced that they have arranged to be the exclusive distributors of the Wildfire3D effects package for North America.
PowerStation, volume 1 is a package of ImageFX (3.2 or higher only) modules designed to work with the PowerPC as a coprocessor. Read more.

Amiga.org website
Nova Design website
17.3.99 Wall Street Journal Interviews Dave Haynie
Read the text from an email interview with Dave Haynie which formed some of the basis of the WSJ Interactive article "Amiga Backers Wary of Comeback Plans".

AWD website
17.3.99 'Executive' - Commercial Vendors Wanted
IAT International currently holds distribution rights to the 'Executive' multitasking enhancement software under contract with the author Mr. Petri Nordlund. Any Organisation/Commercial Entity wishing to retail (or distribute) fully registered copies of the package should contact IAT Manufacturing Sales Department by email.

ICOA website
17.3.99 Tales from Heaven
Latest news about final demo of the soon-to-be released 3D platform game Tales from Heaven you can read on AmigaExtreme.

AmigaExtreme website
17.3.99 UGN Representatives meet with Amiga
On Saturday during the Amiga99 show, several representatives from User Groups around the world had an opportunity to talk face-to-face with Amiga's CEO and management staff. Read a bulleted list of their discussion.

Amiga.org website
17.3.99 Get TVPaint NOW!
Download TVPaint 3.59 for FREE! TVPaint requires an Amiga computer with a 68030 CPU, a math co-processor (fpu), 16MB RAM, a Cyber GFX compatible graphics card capable of displaying at least 256 colors and OS 3.0. For the best results, you should have a 68040 CPU, a 24-bit CyberGFX Zorro III graphics card and OS3.1. But first you must answer a few questons :-)

NewTek website
17.3.99 Warp3D update
3rd update for Warp3D2.0 is now available here. The files updates Warp3D for CyberGFX v4.1.

Haage & partner website
17.3.98 Foundation Update 23
Next Foundation game update to v1.23 is out! You can find here. Computer AI was improved to make the gameplay a lot more interesting.

Foundation Support page
16.3.99 Happy Birthday
On July 21st, 2000 it will be 15th anniversary of a machine that started a revolution - Amiga! Read more.

William J. Coldwell
www.amiga2000.org www
16.3.99 CGX News
CyberGraphX 4.1 update is now out. You will need your CGX CDROM to use as a base for patching upto 4.1. The update includes the new cgx3drave.lib along with support for the DraCoAltais gfx card and BVisionPPC.
CGX 4 Update notes: If you have not sent in your registration card for CGX V4 then you will not be able to get support.
Rave3D page updated.

vgr.com website
16.3.99 Video Toaster News
Cine.Man Toast CD, Project Studio Two - nearly 200 real-time fffects and transitions.
Erotic Effects - real-time erotic color overlays, wipes and transparency fffects.

Amiga.org website
16.3.99 Phase5 news
CyberStorm PPC/MK3 & BlizzardPPC flash updates and V46.4 68040 & V46.4 68060 libs are now available on phase5's ftp.

phase5 ftp
16.3.99 Nordic Global News
The website for the Daytona, JavaTM 2 runtime system for AmigaOS, is now up.
Mailing lists for Deaytona have already been set up.
Released preliminary instructions on how to configure MiamiDx for IP-NAT.

Nordic Global Inc. website
16.3.99 Starbirds - Free Shot'em Up Game
Starbirds is a shoot'em up game like classic R-Type, Apidya, Wings of Death for 1-2 players. Haage & partner hope that you will enjoy the game.

Haage & partner website
16.3.99 Latest Classes
Latest free ClassAct user archive is now available for download.

Finale Development, Inc. website
15.3.99 News from previous weeks of this month!

15.3.99 New Official AmigaOS3.5 Pages
New OS3.5 section opened at Amiga Int.'s homepage. Here you can find the latest news on AmigaOS 3.5 and many more! See the first screens of upcoming Amiga OS 3.5

AmigaInt. webpage
15.3.99 CUCUG's Amiga99 Show Report
Comprehensive show report with pictures and coverage of most of the vendors who attended the Amiga99 show in St. Louis on March 12, 13 and 14. page 1    page 2

AWD website
15.3.99 68060.lib v46.3
New version of 68060.lib (46.3) is now available on phase5's ftp.

Fusion mailing list
15.3.99 ZDNet on Amiga comeback
ZDNet brings you an article discussing planned comeback of Amiga, quoting last happening in Amiga land. You can read the article here.

ZDNet website
Petra Struck's Amiga News
15.3.99 AROS status update
New AROS status update is available here. It now seems AROS is being ported to several platforms, and is merging its code with UAE. It also seems AROS development team is asking for some kind of help, so if anyone is interested, go and read the status update.

Gary Peake
15.3.99 New WHDL
WHDL v9.2, AmigaOS friendly harddisk-install package, both usr and dev archives you can get here.

WHDL support page
15.3.99 Magic Menu 2.25
New version (2.25) of popular Magic Menu utility is available for download here.

MagicMenu website
Petra Struck's Amiga news
14.3.99 Latest Escena G3 card news
According to Escena's website, there have been changes made to the architecture of the G3 card, and it should be ready in about two weeks. Read more.

Escena website
14.3.99 Basilisk II
BasiliskII, a free, portable 68k Mac emulator for BeOS, Unix and AmigaOS is now available! Read more.

Christian Bauer's website
14.3.99 Amiga99 Logs
The log files from the Amiga99 show are available on UGN's website.

UGN website
14.3.99 MIU
MIU is a new interface for AmigaOS 1.3+. Check features and download.

Juha Pinola's website
14.3.99 New Amiga Music Company
A new Amiga company has been set up, Q-Lab. They have produced the soundtracks for the Amiga games FUBAR and Zombie Massacre (both of which will be released as studio-mastered albums soon) and their first release will be Sound Stream, an audio sample CD.

AmigaCentral website
14.3.99 AmigaAMP 2.5 public beta
AmigaAMP 2.5 public beta is now available for download. An updated version of the plugin development kit will follow shortly.

AmigaAMP website
13.3.99 AmigaOS3.5 IRC Log
Here you can read edited IRC log about OS3.5 from #Amiga99 channel.

Stefan "Syke" Falk, AmigaExtreme webmaster
13.3.99 Amiga president Jim Collas speaks at Amiga'99
Read Jim Collas Friday's speech from Amiga'99 show.

AWD website
13.3.99 Jim Collas and Jeff Schindler on IRC
Here, Jim Collas and Jeff Schindler did answer the questions of Amiga users.

AWD website
13.3.99 Just Few News
In summer, Nordic Global will release "Daytona" - Java VM for the Amiga. Read more!
According to Patrick Ohly, Angela is currently implementing Joliet support in MakeCD, but that it's not ready for release yet.

13.3.99 Jobs Offer
Looking for job? What about joining Amiga development team in San Jose? Read more.

AmigaInt. website
13.3.99 Official Tornado3D Mailing List
The Tornado3D Mailing List is a public, free, mailing list whose goal is to provide a place for Tornado3D users to meet, share experiences and tips, and overall become more productive discussing 3D computer graphics with Tornado3D. To sign up simply send an email to list-request@eyelight-it.com with SUBSCRIBE t3d-list in the BODY (not the subject) of the message.

Tornado3D website
13.3.99 AmigaAMP with ID3v2 support!
AmigaAMP 2.5 will be able to read and display ID3v2 tags (see www.id3.org for more info). Support for variable bitrate streams has been improved, too.

AmigaAMP website
13.3.99 YAM 2.0 Preview 7
Seventh preview of YAM 2.0 is now available. This pre-release fixes many bugs of the last version and contains a couple of new features and improvements.

YAM website
12.3.99 NewIcons 4.5
Latest version of NewIcons 4.5 is now available for download.

Phil Vedovatti, Team NewIcons
NewIcons website
12.3.99 TVPaint 3.59CGX for free
First news from Amiga99 show: NewTek are giving away Amiga version of TVPaint for free! TVPaint should be available for download next Wedensday.

TekTicker website
12.3.99 AROS News
AROS - The Amiga Research OS information updated. They are still looking for people who want to join the project! contact

AROS website
12.3.99 Warpgate
wARP9 exclusive interview with Sam Jordan (WarpOS, Warp3D developer) you can find on Warpgate, support page for WarpOS and Warp3D.

Warpgate website
12.3.99 Null Modem Simulator
Nullser.device V1.0 simulates pairs of serial ports interconnected by null-modem cables. It can be used for testing comm programs and network software, but the primary motivation was to allow linking network software on an emulated computer (e.g. Mac emulated by FUSION or ShapeShifter) to Amiga network software. Until Aminet is fixed, nullser10.lha is available here

Fred Wright, developer
Fusion mailing list
12.3.99 Civilization 3: Call To Power
Lokisoft is porting Civizilation 3: Call To Power to Linux including LinuxPPC!!! Read more about it here.

Loki Entertainment Software website Mano
12.3.99 E source code for free
Wouter van Oortmerssen has released the source code for his Amiga EC v3.3a to the Amiga community. It is an addon to the freeware release of the E compiler. Read more.

Don Cruickshank
Wouter van Oortmerssen's website
11.3.99 Ateo News
Ateo Concepts is designing a new version of the Pixel64 named Pixel64 ZIII. This new version of the Pixel64 will plug on a ZIII slot of the A3000 or A4000. There should be 3D expansion for the Pixel64. This expansion will be based on the Voodoo chip (version 2 or 3). The 3D expansion will be available for all the Pixel64 versions. The release date is not yet available.

Ateo Concepts website
11.3.99 Clarification from Siamese Systems
Read this note from Stephen Jones, owner of Siamese Systems, sended to Amiga.org to clarify his earlier statements on their position with the Amiga.

Amiga.org website
11.3.99 Newer version of MakeCD
New version of MakeCD 3.2b public beta 6, considered beeing one of the best CD writer software for the Amiga, is now available. More information on its features and availability can be found here.

MakeCD website
11.3.99 Linux News
First OpenBSD 2.5 betas are now available, including the Amiga version.
Latest Permedia2 (CybervisionPPC and BVisionPPC) framebuffer driver for LinuxPPC is available here.

11.3.99 NewTek Confirms Opening Flyer Source Code
NewTek has confirmed that in a few weeks the majority of the code for the Video Toaster Flyer will be made open source so that 3rd party developers can better tie in their products. Lightwave sources are not included of course :-)

Amiga.org website
11.3.99 Cable TV Show '99 in Calcutta, India
From February 23 - 25, 1999, the third big exhibition for cable TV in India took place in Calcutta, India. AMIGA International, Inc. attended the exhibition with an own booth, represented by our distributor Raja Electronics from Delhi. The show was a complete success for AMIGA. A lot of people from the cable TV industry came over from nearby Bangladesh to stock up with A1200's. Read more. (pictures included)

AmigaInt. website
10.3.99 Special Surprises from Nova Design, Inc.
Nova Design, Inc. will be exhibiting at the upcoming Amiga '99 Show on March 12th-13th in St. Louis. In addition to offering show specials, they will be hosting training classes on the current releases of ImageFX, Aladdin 4D and Wildfire and they'll have a few special surprises as well.

Kermit Woodall
Nova Design Inc. website
10.3.99 DI: Half Life? Sierra: NO!
Latest info from Digital Images: "I am very sorry to disappoint you all, but Sierra are not granting us a licence to port Half Life to the Amiga. We will however make sure that we can get a good Quake-style game ported to the Amiga." Stuart Walker, DI

AmigaExtreme website
10.3.99 Rocket science and Amiga
Read the article "The Secret in Hanger AE" by Bob Castro. It's about rocket science, NASA and Amiga. And it includes some nice pics too.

Amiga Atlanta, Inc. User Group website
10.3.99 GoldED Studio 5 update
Registered GoldED Studio 5 users can download the latest service pack here to upgrade from 5.0.x to 5.1.5. The major new feature is support for container-based plug-ins and controls which can be docked to editor windows.
REMEMBER: The offer to upgrade at a reduced price from a previous version to GoldED Studio 5 expires in March '99!

GoldED www
9.3.99 Paul Nolan's Photogenics 4.0
Paul Nolan is proud to announce Photogenics 4.0, a complete rewrite of the original Photogenics, and the culmination of over four years of development. Read the official annoucement!

Paul Nolan
9.3.99 Daytona from Nordic Global Inc.
Daytona is the next major Amiga application from Nordic Global Inc. For more information visit the Amiga '99 Gateway Computer Show in St Louis. After the show information on Daytona will also be released on Nordic Global Inc. website.

Nordic Global Inc. website
9.3.99 Blittersoft & EyeLight
Blittersoft are now authorised UK distributors for Tornado 3D and the forthcoming MAGE products from Eyelight.

Blittersoft Amiga website
9.3.99 Turboprint 7.03
Latest Turboprint update to version 7.03 you can find here. Fixed many bugs from previous versions.

IrseeSoft webpage
9.3.99 Mozzam - another Amiga Mozilla port
Not many details, just this small site, including talk of a MUI based X client so that Mozilla can be ported more directly from Unix sources.

AmiSITE webpage
9.3.99 SoundFX 3.80 available
New version of SoundFX 3.80 (short SFX), an editor for digitized audiodata (samples), is now available. More info and SFX you can get here.

SoundFX website
8.3.99 Photogenics 4.0
Paul Nolan announces winners of the "New name for Photogenics" Competition! Photogenics 4.0 will be released on Saturday at the St. Louis show! Read press release.

Paul Nolan
8.3.99 Live Web Cam and IRC Conferences at Amiga'99
The User Group Network (UGN) is proud to bring you its world famous Web Cam and IRC Coverage live from Amiga'99 in St. Louis. Read more.

Fabian Jimenez, UGN Public Relations
8.3.99 Two Important Seminars at Amiga'99
The User Group Network (UGN) is please to announce the offering of two course relevant to the needs of all user groups at the Amiga'99 show in St.Louis. Read more.
Seminar 1: User Groups: To incorporate or Not
Seminar 2: User Groups: Feedback and Answers for the Future

Fabian Jimenez, UGN Public Relations
8.3.99 First OS3.5 Demonstration
Thanks to Haage & Partner and their partner companies, a first demonstration of OS3.5 was shown on March 5, 1999 at AMIGA International, Inc.'s office in Langen, Germany. See few pictures.

AmigaInt. website
8.3.99 ArtEffect 3.0 available
ArtEffect 3.0 is shipping since last week. The new version of ArtEffect offer a lot of new functions an most parts have been reworked. The most conspicuous features are: heavily improved layers, indexed colors, improved color ranges, new filters and many optimizations. Read the feature list.

Haage&Partner website
8.3.99 Color Separator for ArtEffect
AE.ColorSeparator makes it possible for the first time to prepare pictures directly for the four color printing (CMYK). Read more.

Haage&Partner website
8.3.99 Be no. 333.333 !
Be 333.333. visitor of H&P website! The one that sends to H&P a proof in form of a screen dump, the time of his visit and a photo of himself first will get a software surprise.

Haage&Partner website
8.3.99 First real aMozilla screenshots?
See the three screenshots of of an internal aMozillaX alpha!
[1024x768 - 16M colours]     [640x480 - 64 colours]     [1024x768 - 16M colours]

AmiSITE webpage
8.3.99 STRICQ 0.1278
STRICQ, ICQ clone based upon MUI interface, has reached version 0.1278. Update is now available here. Enforcer hits from 1275 have been fixed.

Jonas Davidsson, AmigaICQ website
7.3.99 Fleecy back online
Fleecy Moss, former emloyee of Amiga Inc., and founder of KOSH project is back online, after almost two months of no presence on the net, due some technical problems. Welcome back, man! :-) You can read his latest opinion on situation in Amiga community here.

Czech Amiga News team
7.3.99 New AmigaExtreme Design
AmigaExtreme has a new design now. Check it out at www.amigaextreme.com.

Stefan "Syke" Falk
7.3.99 New FREE Win95 FS handler for Amiga
MSD95 is the name of the Windows95 file handler for Amiga, supporting FAT16/FAT32 and long file names. You can get it for free here.

DS homepage
7.3.99 Amiga future founded on Internet appliances
The Register brings you an interesting article about future of the Amiga, posted by Tony Smith.

TheRegister website
7.3.99 T-zer0 preordering
Every regular user of The Portal can preorder T-zer0 already and get official Quake Survival Guide for free and any other game ordered along with T-zer0 for 50% prize. Check T-zer0 pages for more info!

ThePortal website
7.3.99 Vapor Team Plans Online
All you news junkies out there can now keep track of the latest developments at Vapor by means of the Vapor Team Member plans.

Vaporware website
6.3.99 Invite Friends to The Portal
Every regular user of The Portal can invite up to 3 friends to have full access to The Portal for a week!

AmiWorld online
33.2.99 CGX V4.1 update delay
If you could not tell CGX V4.1 update has been pushed back a bit. Its new due date is between Feb 37th - Feb 45th :-)))

VGR.COM website
6.3.99 Reactions From The Amiga Comunity
Amiga Inc's recent announcement has invoked a mainly positive reaction from the Amiga Community although many appear to be waiting for more clarification. Read more.

Amiga Flame website
6.3.99 Soundprobe Update
Latest Soundprobe 2.11 update to version 2.12 you can get here. If you don't have SP 2.11, please contact HiSoft for an update. Get new ARexx handler SPARexx and fixed Studio16 format Studio16 DosIO too.

Soundprobe Support page
6.3.99 Looking for job?
There is a position vacant at BlueBlack Solution for a talented pixel artist to work on some small areas of Operation: Counterstrike. If you think you're good enough to work on a commercial game and can meet deadlines then email Daniel Allsopp with at least three examples of previous work.

Daniel Allsopp, BlueBlack Solution website
6.3.99 US Supplier for 'TowerHawk' System
The TowerHawk expansion chassie is design to convert the Amiga 1200 and Amiga 4000 desktop computers into a full tower configuration. The TowerHawk 1200ex is the world's first Amiga 1200 expansion system that fully supports Newtek's Video Toaster Flyer system. It was previously only available from RBM of Germany, but now DVS are assembling and distributing all their products in the US.

AmigaCentral Online magazine
5.3.99 Interview with Marc Albrecht, A.C.T.
Here you can read interview with Marc Albrecht, founder and head developer of German company A.C.T. (Albrecht Computer Technik).

AmiWorld online
5.3.99 Null Modem Simulator
Nullser.device V0.9beta simulates pairs of serial ports interconnected by null-modem cables. It can be used for testing comm programs and network software, but the primary motivation was to allow linking network software on an emulated computer (e.g. Mac emulated by FUSION or ShapeShifter) to Amiga network software.

Fred Wright, developer
Fusion mailing list
5.3.99 AGE working on an ANNEX video
Two users of AmigaGroupEifel are working on an ANNEX video! The final version will be Quicktime video of roughly 150 MByte, containing raytraced animations and parts of life performances.

Amiga News & Stories website
5.3.99 Latest info about the Camouflage project
Software development requires time and sadly quite some money. Developing new software, and improving up-to-date software requires that this software is purchased, too - this holds true especially for the Amiga. It is simply senseless to invest much time and money for a product that is seldomly purchased and available for download on some servers. Those who purchase Camouflage are investing in its further development. This is true for all other Amiga software products, too. Whoever is using pirate copies must be aware that he is (has been) killing new / further development.

Amiga News & Stories website
Camouflage website
5.3.99 Virtual Grand Prix Demo Update
Small update of the demo of Virtual Grand Prix F1 racing game has been released.

Amiga Nutta Games Magazine
5.3.99 Islona Secure Rights to Re-Release Superfrog
SuperFrog is the first of many Team17 games to be re-released on the Amiga by Islona. Read more.

Amiga Nutta Games Magazine
5.3.99 ProStationAudio demo
ProStationAudio is a software application that provides a desktop enviroment for editing, mixing and mastering digital audio. Click here to download the ProStationAudio demo.

AudioLabs website
5.3.99 Foundation Update
New Foundation strategy game update 1.22 is available here. This Update has speeded up the non-graphic based parts of the game. In lowres on an 040/40 the game will run almost twice as fast (smoother) as the previous version. Further speed-ups are planned over the next week and graphical optimizations will follow.

Foundation Support page
4.3.99 STRICQ 0.1275
New version of STRICQ 0.1275, ICQ clone based upon MUI interface, is now available. Update you can get here. Multiline message input and messageforwarding have been added. TWFmultiLED.mcc can now be used instead of Lamp.mcc.

Jonas Davidsson, AmigaICQ website
4.3.99 iBrowse News
ATO have updated the catalog files for iBrowse 1.2x. The latest catalog files can be downloaded here (Czech, Danish, Dutch, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish, Russian, Malyshev).
iBrowse 2 is still being worked on by Omnipresence and HiSOFT systems. The new version will have: JavaScript support, improved cache (faster and easier to use), improved parser (100% speed increase), Shockwave Flash support and much more.

ibrowse-announce mailing list
4.3.99 Commercial magazine finally about Amiga and REBOL?
After several requests of Czech Amiga News to one of Czech Chip magazine editors, our attempts in having REBOL and Amiga mentioned met with success. Comeback of Amiga and REBOL language were mentioned as other possible raising stars, together with Perl, PHP, MySQL and Gimp. Anyway, very interesting experience...

4.3.99 Progress on WinUAE 0.8.8
Work on WinUAE, very well known emulator of Amiga for Windows platform is progressing well, and following features are now being worked on: basic AGA and NTSC/PAL support, save and restore machine state, random crashes fixes, filesystem fixes and slightly faster code.

WinUAE homepage
4.3.99 GoldED Studio 5 update
Registered GoldED Studio 5 users can download the latest service pack here to upgrade from 5.0.x to 5.1.4.

GoldED webpage
3.3.99 Napalm 1.2
All regular Napalm players can get update to version 1.2 at The Portal. Read the upgrade info.

The Portal website
3.3.99 Amiga 99 - dinner reservations
For all those interested in attendance of The Gateway computer show - Amiga 99, we have an information about saturday's banquet. The tickets are limited! Hurry-up, as there are going to be some special guest speakers present on the banquet and some surprise is waiting for you too. You can order your tickets on following phone, if interested: 1-800-59-AMIGA (26442). And "ask the folks to sell you tickets to Amiga 99". You can read more about it here.

Amiga 99 website
3.3.99 StarGate v1.1 annoucement
Toysoft Development Inc. is pleased to announce the release of StarGate v1.1 e-mail client for the Amiga computers. Read more.

Danny Y. Wong
Toysoft Development Inc. website
3.3.99 Linux - new Amiga competitor?
OS News, the site for alternative operating systems, has mentioned latest happenings in the Amiga land, based on new announcement of "...new president and fast-track development plans". But not only that. There is a fresh info from Linux World conference there, speaking of Linus Torvalds predicting the world dominance and the need of Linux being present in desktops and small devices. Does AmigaInc. has a competitor? You can read the news here.

OS News website
3.3.99 Tips on WarpUP
Sometimes the usage of WarpUP comes with some problems. A special document provides you with some tips on how such problems can be solved.

Haage&Partner website
3.3.99 Turboprint7 Budget Edition
Looking for *cheap* Epson / Canon / HP printer drivers? Try new low-cost version of Turboprint7 - Turboprint7 Budget Edition.

IrseeSoft website
2.3.99 Open letter to the Amiga Community
Amiga International, Inc. and Amiga, Inc. will conquer as one team the computer world!
Read the Open letter to the Amiga Community from Petro Tyschtschenko!

AMIGA International, Inc. website
2.3.99 TUMULT expansion
TUMULT (The Unofficial MUi custom class LisT) pages has been expanded with two new sections. A News-section which will bring all news related to MUI custom classes and a Links-section which will provide links to all pages/archives relevant for MCC-authors/users.

TUMULT website
2.3.99 Latest Software News
Registered GoldED Studio 5 users can download the latest service pack here to upgrade from 5.0.x to 5.1.3.
SpecFX highcolor/truecolor visualization plugin for AmigaAMP mpeg audio player released!
HTMLview.mcc V12.4, MUI class that will load, parse and display HTML formatted text, by Allan Odgaard, author of upcoming IProbe browser, released.
Update from CygnusEd 4.2 to CygnusEd 4.20 released!
An update of AmTelnet 1.18beta released for registered users. Brings more speed and a fixes timedout.

2.3.99 Subscribe to the mailinglists
To subscribe to the unmoderated DKB Wildfire mailinglist, send an empty e-mail to the following address: DKBWildfireUsers-subscribe@onelist.com.
A mailing list for the online strategy game "FreeCiv" has been set up. To subscribe send a blank mail to freeciv-subscribe@onelist.com.

2.3.99 PalmBackup
If you own an Amiga and 3Com's Palm Pilot Personal, Palm Pilot Professional, Palm III organizer, IBM's WorkPad or derivatives, PalmBackup from W.F.M.H. is the right choice! Shareware version of PalmBackup 1.1 is available here.

PalmBackup website
AWD website
2.3.99 Half Life? 2nd chance
Latest news from DigitalImages: Space Station 3000 is now nearing completion and we hope to have a demo ready in a few days, so keep a look out for that! New screenshots have also been released which are available from our webpage.
We are now talking with Sierra again about this possibility of an Amiga version of HalfLife. Talks seem to be going better than they were last time. So we must hope (ExiE) :-)

AmigaExtreme website
2.3.99 Eyelight News
A limited time special offer: buy Tornado3D 2.1 with FREE upgrade to 3.0 and the new improved manual online from Eyelight and get an extra 10% discount! This offer expires March 20th, 1999. Tornado3D 3.0 is scheduled for release in May, 1999.
Eyelight expands its web-presence with two new domains Eyelight-it.com that will focus on Eyelight's products and services and Mage3D.com the home site for 'Mage.

Tornado3D website
1.3.99 T-zer0 "beta" site
All players with ClickBOOM's BOOMnumber can enter the portal and check new T-zer0 shoot-em-up "beta" site.

ClickBOOM portal website
1.3.99 GoldED Studio 5 update
Registered GoldED Studio 5 users can download the latest service pack here to upgrade from 5.0.x to 5.1.2.

GoldED webpage
1.3.99 FileMaster 3.1 for free
Development of FileMaster, well known multitasking directory utility, suited mainly for lower level Amigas, is now oficially stopped. Here you can donwload latest version FileMaster 3.1 Beta 4 and generic public keyfile.

Amiga.org website
1.3.99 New Suite101.com Article
The new Amiga article went up on Suite101.com today. Read the article "Open Source AmigaOS Poll" and vote for/against open sourcing AmigaOS 3.1.

Suite101.com website
1.3.99 FAST ATA2 -v3.7
New version of driver for FAST ATA 2 controller from Elbox is now available for download. Changed procedures for recognising same HDD larger than 9GB and added early detection of write-protected LS-120 disk.

Javosoft website
1.3.99 The Ripper 5
New issue number 5 of The Ripper diskmag is now available for download here.

Raising Hell Productions website
1.3.99 February News
News from February '99 can be found in Execute History section.